All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 840: Han Chen's Talk

Chapter 840: Han Chen's Talk

God's Domain, the lost city.

The Seven Hundred Thousand Legions assembled here. They don't have a Gods Domain watch on their hands, but most people wear a badge and a red flag sign on their chests.

The badge is the national emblem of China, and the red flag is the flag of China.

They are all warriors of Huaxia who died in the real world. For the sake of confidentiality, their relatives in the real world thought that they were completely dead. For three years, they have been hiding here, here. Receive special training.

During these three years, they missed their loved ones on the earth all the time, but they understood one thing, that is, the responsibilities they shoulder, and they must be undertaken by someone.

Therefore, no matter what kind of suffering they are going through, they have never given up their responsibilities.

On this day, an order came suddenly: "You can talk to your family members."

After hearing this news, they were simply ecstatic.

The entire lost city was boiling.

"Dad, why haven't you looked at me for so long!"

A little girl said with a milky voice, "Mom looks at your pictures every day and is in a daze, and she is secretly crying. I asked her if she still admits it. Dad, I've been very good during these three years. I study hard every day, and I have made a lot of friends. The neighbors are also very kind to me, saying that it is because my father is a hero.

Dad, I'm so good, so cute, can you give me a kiss! "

An iron-blooded man, an iron-blooded man who has been training in **** for three years, watching his daughter and lover in the video, at this moment, there is only a cheerful smirk.

There were a thousand words in his heart, but at the moment when he saw his family, he suddenly realized that these words were so unnecessary.

At this moment, there was only one voice left in their hearts: "All this is worth it."

This kind of thing happened everywhere, and the talk time was only one hour, and they would soon go into battle. During this hour, they confided their thoughts to their families and enjoyed this warm time.

However, there are others who look at these people with envy and jealousy in their eyes.

"Fengzhe, long time no see."

Han Chen patted a dazed man on the shoulder, "Although it is a bit inappropriate to talk about this topic at this time, I still want to ask, do you remember your hometown?"

Fengzhe was silent for a moment, and said: "I still remember the appearance of my hometown, and my teammates also remember it, but this will all disappear. Sooner or later we will assimilate with God's Domain as a whole, and we will eventually forget ourselves. Hometown, then obediently become an NPC and become a sparring partner for new players."

He sees it thoroughly, whether it is the NPC in the novice training area or the life of God's Domain after leaving, in fact, they ultimately serve the players.

Of course, the player who fails the game will eventually become a member of the NPC.

Han Chen smiled and said, "Can you tell me about your past? What is your hometown like, and how did you fall into the novice zone and become so miserable? I know you should have provoked a lot of enemies. But no matter what, you can’t provoke more enemies than our earth now!"

Fengzhe asked, "Why do you want to know this?"

Han Chen said: "This is purely a hobby. At any rate, we should be friends. Isn’t it normal to learn about a friend’s past? I didn’t deliberately want to expose your sad things. If you don’t, friends should do a little help."


Fengzhe chewed the word, feeling a bit complicated.

Han Chen looked at the silent wind, but did not urge.

If he is willing to talk, he is also willing to listen, and if he is not willing to talk, then he can't force it.

After a long time, Fengzhe slowly said, "It doesn't make much sense to understand this. I'm just a person who doesn't even exist at the legendary level. What is worthy of attention?"

"To others, you are a level 55 epic Fengzhe, a general who helps China control the legion of the NPC who surrendered to China, but to me, you are Fengzhe."

Han Chen said, "Did you know? The ice tribes that have dealt with us a lot recently, their legendary existence is high, they all have their own names, but for me, they can be divided into the lord of the snowy field, and other ice tribes , I am not interested in their names, nor are they interested in submitting their names."

Fengzhe looked at Han Chen, not knowing what he wanted to say.

Han Chen continued: “Maybe when others look at our human race, they don’t care about anything other than strength, but this is not important. The important thing is that each of us is an independent individual, and every Chinese citizen is Have their own life, in their own world, everyone is the protagonist.

They have their own emotions, anger, sorrow, and spiritual pursuit. When they face a powerful enemy, they may tremble, but in the end they will still overcome their inner cowardice because there are people behind them who must be protected. "

Listening to these words of Han Chen, Fengzhe showed a struggling look in his eyes.

Han Chen continued: "However, after coming to God's Domain, all we saw were the same wild monsters. When we first saw it, they were quite new. After all, there are quite a few types of wild monsters. When I grow longer, I get tired of it, and the novelty of fighting monsters and leveling at the beginning has disappeared, and being alive is the most important thing."

"There are many NPCs we met, and they all have their own wisdom, all kinds of jobs and responsibilities, and their own feelings, but after seeing a lot, they still feel that these people are all the same. They are all carved out of a mold. I really don't like this world."

Fengzhe said: "But the world will not change because of you. Even if you don't like this world, you have to adapt to it."

Han Chen was not angry, but said in a very plain tone: "Perhaps this approach is very clever. For most people, this is the best choice, and the will of most people determines everything. But ah! Whenever the earth’s civilization changes, isn’t the will of the majority in the hands of a few?

I will not forcefully change their thoughts, but I will give them hope that the world in front of them, the world they don't like, will become what they want. "

Fengzhe suddenly yelled: "The greater the hope, the greater the despair! If you can't turn hope into reality, don't exist in the first place."

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