All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1941: Black Wheel King Snake

On top of this black tower, it seemed to be something that could dance. When Han Chen stood under this soul tower, he saw that this high tower seemed to be twisting its body.

But this feeling is fleeting, as if it doesn't exist at all.

Under such circumstances, Han Chen looked up and saw from the sign above the black tower that there was a feeling of two snakes devouring each other.

"What is this? Such a strange brand." Han Chen asked.

"That's the black snake." Huang Mengmeng, who hadn't spoken for a long time, said suddenly, but instead of the initial ease in his tone, he was a little more nervous. You must know that the black wheel emperor snake seems to have a certain connection with Xuanwu.

"Black wheel emperor snake?" Han Chen looked at the two snakes in a circle and swallowing each other's tails, always feeling that this was a very strange picture.

"What does this mean? Does it represent some kind of reincarnation?" Han Chen asked Chen Ying later, obviously giving Han Chen a very strange feeling here.

At this moment, the black soul tower suddenly twisted more violently, but nothing seemed to happen, and it wouldn't make the place seem to be changing.

"The emperor black snake is indeed a kind of reincarnation creature, you can understand it this way, because I am not a pure reincarnation creature. I have stepped from a beast to reincarnation, so I have acquired a relatively special existence, that is The characteristics of immortality. And reincarnation creatures specialize in taking care of reincarnation. Many of them are related to Huangquan. Huangquan is the birthplace of reincarnation creatures.” Huang Mengmeng groaned and finally said to Han Chen.

Said Han Chen stunned, Huang Mengmeng saw Han Chen look like this, so he continued to add, "They are the black snakes that bring bad luck. You go in here, and you will get bad luck."


Han Chen was completely stunned. He didn't expect this kind of reincarnation creature to be so evil.

And can it bring bad luck from reincarnation creatures?

Is such a illusory thing as doom, turned out to be controlled by a certain yellow spring creature?

Although Han Chen knew that the ancient battlefield was so weird, he didn't expect to have such a peculiar control.

"You can understand that they have some kind of authority, and the black-wheeled emperor snake came out of reincarnation and fished for you from the yellow spring. It is like your axe fell into the river, and the black-wheeled emperor snake is from Huang Quan brought you a decadent axe. That's it." Huang Mengmeng added.

"However, it is indeed very evil. It is one of the few things that have been circulated around the world about the black wheel king snake. Once you meet him, you will be very unlucky. For example, you fight and suddenly drop a very important thing. For example, you suddenly run out of your own magical medicine. In short, all kinds of strange and unlucky things will come back to your head." Huang Mengmeng said after hesitating.

Hearing what Huang Mengmeng said, it was indeed a headache. After all, if this guy took him to meet a black hole man, wouldn't it be a fool for himself?

"All in all, if the sign on the soul tower you encounter is the black wheel emperor snake, you are asking for more blessings, presumably this soul tower will make you suffer. But it is not impossible, you can get Be careful and complete than usual." Huang Mengmeng couldn't help but comfort a few when seeing Han Chen's depressed appearance.

Han Chen also knew that there would be no better way to solve this problem. Under such a bad luck situation, it was really not so easy to solve.

It's just that the reincarnation creature didn't do well in the yellow spring, how could it come here? This made Han Chen a little puzzled.

"Why the signs of reincarnation creatures appear here is also more difficult for me to guess. Reincarnation creatures are generally in Huangquan, it is impossible to leave Huangquan or leave the cycle of reincarnation?" Huang Mengmeng is also guessing. , Speak out of them.

However, the two of them guessed out of thin air here, and it was helpless.

"I'll go in." Han Chen finally nodded.

The Emperor of Heaven passed the cruel cycle of eternal reincarnation at the beginning, and finally achieved the achievements of the Emperor of Heaven.

"Is this the emperor's reincarnation different from our current situation?" Han Chen asked.

"In many cases, in most cases, the higher the difficulty, the higher the accomplishment of the famous mountain. It seems that he has set a ceiling for you. If this is the case, if you The greater the test encountered, the higher the natural ceiling, so that for the practitioner, the natural benefits are endless. For example, the Emperor of Heaven is a good example."

Huang Mengmeng explained to Han Chen, after all, Huang Mengmeng also experienced the final enfeoffment, and naturally understood the process.

Now that Han Chen has encountered that weird black-wheeled emperor snake, it must have its own special significance. Han Chen could only think so.

He glanced at the black-wheeled emperor snake logo on the top of his head again, and walked in that direction silently.

Having entered this gate, I felt that my outer protective cover had been dismantled, causing my body to tremble from the cold.

Han Chen immediately looked around vigilantly.

After he came in, there was no light in front of him, he just felt that there was a long passage in front of him.

"This passage has only one direction, and I should be able to reach the end if I keep walking." Han Chen said.

So I stretched out my spiritual power and wanted to explore the nearby places. I found that, as always, I couldn't support my spiritual power everywhere, and the direct spiritual power exploration was quickly restricted to a certain range.

In this way, no one can fully release their spiritual power in such a place.

Han Chen shook his head and sighed. After entering here, there was nothing, nothing to see.

There are no guards like in the past, and there is no strange and weird thing. It seems that there is really no one everywhere, there is only a long passage, and there is no light in the passage. Han Chen also perceives this road by feeling. It's very long.

"It seems that I can only go forward." Han Chen was silent for a while, and then said.

So relying on his instinct, he began to fly toward such a long passage. Since he could not fly, he could only use space for a short time to fly.

In this way, it also flew a lot of distance.

Then Han Chen immediately sensed something was wrong, and there were waves of weird auras in the long corridor.

But at this moment, Han Chen suddenly felt what kind of influence the passage in front seemed to be affected, and then in such a short period of time, it seemed to have become a kind of distortion.

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