All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1992: Don't panic

And he also got so many topaz!

Several times, the people below still have more doubts, but this place can't look at the real thing and solve the matter very constructively.

Even the Taoist frog next to him saw Han Chen's unknown name, and as soon as he came out he saw the terrible house with sixteen topazes.

Under such circumstances, Taoist Frog was also very frustrated. For the first time, he felt that he was not suitable for hosting a meeting on it.

The people below immediately boiled with enthusiasm, and they didn't want to see this blood man at all.

And this person's team is only one person, and the other teams are all eight people, so that more people can be benefited.

But this situation makes people feel helpless. They have lost 7 places for no reason.

They are also jealous of these places, in this case, but they can't say it directly.

So they were in such a state of mind, so they became noisy.

"No, blow him down!"

"Whether we still have topaz, we have contributed to our own team. We must not let this blood man!"

"Yes, that is, this is what makes us fair."

Everyone was yelling again, and suddenly more things finally appeared, such as some extra topaz.

"I, I have topaz!" At this time, a man lying on the ground among all the crowd contributed a piece of topaz.

At this time, everyone looked at these forces, worked together, and even within this time, eight topazes came up!

But this is obviously the limit, they were invited to the stage by the host Frog Taoist.

"Everyone, you are really a team building. Our eleventh team finally won eight topazes this time, and 17 topazes came out at once! It's so good, so good!" Taoist Frog said excitedly.

The eleventh team has their frogs, so they are still very excited, at least not insulted, they are the yellow spring frogs who are in their early days!

So Taoist Frog is still very excited.

Now that I knew that there were these 17 topazes, the scene was excited again, and in this case, cheers were all around.

They laughed at the blood man.

"See if you don't see it, it's a lack of help, and you have gotten more help! You farm **** family has done too many evil things, so that no one can help you!"

"Do you want to continue? If you want to continue, you are fighting against us all over the world!"

At this moment, the people around were all excited, spouting the thoughts in their hearts.

From this we can also see how long those people have for the magical artifacts of the Nongshen family.

They looked at the only descendant of the farmer’s family, it was like seeing countless magic weapons running naked on the street, everyone can go up and rob, so the people who fell into trouble, have no scruples, come here to have money and pay. Make a strong contribution, verbally and penalize.

But in their eyes, the skinny existence is like a baby, but the blood man has not spoken.

Seeing such a raging crowd, the people from that place came out again and said, "I immediately arranged for the eleventh team to be sent to the Jiuyi Mountain!"

Hearing this announcement by Taoist Frog, everyone cheered again.


But at this moment, the blood man who had been taciturn before then reminded again.

In this way, everyone's eyes were involuntarily focused on this person. It seemed that he was not tall, but it was really vicious, and there was a small person's scheming, and he even said it at this time.

Under such circumstances, Taoist Frog was also obviously stunned, so he said, "What do you mean by slowing down? Do you want to break here?"

"Hey, you only have seventeen topazes like this, it doesn't seem to be a lot." The blood man said leisurely.

"What! Seventeen...It's really not many, but there are two topazes more than you. You have already fallen into the lower level. This time Jiuyi Mountain is open without your quota, and you are not eligible to **** it with us. "The Taoist Frog almost burst out.

This guy really doesn't have a backache while standing and talking. The topaz that is open this time is so rare, but this guy is still talking here, stubbornly entangled.

It's too much.

For a while, both on and off the stage, they were all stunned and condemned.

The blood man in the middle of this storm shook his head gently and said, "You only have seventeen, which is really too few. Look at me, I just took out, I Forget it, seventeen minus fifteen is only a difference of two, so I can just give you three topazes! Then I won?"

After the blood man finished speaking, he looked at the situation here with a pair of simple and ignorant eyes, showing a pair of expectant eyes.

All of a sudden, the audience was cold again, and everyone seemed to be stoned, and they watched the development of the story as a supporting role of the clown in amazement.

All of them, all the families worked together, and it took a lot of effort to collect seventeen topazes, but this guy.

In this short period of time, three more topazes came out, reaching eighteen topazes all at once, and once again took the lead.

And the other party also said that you can take out ten topaz at will...How can this be compared? If you continue to look for it, it will be a matter of not being able to find it. If you find it, it will be more troublesome. The other party will increase it again. Isn’t the number of topazes hitting the face again and again?

At this moment, the people below felt as uncomfortable as if they had eaten flies.

"You, this, is this unreasonable?" Taoist Frog also enlarged his mouth, revealing an indescribable feeling.

"Yes, it's just unreasonable, it's not in compliance with the rules! It should be revoked!" The crowd was making noise and condemning again.

Many of them walked up to attack the blood man.

The blood man saw so many cultivation bases than he did, and there were even many cultivators whose cultivation bases had reached the Conferred God Realm or above, and they were suddenly stressed. If they all attacked, wouldn't he be trampled to death by one person?

"Don't panic." At this moment, in the panic of the blood man, a voice of a person rang out in the spirit of the blood man, and the voice continued with a laugh, "they are so Being in a hurry must be the result of poor reasoning, you just have to hold on, you can go in. You are just like this..."

"Team Korea, is this really possible?" The Blood Man responded in his mind.

"Don't worry. If we do this, we have a plan. Don't be afraid." Han Chen is also hiding in it at this time, and naturally will not be exposed to the outside. Although Han Chen can hide in with his gray wings, he is afraid of it. What is the review process? It is the best way to get in through the **** locals.

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