All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1987: Hunter

At this time, the big head melon seeds said.

Listening to this person's analysis, his long nose lightly showed disdain and said, "Such a family boy, who doesn't go into battle so quickly, and died so soon, don't you wait for us to come to rescue?"

"How can you say that? They are also talents. It's just a pity that there is a fierce battle now. Hey, it's not right, there seems to be a fourth person here!" The big head Guazi added.

"Can you know the direction of the other party's escape?" Long Nose said, since if there is a third person involved, it is natural to find the third person.

"I guess the other party walked in this direction, why don't you smell it with your nose? Don't you claim that no one can hide from thousands of miles away?" the person with the big head said.

Hearing what the big head said, I naturally couldn't believe the humiliated long nose, and immediately stretched his nose, smelling it for a long time, but only circled from one place to another.

"Where do you always go around and do what?" The big head now saw the strangeness, and then said.

"I don't know, but I only feel that I will definitely be manipulated in this way, making me unable to calm down. I don't know how this happened. It seems that the smell of these people has suddenly disappeared here!" The nose said nervously.

"What, disappeared? Did you pass through the void? Didn't you mean that even if you pass through the void, can you ask about the other person's breath?" The big head said at this time.

At this time, the long nose was stunned, and in the end he didn't speak, but said bluntly under the circumstances.

They were dumbfounded right now. The reason why their family sent them out is because one can pinch and count, the head is so good, and the other nose can smell very far, which looks very peculiar.

But now, both of them are helpless.

"Forget it, we have to inform the family about this matter. There is a special situation here, and we can't do this casually in the future. We will definitely be finished if we continue to do this. Okay, let's report to the family. "After the big head melon groaned like this, he dragged his heavy head and began to collect the remaining spirit aura.

Then let Long Nose remember it well. If something happens in the future, you just need to let Long Nose smell it to know if the other party killed his own disciple.

"By the way, I thought of a good way. Since they are here to participate in this competition, as long as we go to the gate of Jiuyi Mountain and wait for them, we must be able to learn about each other's situation. The opportunity to correct that person."

The big head melon reminded again.

With such an audible reminder, the long nose also deeply remembered the three scents at the scene. Whenever they smell these scents, they can get the inheritance of that power.

Under this arrangement, those people must be hard to fly unless they don't want to enter Jiuyi Mountain.

At the same time that it reported to the family, all members of the family who participated in the competition for places here received a message to be careful of hunters.

"This hunter is magical... they have strong combat power, and their cultivation has been at least 5th rank pseudo-sacred realm!"

For a time, the people in this family didn't take care of it for a while. After all, most of them were already above the fifth stage of the pseudo-sacred realm. If they didn't have them, why would they come here to compete for a place in Jiuyi Mountain?

So everyone didn't care, until it came out that Ali was hungry among them. Many of the right people found that their arms had been cut apart and dropped directly into the ground, and disappeared immediately after being in the ground.

It was a kind of disappearance that they couldn't find anyway.

And along with the disappearance, the topazes on their bodies were also taken away.

For a while, everyone was angrily looking for the thief. At this moment, they finally remembered the situation of the hunters who had been reminded to be careful a few days ago. They were shocked. Most of them began to wake up. It turned out to be this way, and I didn't expect this person to be such a nasty existence.

Under such circumstances, everyone guessed gradually became cautious.

But no matter how cautious they were, the other party took their topaz, still so easily.

As a result, they all began to wonder if the elders who were supervising their actions started their efforts, in order to experience them...

Han Chen succeeded again this time. In this way, Han Chen had enough topaz in his hand, which met the minimum standard for entering the Jiuyi Mountain.

However, Han Chen knew that the entire area of ​​experience was wanted for Han Chen, so Han Chen didn't dare to spread his gray wings for a while to avoid being found.

The blood man woke up two days ago, broke through the snow wall and walked out, seeing the surroundings, he also began to admit his fate.

But what shocked Han Chen the most was that the power that burst out of the man had already gathered. The first time he didn't run away, he took out the bone from him and offered it with both hands.

At this time, Huang Mengmeng on the side was stunned. Although she was the incarnation of a beast and beast, it was the first time she saw someone so cruel to herself, so she pulled out her tail keel directly.

He also gave it to Han Chen with both hands.

However, this piece of bone is indeed the bone of an ancient god, and the golden light flowing on it, even if it is the power of faith, is quite large, this thing must still be of great help to the gods.

Han Chen guessed so.

Huang Mengmeng also knows the bones of this ancient god, but a priceless treasure is here, but I don't know why the other party actually gave it to Han Chen with both hands.

"Why do you suddenly want to dedicate this treasure?" Huang Mengmeng looked at Han Chen's appearance, obviously knew but didn't want to tell him, so Huang Mengmeng said.

Listening to this, Han Chen also thought the process was quite interesting.

In such a situation, Han Chen directly took care of it.

"Master Shangshen, I don’t have any other valuables on my body. All the other medicines were used up during this escape. The bones of this ancient **** have a lot to do with it, and it’s also a very powerful magic weapon. , I can give to God for free, only to ask God to give me some pills for restoring the foundation and intensive cultivation, and to take me into the Jiuyi Mountain!” At this time, the blood man who had been thinking about it for two days, At this moment, I finally thought about it, so he said loudly.

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