All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1986: Big head sunflower seeds


The centaur twisted with your blood man.

Suddenly the centaur scolded and said, "You crazy man, you crazy man!"

Huang Mengmeng craned her neck to see what happened, but she didn't react as quickly as Han Chen. Han Chen immediately exclaimed, "No, something is going to happen!"

Han Chen didn't even think about it. He immediately turned into a tenth-turn pseudo-soul cultivation base, which turned into lightning and flashed directly, separating the centaur from the bloodman.

Han Chen watched the blood man in his hand begin to twist his whole body, as if a surging explosive force was about to fly out of his flesh, he was already ready to come out.

"Ah! It's a self-destruction, it's a self-destruction! Han Chen, what are you doing running over there!" Huang Mengmeng will finally figure out the blood man's plan after the final blow failed.

The other party is attacking with the goal of going to death with the other party.

But that big idiot Han Chen rushed over!

You know that is a demigod's self-destruction!

Although it is impossible to explode the entire continent, one-third of the continent is definitely not immune.

Han Chen is such a character in the core, I am afraid that he will not even be able to find the soul by then.

That's why Huang Mengmeng yelled so anxiously.

When I saw that Han Chen had really rescued the blood man, but the blood man was still in an unstable period, apparently he had already prepared to explode just now, it was impossible for the blood man to be able to stop it.

But at this moment, Han Chen reacted quickly, took out a white ammunition refined by Xingqing from his body, and quickly put it into the opponent's mouth.

That half of the man was already frightened and flew out quickly, but it was a demigod's self-destruction, not bragging, at the location of Gai Xin, it was definitely in the center of the explosion, and it was smashed to pieces.

Therefore, the Centaur had to run away quickly, and he didn't care about Han Chen's control and hunting orders for him.

However, he ran away for a while and saw that there was no explosion from Han Chen, and Han Chen did not chase him. Although he knew that it was dangerous to be caught, he still couldn't help but move. Brains.

It would be a fool not to run at this time! Thinking of this, the tauren who just ran away let go of his horsepower and continued to throw it forward!

"Want to run!"

Just again, there was a soft drink from a female doll behind her.

This sweet shout came over and immediately changed the situation here. The power here condenses and becomes even more mysterious.

Under such circumstances, the Centaur didn't need to look back to remember who it was. This person must be the little loli who always followed Han Chen's side.

That little Lolita also feels very vigorous to herself, so it is impossible for him to fight alone.

So Sa Yazi began to run wild.

But before he ran a few steps away, he felt a terrible power descending from the top of his head. This terrible power seemed to be able to swallow people's hearts and began to spray madly at this person's face!

A cloud of yellow light shone down. He had already lost his strength in the battle with the blood man. There was no chance to escape at this time, so he knelt down and begged for mercy as soon as he turned around.

But the ball of yellow light fell directly on the man's brain regardless of his concern.

Huang Mengmeng hurriedly waved his hands, summoning Mo Nian Tong, and Mo Nian Tong fell, quickly swallowing all of that person.

After the devouring was completed, Huang Mengmeng just gave a long whistle, and then quickly threw it towards Han Chen.

She naturally took the soul chain in the opponent's hand unceremoniously.

Back to Han Chen, I had already seen an ice blue snowball suddenly appeared in front of Han Chen.

It looks very beautiful.

But unfortunately, Huang Mengmeng, who knew Han Chen's past, knew that the Ange blood man was inside.

In the end, he must have blew himself up, but Han Chen fed that Luoshen Pill and kept his mind sober.

"Back? Did you kill it?" Han Chen asked. Although it was just a shot just now, it was a self-destruction. Han Chen was able to contain such a self-destruction attack, and naturally he received his own strength.

Under such circumstances, how could Han Chen not spend some effort?

After all, this deterrence is not going to be successful in a short while. Han Chen must also use his soul power to enter the opponent's soul dantian and re-evaluate the opponent's power.

However, it also discovered the special features of the other party's practice.

When he was dying just now, Han Chen had discovered that the aura fluctuations in the opponent's body were very broken. At first, he thought that the strength was constantly being stimulated. Later, he realized that it turned out to be a pseudo-god from the sixth turn. In the realm, Ke is turning towards the seventh turn of the pseudo-sacred realm.

"You really have you." Han Chenyou chuckled, patted his body and stood up, and continued, "Let’s go, there will be someone here to check it out soon. If we don’t go, it’s very likely. I won't be able to go later."

"Okay!" Although Huang Mengmeng also wanted to know what happened here after he left, they were still on the edge of Jiuyi Mountain at this time. I really don't know what good things are going to happen.

After all, according to the centaur who just died, their situation here is generally not very good, and there are usually patron saints in such places, which is to protect the cultivation safety of their core disciples.

In case of encountering an overly powerful Warcraft or other opponents, they will take action to protect them, so as not to let them die.

You know, it's not that simple for them to train a genius monk.

Under such circumstances, they naturally have to do a lot of complete strategies.

Han Chen and Huang Mengmeng wrapped the icy blue snowball and walked out into the distance.

Immediately after that, in this clearing of ruins, two men with the same pitch-black soul chain in their hands fell.

The two people did not touch the ground under their feet, and there was a layer of black clouds supporting them, allowing them to fly in space.

One of the two had a long nose, but the other had a huge head.

"Brain seeds, what did you perceive?" the old man with a long nose asked.

"Long nose, can you not call me big head melon seeds." said the person called the big head melon seeds.

"Well, you are not allowed to call me a long nose." Long nose is in stock.

"I think the situation here should not be underestimated. The violent battle fluctuations happened here just now. It seems that the core children are fighting with each other. The glass shards on the place and the shards of the soul are very good from Liu's point of view. It may be that the core disciple of our family has fallen. At least one person has participated in it."

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