All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 839: The assembly of the strongest team

Chapter 839 The Assembly of the Strongest Team

"Han Chen, do you have any idea?"

Sky City, Li Long asked Han Chen, "Dianxing Temple is our ally after all. Now that Dianxing Temple has suffered a huge loss, we can’t just ignore it. If you don’t have a particularly good solution, then I’ll just If you can shoot directly, even if you expose some strength, you can't care about so much."

There is gratitude for gratitude, revenge for revenge, this is his most simple belief.

Although the earth has a certain degree of defense against the Lord of the Stars, people have helped the earth so much after all and provided the earth with three years of development time, so now that the Star Temple is suffering, he can't sit back and watch.

Even if he reveals his identity as a dragon pulse manger, he will take action.

Han Chen said: "Don't worry, there will be no need to conceal your identity soon, but before that, we still have to understand the nature of God's Domain War."

Wu Yuan said: "The essence of God's Domain War is not to grab territory, resources and people? Is there anything else?"

What she said is very concise, but there is some truth to it.

Li Long said: "This is true. Now these forces dare not confront the Lord of the Stars head-on, so they can only choose this roundabout way to continuously compress the site of the Dianxing Palace, as long as the Dianxing Palace is killed. People cannot go to the wild area to recover, damaged equipment cannot be repaired, and the accumulation of Point Star Palace will soon be exhausted. At that time, even if the Lord of the Stars has the power to reach the sky, he will be unable to return to the sky."

The human sea tactic has always been a very useful tactic. Even if it is the Lord of the Stars, he will directly behead the two top existences in front of countless armies, but if there is not the army of the Star Palace around him, desperate flight will be his only The end.

Therefore, the current practice of the major forces is actually very simple, that is, bloodletting.

Occupy the wild area, then the dead players will not be able to recover through the monsters, and the repair of equipment will also be a very serious problem. Without money, how to produce and repair equipment?

Although the Lord of the Stars is strong, they are not unreasonable when they are prepared.

It doesn't matter even if you can't fight against it, the Lord of the Stars is only one person, but the scope of the Point Star Palace is too large, and he can't protect every inch of territory at all.

If it happens that all battlefields in various places collapse, even where the Lord of the Stars appears, they will be victorious in all battles, and they will eventually be unable to return to heaven.

This kind of thing also happened in the history of China. The King of Chu fought for a lifetime, victorious in a hundred battles, and bowed his head everywhere he went, but why did he lose in the end? Is it because Taizu is thick and black? Haha, if you can defeat a strong man like Chu Bawang by relying on Hou Hei, then it would be too easy to make a contribution.

The factors are too complicated, but if you look at it on paper, it’s simple. Although the King of Chu has won all battles, he has no one under him. A war cannot be determined by a few local wars. When the King of Chu is in power When it collapsed, even the invincible overlord could only fall into a situation of embarrassment on all sides.

Han Chen said: "The most important of these is the wild area. When a player above level 40 dies once, the level will directly drop by one level. If a player above level 50 dies once, it is likely to lose two to three levels of experience. It will also cause the loss of equipment, but it takes at least a hundred sacrifices of the same level to do it to increase it by one level. This creates a very rare situation for units exceeding level 50."

Li Long said: "That's right, because of the scarcity of high-level wild areas, the legion can reach level 50 even if it is elite, reaching level 60 is the hole card of the old forces and will not be easily used."

There will be casualties in the war, and once a legion reaches level 60 is used, it is almost inevitable to suffer loss.

If you want to maintain your rank in the constant war, you must at least achieve a casualty rate of one to one hundred. Otherwise, you will lose money.

This loss can be shared by the major forces, but if the Star Palace is consumed, it will be somewhat powerless.

Han Chen said: "So, as long as they can cause enough loss to such an elite army, even the old forces will have a very mental attitude. What they rely on is only to use average loss to cause concentrated loss to the point star palace, but They don’t know one thing, that is, we can also control the initiative."

Li Long's eyes lit up: "Do you want to give up the territories occupied by the earth, and then directly attack their forces or elite legions?"

Han Chen said: "Yes, they want to avoid the Lord of the Stars. In fact, they can do it, but if there is another existence comparable to the Lord of the Stars, or a team, they can still avoid it completely. Is it? If we have absolute mobility and can carry out targeted strikes against the enemy, then the enemy we are targeting, dare to continue to be our enemy?"

A team comparable to the Lord of the Stars, if this sentence were put in the past, there would be no waves.

But after the Lord of the Stars killed the Lord of the Blood Desert and the Lord of the Deep Sea, if anyone dared to say this, it would be a joke.

Just a few days ago, if the Lord of Blue Sky was not good at speed, the Lord of Stars could even kill three top legends at the same time in a battle.

With this kind of combat power, the entire Tianzhuyuan can only be matched by a one-month sage.

However, Li Long didn't have any doubts about this: "The members of this team, besides us, who else?"

Han Chen said: "Alizee, Wen Ren Duan, and...Zi Yue."

Previously, Ziyue was sealed by Han Chen, not only because the earth did not have the ability to resist, but also because at the critical moment of the abyss invasion, Ziyue was really a threat.

If Ziyue’s problem is not handled properly, not only will it cause counterattacks from the Tianzhu original forces, but the earth itself will be in danger.

However, now that the abyss invasion has ended, I don't know how long it will take to launch the next invasion.

At this time, it is time to solve the problem.

Li Long said in surprise: "She has the ability to fight side by side with us? But isn't she in a sealed state?"

Han Chen said: "This can be regarded as one of my backhands! I believe that the combined deterrence of the six of us will definitely surpass the Lord of the Stars. Together with the power of the Void Elves and the Dragonborn Legion, we will become A nightmare of all forces."

Li Long said: "Okay, then start preparing!"

He has no doubt that Han Chen's words are true or false, not only because of his trust in Han Chen, but also because of his confidence in his own strength.

What the forces of Tianzhuyuan don't know is that at this moment, a strongest team will be born, which will be a nightmare for all forces of Tianzhuyuan.

Han Chen said: "I have done the preparations, now let's enter God's Domain! Purple Moon Devil, it is a rare opportunity to have the opportunity to fight against such an existence."

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