All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 801: Declare war

Chapter 801 Declaration of War

"Did I let you go?"

When this voice sounded, the people who had been eager to move all stopped him.

They didn't expect that it should have been after the war was over that they attacked the Dianxing Temple, but now the situation is just the opposite. The Lord of Stars actually attacked the Lord of Yellow Sands first.

The Lord of Yellow Sand who was about to leave stiffened and turned his head with difficulty: "Lord of Stars, since the war is over, then of course I have no reason to stay here. If Lord of Stars still has things If you do, you can go to my territory to take a guest."

While speaking, he held the golden spear tightly with both hands, ready to fight at any time.

Although he is ready to fight, his heart is full of tension: How dare he attack this time? Does he still want to shoot together in front of everyone?

"Take a guest, no more."

The sky around Tianzhu Mountain suddenly dimmed, and a little bit of starlight appeared in the sky, but these starlights were now gathered in the hands of the Lord of Stars.

Seeing the movements of the Lord of the Stars, the Lord of Huangsha said with difficulty: "The Lord of the Stars, what are you doing to open up the star field? Are you going to do it in front of so many people?"

He is indeed the hero who caused a major turning point in the battlefield, but this does not mean that his strength is the strongest, because the masters of Tianzhu's original name have been targeted by the masters sent by the forces of the abyss, he can only It was an unexpected factor, and with the help of this accident, he expanded his own results.

The Lord of the Stars is a strong man who has become famous a long time ago. His strength is unfathomable. Even the Lord of Yellow Sand, when facing the Lord of the Stars, has the feeling of not being able to see through each other.

However, even if it is the Lord of Stars, he should not dare to act in front of so many people!

The brilliance of the stars gathered in the hands of the Lord of the Stars, condensed into a silver spear.

"Lord of the Yellow Sands, do you think everything will develop in the direction you expect? Do you think I will be your shield?"

The voice of the Star Lord became distant and profound, "Since the alliance between us is over, then some accounts can begin to be liquidated. You can use our point of the Star Palace, and do it now!"

After finishing speaking, the silver spear in the hand of the Lord of the Stars turned into a silver lightning, and flew away in the direction of the Lord of Yellow Sand.

"How dare he?"

A hazy earthy yellow brilliance emerged from the Lord of Yellow Sand, and then the whole body began to twist. The earth seemed to start to turn and want to stand upright, and the sky full of yellow sand began to wave between the heaven and the earth.

This is his realm, the realm of gravity and yellow sand.

However, his heart was full of shock.

This is different from what he expected! Shouldn't it be the situation where the Lord of the Stars is facing a world-wide enemy? How dare he attack himself at this time? How could he dare to act in front of so many legendary existences just like this?

He can't figure it out, he can't guess it!

The method of the Star Lord is simply messy, and he simply didn't take it in his eyes. Even he felt that the Star Lord didn't pay attention to all the legendary existences present.

The silver spear pierced the sky and pierced directly into the area of ​​the yellow sand.

Where the silver starlight spear passed, all the yellow sand gave way, and all the distorted gravitational space returned to normal, as if to make way for this starlight spear.

"This is impossible!"

The heart of the Lord of Huangsha was full of shock. He did not expect that his domain would be so vulnerable in front of the Lord of Stars that he could not even effectively block it.

He glanced at the legendary beings around him, only to find that they seemed to have forgotten any movement, just staring blankly at him in crisis.

"Damn, isn't the Lord of the Stars your enemy? Why do you just sit and watch him attack me? Are you shameless?"

The Lord of Huangsha roared in his heart, but he dared not shout out.

After all, the Lord of the Stars is nominally at the same level as him. If he had to ask the people around him for help in a single battle, his face would be lost.

However, for these legendary beings who watch on the wall, his heart is still full of sadness.

Yes, they were originally profit-seeking people. Since the common enemy has disappeared, there is no need for them to help each other. Even if the Lord of the Yellow Sands, who has accumulated a huge reputation in this battle, falls, they will That may not be a good thing.

"Shield of Yellow Sand!"

The golden spear in the hands of the Lord of the Yellow Sands disappeared, and replaced by a huge earth-yellow shield. This shield is 4 meters high and almost covers the body of the Lord of the Yellow Sands.

This is his famous equipment, the shield of yellow sand.

When he just started to build a foundation, all the good places were already occupied by the strong, and if he wanted to lay down his own territory, he had to take food from others.

At the beginning, he relied on the shield of yellow sand that could hardly be breached, and with his own power, he forcibly resisted the legendary existence of 7 well-matched professions, and bought precious strategic time for his teammates and army, and achieved the ultimate Victory also gained a reputation.

As long as the Shield of Yellow Sand is still there, he will be invincible no matter what kind of opponent he faces.

The silver starlight spear cut through the domain and easily passed through the shield of yellow sand, as if it was not blocked at all, and penetrated the body of the Lord of the yellow sand.

"How is it possible? What kind of skill is this? What realm is this? Can you go through so many layers of defense and directly hurt me?"

Feeling the passing of his own life, the Lord of the Yellow Sands now only has unbelievable left in his heart.

"No, it's wrong!"

He glanced at the shield of yellow sand in his hand and found that there was a gap in the shield of yellow sand. This discovery made him even more bloodless.

The move just now was not a special skill that ignores armor, but a pure attack, condensed to the ultimate attack.

Under this extremely powerful shot, the Shield of Yellow Sand, which he has fought for countless years, faced seven shields of Yellow Sand that could not be breached even with the attacks of a well-equipped Legendary Existence. Under the lightly shot of the Lord of the Stars, damage appeared.

"Since you want to declare war, you might as well be honest."

The voice of the Lord of the Stars didn't sound loud, but it cleverly appeared in everyone's ears, with an unquestionable tone, "No matter what form of harm to my point of the Star Palace, kill me!"

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