All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1991: Severed man

Facing the pointing and pointing of everyone, he opened his mouth and bit it, scared everyone back again and again.

In the face of such a fierce blood man, everyone dared to be angry and did not dare to speak. Although they were still whispering in private, they did not dare to compete with him on the stage.

Under such circumstances, it is even more incredible.

They originally wanted to teach this man, but in the face of this blood man's fierceness, they were actually fearful and afraid.

Then the blood man stepped onto the high platform.

Said loudly, "I am a member of the tenth group, the farmer family, how about it, I currently have eight topazes in my hand! But I don't guarantee that my topaz will increase later."

"Ah, this guy, is it human? What does he mean? Does he want to humiliate us?"

"Yes, since the other party has topaz, why not take it out all at once?",

"But our conference does not stipulate that all the topaz must be called out." The voice of the online discussion people gradually became smaller at this moment, because they have only survived here and the situation has begun to change.

It seemed that something was wrong at first, because here Ming Miang was discussing the topaz issue, but they immediately realized that the farmer's family actually had more than eight topaz at all.

As a result, their hearts were a bit retreated.

"This fellow Daoist is really humorous." At this time, the elder frog on the stage looked up, and the person on this topic provoked criticism from the surrounding population.

He has been a host for so many sessions, and this is the first time he has seen such a situation happen. Although he is ecstatic, his face is still impartial and fair.

After the introduction of this sentence, Daoist Frog continued, "Don’t get excited about this fellow Daoist. I haven’t told you how many topaz this other team has. You might as well continue to discuss it. You can just talk to everyone here. Feelings."

After Dao Frog said something here, he immediately came down to the table, and then he found it and asked directly to the children of the El family, "Are you going to fight topaz sooner?" Isn't there more?"

"No! This is the limit we can find. You don't know that these topazes are too scarce, even those very strange places are no longer available. We have found many places and they are gone. And..." Said the taller frog.

"And what?" Hearing this news, Dao Frog almost vomited blood, and when he was about to say something, he heard that his family child had to pause for love.

"Many of our people have had their palms severed, and there is no time to get treatment right now. They don't know where the palms are, they still can't find them." At this time, the person said slowly.

Taoist Frog is going to be angry at this moment.

But there is no other way, now there are only nine topaz in his hand.

Taoist Frog looked at the elders, their faces were extremely ugly at this time. Taoist Frog also understood in an instant, it seemed that he could only go up like this.

So stepped onto the high platform, motioned for everyone to be quiet, and then continued, "Now the situation has been determined, and now there is an eleventh team, they have nine topaz! And just now the Saturn family, they only provide Eight topazes, so this last place belongs to the eleventh team! Does it make any sense to everyone?"

"Yes, I have meaning! I don't only have eight topazes, I have ten topazes!" said the blood man Nongshen's family standing aside at this time, saying with a different face.

Hearing that this man has ten topazes, all the people present were dumbfounded.

The more they pulled, the more angry this person might feel. They finally got together nine topazes, how could they become such ten topazes again in a short time.

It's too much. Isn't this someone who is going to come over and slap her face?

What a shameless villain!

At this moment, everyone yelled at this man.

"You said you have ten topaz, you can take it out then!"

"Yeah, you take it out for me, don't say nothing!" The people present felt that they were humiliated again, and were suddenly very angry, so they continued.

Listening to the people talking like this, the sentiment is fierce. As the host, they naturally walked right in front of the blood man and said, "Now everyone wants you to show that you have ten topaz, you can show it."

The blood man heard the host's yin and yang weird voice, and did not feel strange, but said to him, "Don't rush. I'll show it now."

"Well, the previous eight have been given to you, I will now take out one more for you..."

At this time, the blood man was really busy. He took out his storage bracelet without worry, and put his soul power into it. The topaz that Han Chen gave to her came out very early. .

Ding Dong!

The Blood Man Mind opened the storage bracelet, then a topaz fell from it with a clatter, and fell to the doctor on the ground.

Then there was another dingdong.

This Su Rian was not as loud as the first one, but at this moment he felt extremely clean.

This is only when two or more topazes fall down at the same time, that kind of ding-dong sound will come to mind.

So this time, did Shou Heavy Industry drop two topazes?

At this moment, everyone looked at the little blood man on the high platform in shock, showing an incredible expression.

When seeing such a scene, the people below saw that a lot of topaz began to roll down from the storage bracelet, one by one, exuding yellow-orange-orange light, all at this time. It fell on the little palm of the blood man.

It sounds very pleasant to the ear, and it makes people involuntarily hate it.

In this way, no one would dare to continue to say that the other party's topaz was insufficient.

However, the thing that really made the clan elders desperate was that they didn't have topaz in their hands and the disciples underneath, but at this time this blood man from the farm **** family could still drop all kinds of topaz one after another!

one two Three……

With five ding-dong sounds, plus the eight topazes handed in before, at this moment, he actually had thirteen of them for marriage and childbirth!

For a while, everyone was dumbfounded!

Most of their team relied on such teammates to increase a lot of topaz, but this time, they have always been a lone ranger. At the beginning, the peasant family, who was stepped on the ground by the major races, stood out in this competition. It’s really true. People were shocked, and they all showed weird looks.

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