All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 802: Supreme Conference

Chapter 802 Supreme Conference

The earth, the city in the sky.

As a fortress that will never fall, the Sky City has now replaced the Great Wall in the old era and has become a spiritual symbol of China.

As long as the Sky City is still there, Huaxia people will have a spiritual sustenance in their hearts, knowing that there is such a strong line of defense that stands in front of all Huaxia people.

Today, a round table is placed on the highest point of the Sky City, surrounded by ten chairs.

"Ten chairs, did Alizee appear, or is there a new legend?"

When Han Chen saw these 10 chairs, surprise flashed in his eyes.

This was created under the suggestion of some people. It is an exclusive seat for Legendary Existence. When something important happens on Earth, then Legendary Existence will make a decision.

The round table has no distinction between superior and inferior, which means that every legend has an equal status and is the patron saint of the earth.

Every legendary existence is a very important combat power. Although the earth has born so many legendary existences in such a short period of time, it is already a miracle number in the past civilization, but the legendary existence is the number. It's not too much.

One by one, the brilliance of the teleportation array lit up, and a group of people came to the round table.

A person in charge of the military guarding here explained to Han Chen: "The breakthrough of Li Guangzheng's army has become a legend."

Han Chen nodded: "Unexpectedly, the Northern Army Commander also broke through. It seems to be a happy event."

Soon, 9 people were seated in 10 seats, and the one who was still absent was Li Long.

Everyone is not surprised at this. As the highest leader of the Huaxia military, he should not have been absent, but because of his special status, he is not suitable for public appearance. Anyway, this kind of meeting is also Huaxia’s talk, no matter he is in No, Huaxia has occupied the most important position.

Seeing a five-star red flag on the seat of Xinduchu, several legendary existences other than Huaxia flashed jealous looks. Even if the earth’s luck is concentrated in Huaxia, there is no need to show it. So obvious! But they didn't say anything, they just nodded.

They all hoped that a new legendary existence would be born in their own country, but since the earth now has a common enemy, it seems good for China to face it first.

Han Chen said, "Since everyone is here, let's prepare for a meeting! The theme of this meeting is very simple. The Abyss Invasion War is over, and it's time to fight next."

Because everyone is the most powerful person on the planet, they speak a lot more directly.

Han Chen himself also prefers this style of meeting. After all, people here are more lovely than those who are arguing with each other and shirk their responsibilities, and even those who are still doing small actions behind the scenes of the enemy.

James looked at Han Chen cautiously and said: "Since the hostile situation cannot be changed, then we have only two choices. The first is to fight to the end, and the second is to take delaying tactics as much as possible to preserve the vitality for our benefit. Buy time for growth."

Han Chen glanced at him and said, "Then which tactics do you personally prefer?"

James gritted his teeth and said: "The second kind! Our planet is growing very fast. As long as everyone is still alive, there is hope."

Although I wanted to pretend to be a tough guy, it was unwise to lie in front of Han Chen.

Even if he became a member of the legendary existence earlier, he didn't think he had any hard-hearted capital in front of Han Chen.

However, even to be honest, Han Chen shouldn't kill me for it! James thought.

He is also a legendary existence, even if he keeps fighting and retreating, he can also play a big role in the cover battle. His own value is the support he dares to tell the truth in front of Han Chen.

At this moment, Li Guangzheng, who had just become a legendary existence, stood up, put his military cap on the table, bowed to everyone, and said: "As the commander of the East China Army, no matter what I will definitely live and die with my own soldiers."

After speaking, he sat down again.

Ordinary people just need to save their strength, but he is the commander of the army, and he is also replacing the person who is in the position of commander. Even if he wants to retreat, he must block all enemies behind him.

James said: "For the courage of the legion commander, I express my admiration for 10 points, but if I want to win the final victory in this long war, I don't think that we can get the result we want just by courage."

Courage is a quality that must be possessed when fighting, but if courage can do everything that people want, then the instincts of the creatures at the top of the food chain will not have fear.

After hearing James' words, everyone's eyes turned to Han Chen.

They all know that, although nominally everyone has the same right to speak, in the end they have to rely on their strength to speak. Han Chen has the strongest strength among them. Before they can compete with Han Chen, all decisions are ultimately It depends on Han Chen's final decision.

It can be said that Han Chen's will is the will of the people on earth.

Even if you have resistance in your heart, he can impose his will on you.

Therefore, their opinions can only serve as a reference in the end.

Feeling the gaze that everyone was looking forward to, Han Chen cast his gaze on James, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly: "Actually, I am not against your idea."

Everyone felt relieved. Although listening to Han Chen's tone, there seemed to be a turning point, but since Han Chen was not the kind of unrelenting character, then they were relieved.

Han Chen continued: "If the final victory is the goal, then no matter what means is used, it is actually understandable, because this is originally a life and death war. If you win, then all means are Just right, if you lose, the earth’s civilization will be destroyed. Then what justice and evil, right and wrong, are we talking about?"

Dislike flashed in Li Guangzheng's eyes. Han Chen's statement did not conform to his beliefs, but he also understood that he still had no way to violate Han Chen's decision.

Then Han Chen stood up, and his voice suddenly became majestic: "However, the battle has not yet begun, and the full-scale war has not yet started. Who says we will definitely lose!"

"But..." James wanted to say, isn't this obvious?

However, Han Chen had no plans to let him go on at this moment.

"We are all pioneers of the earth, and now it is after a long peace. The first large-scale war is also the closest to life and death. If we retreat, how will our descendants treat us? They learned in the history books that our first go is a group of cowards, or wise men who endure humiliation in order to preserve survival activities?"

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