All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1994: Farmer's House

But even a strange man with such a beautiful appearance, looking at the blood man, is condescending, not giving face at all, and looks arrogant.

"This is not the house of the God of Agriculture! The clown who came in with eight topaz! It was really lucky, and even eight topaz can come in. Thinking of the scene hundreds of years ago, it is really different. "A man next to him, with double horns on his head, bulging on his head, bald, no hair, and many scales on the top of his head.

It's like a fairy who has not succeeded in transforming people.

"What's the matter with eight topaz? I am qualified." The blood man replied faintly.

"Huh, jumping the beam clown, you must have gone through the back door! Tell me, which family helped you deal with it?" At this time, another Huangquan Frog from the same family as the Taoist Frog came out. This Huangquan Frog looked younger and younger. Said.

"Haha." The blood man laughed. He could finally enter here with so little topaz, but with the help of the Huangquan Frog Taoist, he finally had a chance to come here.

"Your kid is so arrogant, be careful that I will kill you after I go in. You will remember for me, I am a white-faced scholar!" At this time, the young master Yumian who spoke at the beginning said after turning around, a large white face appeared on his face. Several cracks were opened, revealing a hideous ghost face.

However, his usual white jade face was restored in an instant.

"Let everyone wait a long time." At this moment, amidst the crowd of people discussing. The frog Taoist host slowly walked towards this side, with five disciples from various families behind him, Shi Shiran walked over.

"Elder Qing!" At this moment, everyone came up to greet them one after another, telling a lot about the situation here.

"Yes, in the situation here, you still look very energetic and give people positive energy." The frog elder dealt with everyone's names one by one, and then looked at them and said.

"This time, the opening of Jiuyi Mountain is a one-hundred-thousand-year cycle of development. For you, it is a very good experience opportunity. Compared with the Jiuyi Mountain that opened in other years, Jiuyi Mountain will have The more treasures, the more dangerous. The reputation released is also quite terrifying."

The elder Frog looked around for a week, watching everyone looking at him attentively, showing a calm smile, and continued, "The legendary Jiuyi Mountain is the place where the Pangu **** sleeps, and the reputation inside is naturally extraordinary. Nowadays, even though the legend is very far away from us, there are already an endless stream of people who come here to look for Jiuyi Mountain every year. They are not looking for Jiuyi Mountain, but actually looking for the real Pangu treasure. So I am here to bless you, early Find Pangu’s treasures, so that you will have more treasures here."

Hearing what Taoist Frog said, everyone's hearts became hot again.

Although there are now widespread rumours that it is Pangu’s sleeping place, it seems that there has been no news in this regard for hundreds of thousands of years.

There are also many people who come here especially, and even wait for this opening day specially. From the space of human life to the cycle of reincarnation, they embarked on a path of no return, looking for the footprints of Pangu, but most of them eventually became nothing. Nowhere.

People can't help but start to doubt this Pangu Mountain.

But even with such rumors, no one can stop them from coming here to pan for gold and find Pangu's real secret treasure.

Naturally, they didn't care about the existence of these towers near the water first. They didn't say that these people put it in their eyes, but started to explore such a place little by little according to the map left by the ancestors.

From ancient times to the present, they have accumulated a lot of news about this piece of Jiuyi Mountain, which still seems quite scary.

Today, in the clouds and mists of Jiuyi Mountain, although they have heard a lot of news and have many legends, they don't know much about this place.

Among them, the legend about Pangu ancient **** made them yearn for even more.

The legendary Pangu God opened up heaven and earth, and condensed the universe from heaven and earth. Is the real emperor.

However, the big treasure that day disappeared in Pangu, but no one was passed on. Therefore, everyone was full of curiosity about the treasure of the Pangu **** and gradually became the treasure of the day.

And this treasure of the world, for these 100,000 years, there have been people who have been searching for the ancient relics of the past, but no one has been able to find the treasure of the Pangu **** in Europe.

In the current reincarnation, he naturally focused his gaze on the Jiuyi Mountain.

"Before you go to Jiuyi Mountain, you all have to solve a mystery." At this time, the Taoist Frog continued to explain, "Jiuyi Mountain is divided into front, middle, and top. They symbolize the gods under the seat, the posture of the gods, and the gods. If you can climb higher, then it represents your future achievements will be higher. Since ancient times, no one can ascend the posture of the emperor, ascending the posture of the emperor is a taboo, equivalent to Stepping on the Pangu God, just the power of Pangu God can kill you all."

"Is it so scary?!"

"What does this have to do with the riddle? I remember that the riddle is that there is no truth in the ten mountains, and there is a truth in the nine mountains!"

Everyone clamored with excitement when they heard such words.

They know that at different stages of the famous mountain, they can obtain different ancient gods' blessings, and correspondingly they will have higher cultivation bases and achievements, and will encounter more arduous exercises.

Under such circumstances, how can ordinary people resist it.

So when most people are on the front end, they choose to stop.

If you rise up the stage and you fail the test, then your whole life will be ruined.

That would be very miserable.

Therefore, in order to gain more advanced power, everyone present was looking at the highest peak posture with joy.

As long as they reach the top, they can finally get a higher ceiling.

"If I want to get this pinnacle posture, my attack power, it's impossible for the previous girls to dislike me!"

"Hmph, I want to get the posture of the pinnacle, guarantee that the big and small families will come with us at that time!" Everyone here again comforted each other.

"It's not that you don't know the difficulty of the riddle. Even if you solve the riddle, you just find your way. The one that really wants to shuttle through is known as the Devil's Three Forks. That's the real horrible place!"

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