All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 817: Dragon Blood

Chapter 817 Dragon Bloodline

Under this dragon chant, the bodies of the war beasts who were constantly destroying the ice city wall trembled, and then began to tremble.

They are epic-level existences, and even among the epic-level existences, they are the roughest kind, standing at the top of the food chain.

However, in terms of bloodlines, how can they be compared with dragons?

Although this dragon roar is not pure, it means that there is no real dragon clan, but even the dragon descendants can cause bloodline oppression on them.

Along with this dragon roar, a huge earth dragon appeared from a summoning formation, and then rushed towards the ice and snow monitor lizard.

The ice and snow monitor lizard that was locked as the target of the attack shivered, and the fear from the biological instinct almost made it lose the ability to resist.

"Don't be afraid, there is only one!"

An epic ice clan roared, and then a spell fell on the ice and snow monitor lizard, causing the ice and snow monitor lizard's eyes to be filled with red.

Then, one after another ice clan released spells on the ice monitor lizard.

The ice and snow monitor lizards whose eyes were filled with crazy red suddenly became irritable, madly charged towards the earth dragon, and even accidentally trampled to death several ice races in their way.

This is the skill [Frenzy] released by beast pets.

This skill can increase the power attribute of the beast by 50% and the speed attribute by 30%, but the price is to reduce the beast’s vitality and deprive it of all sanity. Even the master’s command may not be completely obeyed, only one can be specified. Rough target of attack.

It is actually difficult for war behemoths like the ice giant lizard to accept this type of skill. Not to mention a 50% increase in power, even a 5% increase in power is almost unattainable.

However, [Frenzy] has a special effect, which is to make beasts lose their minds and become unafraid of death and creatures standing at the top of the food chain.

This is their purpose.

The dragon bloodline of the earth dragon was originally impure. Although the threat to the war behemoth was great, it was still limited after all. Under the influence of frenzy, these ice and snow monitor lizards lost their fear of the earth dragon and began to face far away. The earth dragon, which is stronger than them, launched a charge.

Looking at the behemoths about to fight together, the Ice Clan was proud of it.

"Small bugs."

"After all, it is a new civilization."

"It's pretty good to be able to do this."

"However, this civilization really has a lot of cards!"

"After all, there is only one earth dragon..."

The appearance of an earth dragon made them feel overjoyed, but it was not yet able to reverse the situation. They did not deliberately target it, but even in ordinary war preparations, they were prepared for such a method.

Huaxia was able to obtain an earth dragon, which really surprised them, but an earth dragon in a mere mere way could not make waves in front of them.


At this moment, there was another loud dragon roar, and then another summoning circle appeared, and a giant red monster appeared on the path of a monitor lizard charging.

It opened its mouth in the blood basin, protruding a torrent of magma, causing the ice and snow monitor lizard to let out a miserable scream. Before it could react, it suddenly bit its throat by this huge monster.

The sudden change shocked the Ice Race.

Where did this red monster come from, and how could it possess such terrifying power?

"It's [Lava Python]. No, it seems to be a special species. This is more like a combination of [Lava Python] and [Lava Giant Beast]. It should be a lava giant beast grafted with dragon blood. It seems that China It’s really not weak! It’s just, why doesn’t our intelligence have this?"

The Ice Emperor looked at the giant monster that was vomiting magma, feeling a little uneasy.

Under the sneak attack, this monster snapped the throat of the ice and snow giant creek. Although it was not strong enough to turn the tide of the battle, it was beyond his expectations.

An epic ice race said: "The earth’s heritage is far more abundant than we thought. It seems that the two major forces, Dianxing Palace and Angel Race, are determined to cultivate the earth. The lineage inheritance qualification was given to a pet, which shows that they have more dragonborn lineage."

In his opinion, the earth itself should not be qualified to possess such treasures. They can only do this with the help of Dianxing Palace and the Angel Race.

Ice King said: "I really want to know, what chance does the earth have."

Before his words fell, one after another dragon chants sounded on the battlefield, one after another, the summoning circle appeared in the barracks, and one after another giant monsters walked out of the circle.

Seeing these behemoths suddenly appeared, the Ice Race felt a chill in his heart.

When these giant beasts appeared, they all uttered dragon chants, which meant that these giant beasts were all monsters with dragon blood.

How can the earth have such a heritage? How could the earth have such luck? How could the earth hide so many things until now.

Looking at the monsters that uttered dragons, the ice emperor felt a little trembling: "No, get out!"

If a giant beast with dragon blood can only make China dying for a while, then the appearance of so many giant beasts with dragon blood is enough to tilt the balance of victory and defeat in a war in their direction.

When a giant beast of dragon blood also appeared behind the giant beast, he suddenly understood one thing. Just now, Huaxia’s war and retreat were not really retreating. Their panic was just a disguise, the real The purpose is to wait for this moment, waiting for this opportunity to ruin all their legions.

"Don't withdraw, keep fighting!"

When he was about to give an order to retreat, the Saint of the Ice Race suddenly opened his eyes again, "It seems that I was thinking about something wrong."

The Ice Emperor was a little anxious: "If we don't retreat, under the siege of these dragon-blood monsters, we will definitely be wiped out."

Epic monsters, and monsters with dragon bloodlines, when did they become so worthless, and more importantly, even with these monsters with dragon bloodlines, what did the earth use to cultivate?

He simply couldn't figure it out, nor did he understand how the earth did it.

He only knew one thing, and that was the end of the Ice Clan's legion.

If you retreat now, you can still recover some losses. If you don't retreat, under the siege of so many dragon bloodlines, the annihilation of the entire army is an inevitable result.

The Saint of the Ice Race shook his head and said: "In a war, if you want to deceive a cunning opponent by concealing the sky, the best way is to cheat your own people together. We will win this battle. "

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