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Chapter 818: This farce should end

Chapter 818 This farce should end

Hearing the words of the saint, the ice emperor's heart was full of surprises.

The ice clan's strength is true, but the ice clan's strength does not mean that they can send troops to reality without restriction, so even he himself thinks that the ice clan's preparations are so much in front of him.

However, the words of the saint will not be false, and there is no need to deceive him.

Even the legendary saints have said so, it proves that they are really prepared.

However, the Ice Emperor still had some doubts: "How did the saint anticipate this scene?"

The Saint of the Ice Race explained: "There is a sudden emergence of Wenrenjuan in Dianxing Temple. His subordinates control the powerful Dragonborn Legion. Obviously they have obtained the opportunity related to the dragon. We have sent people to lobby many times. It was unsuccessful, but in the process of lobbying, we discovered that he had actually taken refuge in the earth before the earth was integrated into the realm of God."

The ice emperor was surprised: "How can this be possible if he takes refuge in the earth?"

Wen Renjuan also knew that the Dragonborn Legion under him had played a powerful role in the battlefield of the abyss invasion and had a great reputation.

If he has a very close relationship with the earth, he believes it, and if the earth regards Wenrenjuan as its backing, he also believes it. After all, Wenrenjuan is also a member of the Dianxing Palace, and it is also a little closer between the two parties. normal.

However, it was impossible for him to think that a character like Wen Renjuan actually took refuge in the earth.

He still took refuge before the earth merged into the realm of the gods, did he not want the face of legendary existence?

If this matter spreads out, Wenrenjuan will inevitably become the laughingstock of legendary existence.

The Saint of the Ice Race stood up and said: "We have ignited wars everywhere in China at the same time. It is already the limit for them to make such an arrangement in one place. Since all their methods have been used, it should be. It's time for us to end this farce."

With that, his body floated into the air.

Seeing the saint floating in the air, the morale of the Ice Race who was being ravaged by the dragonborn behemoths was greatly boosted.

"It's the saint."

"The saint has taken action!"

"Fight back, fight back!"

The appearance of a large number of monsters with dragon bloodlines caught the Ice Race by surprise, and China's suit army also took the opportunity to counterattack, causing them to cause huge casualties. Even the ice and snow monitor lizards also damaged a dozen.

The cost of the resurrection of the behemoths of war is much higher than that of ordinary pets, even reaching the point of hundreds of times. Such losses almost make them hurt.

They originally thought that after suffering such a loss, they should have recovered their losses by retreating, but what they didn't expect was that the Holy One actually made a move.

They didn't know why the saint gave up guarding against Han Chen's appearance, and instead shot directly, but since the saint did so, then he must be sure enough.

"Ice cage!"

With a wave of the ice clan’s saint’s hand, a huge ice and snow cage appeared out of thin air, shutting a giant lava beast with dragon blood directly into the cage, and then chain after chain appeared out of thin air, bringing this giant The beast was firmly locked on the ground.


The lava behemoth let out an unwilling roar, the ordinary ice and snow cage could not form an effective barrier for it, but this was a legendary existence, so it had no room for struggle.

The dragon bloodline can play a very important role below the legendary level, and even at the legendary level, it can also produce a certain innate advantage.

However, even the dragon bloodline can't make up the huge gap between epic-level existence and legendary-level existence.

Obviously they are ordinary ice and snow cages, but if the legendary existence is shot, it is only powerless.

Then, an ice and snow giant lizard rushed to the side of the giant lava beast, opened its mouth wide, and bit at the throat of the giant lava beast who had no resistance.

Then, ice and snow cages appeared one after another, and these powerful dragonborn behemoths were imprisoned one by one. In front of the legendary level, even the terrible behemoths that can determine the outcome of the war are better than nothing at this moment. Helped pets are not much stronger.

Looking at the terrifying power of the Saints of the Ice Race in the sky, China's military felt weak.

"Is this the true power of legendary existence?"

"Only legends can contend with legends. This is actually true."

"How can such power be contended?"

"Looking at how easy it is for Han Chen to kill the existence of the Legendary rank, I thought that the existence of the Legendary rank was far from our own in terms of attributes and skills, but..."

"Han Chen, can you show up?"

As soon as the legendary existence shot, the situation on the entire battlefield was immediately reversed.

Even the dragonborn giant beasts that can easily kill the ice and snow lizards can only helplessly lower their noble heads in front of the legendary existence, turning them into lambs to be slaughtered.

Only legends can contend with legends. This sentence is not just a talk, but the experience accumulated in the countless years of war in God's Domain.

Legend level, everyone is a living legend.

At this time, even the Chinese Legion, which has the courage to fear life and death, now feels powerless. Even if they are not afraid of death, how much impact can death have on such a situation?

At this time, a commander shouted: "Even if the existence of the legendary level is really invincible, but such existences have not died on our earth one by one. Before this war officially began, there were already nine A legendary stay here forever, but this is not the end, this is just the beginning."

"In the future, we will face more enemies and stronger enemies. None of us can guarantee that we can save our lives in front of such enemies."

"However, we must firmly believe in one thing. For those who wreak havoc in our Chinese territory, death must be their only destination."

His words immediately ignited the fighting faith in the hearts of countless people.

Yes indeed! Even if it is a legendary existence, are there still few legendary existences that have died on earth?

Although the fall of these legendary existences was related to Han Chen, they deliberately ignored this fact. They only knew one thing, that is, these legendary existences died in the hands of people on earth.

Han Chen's oath echoed in their hearts and gathered into a firm belief.

"Whoever commits my Huaxia prestige will be punishable even if it is far away!"

No matter what kind of existence, as long as they dare to offend China's dignity and do unforgivable things to their people on this land, they will never forgive them.

Even if it is a legendary existence, even if it is a peerless powerhouse like a god, as long as they become the enemy of China, death is their only destination.

Even if the gods are aloof, they have to pull them off the altar.

Countless Chinese warriors looked at the feathered saints in the sky, and their silent aura condensed on them.

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