All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 1995: Pinnacle posture

At this time, there is still a calm person who knows the situation here.

Hearing what he said, everyone felt dull again, which made people feel extremely ugly.

Han Chen also felt that this situation made people speechless, but at this time Han Chen was staying with the blood man, and he was not in a hurry to shut them up.

After all, a lot of information can be obtained from them.

For example, these routes, as well as these three paragraphs of talent.

It turns out that Jiuyi Mountain does not ask three questions like the legend.

This is probably the peculiar place where Jiuyi Mountain itself exists. It exists in Samsara, and these creatures living on the yellow springs that run through the entire Samsara have obviously explored more here.

Compared with Han Chen, his knowledge is relatively poor, but for these Huangquan creatures themselves, they are still quite familiar with Jiuyi Mountain here.

"Very well, since you have known the corresponding ones of Jiuyi Mountain, you have expressed three gestures, but in fact I haven't finished talking. According to our open experience in the past, each paragraph can become a god. Also. That is to say, under normal circumstances, each paragraph can become a god, and only one person. Do you understand?"

Taoist Frog said calmly.

But as soon as this sentence came out, the sound here suddenly seemed to be the buzzing of countless mosquitoes in my ears. At this moment, I was going to annoy people to death.

But in this way, the people of the ten teams just now turned against each other in an instant, and they all looked at each other very hostilely.

"Thousands of people have crossed the single-plank bridge. There are only two or three outstanding figures! And in the third stage of the peak posture, no one has ever entered, so according to this situation, I am afraid that Jiuyi Mountain itself can only let two people Conferred!"

At this time everyone began to circle the situation here, the situation here is too tense, there are close to 80 people here, but in the end, it is only two people who can enshrine the gods.

Compared to the fact that they succeeded in taking topaz and becoming the best among them, they did not expect that most of them would become weak in the following circumstances.

In an instant, the atmosphere here began to be very strange.

Because the evil in everyone's mind is about to burst out at this moment, yes, since there are only two people.

So as long as the first and second people are killed first, they will have a chance.

So their eyes were on the teams with more than one hundred topazes, and the teams that got more than one hundred topazes were all trembling at this moment, walking on thin ice.

But there are exceptions, the strongest team, they look like stones all over, with two extra large meat **** on their arms, which look more like stones.

They are the stone round clan, and the stone round clan doesn't seem to be very frightened, but shows an arrogant look.

That posture seemed to say, I must have reached the pinnacle posture, you are all ants!

Under such gazes, the rest of the people did not dare to look back at the stone round family. The aura from Boao on them was very powerful.

Most people in the cultivation base are hovering around the eighth-turn pseudo-god cultivation base, especially the one who took the lead will soon enter the nine-turn pseudo-god.

If they didn't have Han Chen's tenth turn of pseudo-god state here, they would definitely be able to say so.

It's a pity that Han Chen's tenth turn of the pseudo-deity realm, I'm afraid that everyone here will be frightened.

"Okay, I'll introduce you so much, and the next thing is up to you. And don't forget that your respective families still have tasks. You'd better prepare these things by yourself! Go now! Hear what your family has to say."

Taoist frogs seemed to know the traditions here, and they didn't rush them into the place as soon as they came out.

Instead, let them communicate with their family members at any time under such circumstances.

There are not many family members who have come here, and the aura on them is also very common, not beyond the realm of false gods. Because they all know that even in such a place, their cultivation base is suppressed below the Conferred God.

So those who have a higher level of cultivation do not come back here and enjoy the appearance of inferiority.

Sure enough, as soon as Master Frog said this, everyone present began to walk towards the local family of their respective families, listening to the elders' destiny.

On the contrary, there was no one from the stone round clan, but the super power displayed in them made other teams and other families dare not underestimate them.

The eight people of the stone round clan who looked like stone giants seemed boring to look around, so they raised their heads and looked at Han Chen's side, and they saw what Han Chen looked like now.

Seeing the expression of no sadness or joy on the blood man's face.

It seemed very upset, so they walked over step by step. The eight of them glanced at each other, and then immediately attacked the place where the blood man was.

The blood man was already highly vigilant, and he knew the evil intentions of these guys. And this guy seemed to care about the people of the stone round family.

When the people around saw the people of the stone round family, they couldn't wait to start, everyone took a step back tacitly, for fear of encountering some strange problems, they surprised them after the meal.

But in any case, under such circumstances, the people of the stone round clan clamored for them to attack here, brazenly.

The stone giant still burst out of a person who was too strong. The power on their body surged, and the stone bumps around their body began to roll, as if equipped with a powerful power device, directly smashing their flesh and iron fist, viciously Smashed towards the blood man.


The huge muffled noise hit the ground and fell on top of the blood man's head.

The time is too late, the blood man is changing rapidly, the power of the whole body is turned into lightness at this moment, the blood man is dissatisfied with the blood, so his whole body starts to jump quickly, remembering that he does not know where to take it. A bone came out.

However, this bone is not the bone of the ancient god. Although it is also very tough, even as strong as the bone of a beast, it does not appear particularly prominent in magic, and its power is not particularly large.

The whole body of this bone also exudes a pale yellow light, but when these lights touch the huge stone lump, it flashes like electric sparks and turns into thousands of lights.

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