All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 816: Ice monitor lizard

Chapter 816 Ice and Snow Giant Lizard

Summoners are a very special profession. Among the most established races of God's Domain, the proportion of summoners is less than 1%. Only those races with the talent for summoning will be equipped in large numbers.

The reason is that the profession of Summoner is too expensive.

It is not too difficult for most people to obtain summoned beasts. It is just an accumulation of time. Even if you are pursuing high-level summoned beasts, you can slowly look for opportunities.

But the place where the summoner profession burns money is not in obtaining, but in training and resurrection.

There are two ways to increase the level of summoned beasts. The first is to distribute the aura they obtain from monsters to the summoned beasts. The second is to feed the materials on the monsters, especially those materials with suitable attributes, directly to the summoned beasts.

The former approach will slow down their upgrade speed, the latter approach requires a lot of money.

As for the death and resurrection of the summoned beast, it is even more troublesome.

Even in the novice zone with rich resources of wild monsters, the cost of resurrecting a summoned beast is often a day’s income. In a dangerous outside world, the probability of death of the summoned beast will greatly increase, but their income has decreased. , It takes an average of ten days to harvest the wealth needed to resurrect a summoned beast.

In other words, even if you keep killing monsters to drop amethyst coins, as long as you die a summoned beast corresponding to your strength within ten days, you will be busy in these ten days.

Therefore, after merging into God's Domain, many people would rather spend a certain price to change their profession, or change their own path, rather than continue to be a summoner.

However, the earth is rich.

Among the resource-rich novice training bases, wealth is almost endless, and what is lacking is only the means to discover and use wealth.

Unfortunately, the earth has such means and capabilities.

Seeing the emergence of a large number of Treant Legions, an epic-level existence said to the Ice King: "I think China’s current practice may not be ignorant of how precious these wealth is and how wasteful their actions are. I would rather consume this wealth for nothing than make us cheap."

His guess is very reasonable, because if it were them, they would do the same.

If the war fails, they would rather destroy everything that can be destroyed than let these wealth become the strength of the enemy.

If there is no such awareness, the enemy will become stronger and stronger, but they will become weaker and weaker.

Ice King said: "How much can be plundered, let alone..."

There was a strong killing intent in his eyes: "Slaves are also a kind of wealth! After the earth’s main army is destroyed, as long as they are given some hope, they will continue to bring benefits to us, of course, as slaves. form."

The Saint of the Ice Race opened his eyes, flashed his doubts, and then closed his eyes again.

He is strange, isn't it the best time to assassinate him? Or does Han Chen have expected that their preparations are adequate enough to give up this assassination?

However, this does not affect their strategic deployment.

As long as the ice clan's army can destroy the earth's main army, no matter how powerful Han Chen's strength is, it will not be able to turn the sky.

Even with the existence of the Lord of the Stars, without the legion of the Star Palace, it would not be able to deter the forces of God's Domain.

Even if it is piled up with human lives, it can help the legendary existence to pile up.

The role of the strong on the battlefield is not how many enemies they can kill, but what kind of enemies they kill and how much influence they have on the battlefield.

If Han Chen doesn't show up, he will be happy too.

Anyway, the Ice Race has enough heritage.

Seeing the sage opened his eyes and closed them again, the ice emperor's heart sank, and then ordered: "Use the war behemoth!"

At this moment, a huge beast roar appeared. The huge white lizard with a height of 10 meters and a length of more than 20 meters rushed towards China's military camp.

After seeing this huge white lizard, the faces of Chinese soldiers changed drastically.

Their Gods Domain watch has sent them the most timely feedback. This white lizard is an epic existence with a level of 65, and this behemoth is an important support for siege.

Before it was over, another white lizard appeared and appeared towards Huaxia's barracks.

Then, the second one, the third one...

The appearance of giant beasts one after another made those ice races who were dragged by a large number of ice and snow labyrinths and treant army smiles.

Although their rich combat experience gave them the courage to cope with such a situation, even in a very disadvantaged environment, they did not have too many casualties, but this kind of battle filled their hearts with stubbornness, like some ants. Things can even hold them back.

However, the people above obviously can't help it. Since you want to fight a war of attrition, let these behemoths play with you!

We can also afford to fight a war of attrition!

"Haha, you can actually be able to use the behemoths of war, you are a bit capable."

"[Ice and Snow Monitor], let these ants see how good you are!"

With the emergence of a large number of giant lizards, the morale of the ice race skyrocketed.

The huge ice and snow city walls that divided the ice clan's legion into piece after piece, under the giant claws of these ice and snow monitor lizards, could not support even one face, and were directly destroyed.


"Return to the inner city!"

"[Earth Suit Legion], stop!"

Under the attack of more than 80 giant behemoths, a large number of ice city walls were directly destroyed, and a large number of defensive treants were smashed. Under a charge, those defensive methods that effectively blocked the ice race, It was directly destroyed by these behemoths.

The Ice Clan was not in a hurry either, but followed behind the giant beast, and from time to time blocked some Chinese legions that wanted to take the opportunity to attack the vitality of the giant beast, and beheaded some elite assassins.

In less than 10 minutes, the entire Huaxia camp was directly occupied by one-third, and the area occupied by the Huaxia Legion became smaller and smaller.

However, there are no enemies in the north direction.

The Ice King looked at Huaxia's legion with expectant eyes: "Run away! We have left a way for you, run away quickly! Hahaha..."

The gap in the north is of course not their negligence, but because they have arranged more powerful traps and more deadly traps in that direction. As long as China’s legion breaks through in that direction, then don’t pick it up and give the back to the chaser. Also face the despair of the trap ahead.

However, just as the Ice Clan followed behind these giant beasts, constantly compressing the living space of the Chinese Legion, a loud roar suddenly came from the middle of the camp.

A long roar!

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