All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 857: Li Long's strength

Just when the master of the snowfield was full of confidence in his move, he was shocked to find that the enemy in front of him had no intention of dodge.

Li Long did not evade, letting the knife slash towards his neck.

Not only didn't mean to dodge, even the spear of the holy dragon in his hand was directly released.

"not good!"

The master of the snowfield has a big alarm bell in his heart. Although he has been underestimating the opponent, he still does not really regard the opponent as an idiot. Losing his equipment in the battle is definitely not because he wants to die.

The other party must have his own confidence in doing so.

However, he has already taken this move and it is impossible to take it back.

But it had already made up his mind in his heart. After the knife passed, all his backhands were ignored, and he pulled back.


There was a crisp sound, and some time a steel-like armor appeared on Li Long's neck, blocking this mortal move.

"Trap, a certain trap!"

The rich combat experience made the lord of the snowy field immediately make the most correct response. He was about to withdraw and retreat immediately. At this moment, he suddenly discovered that he did not know when there was an extra golden wall behind him. The road back was blocked.

He can see that he can easily break this golden wall, but if he moves against the golden wall, it means that he will expose his weakness in front of Li Long.

Li Long put his left hand on his mouth, and then a dark red torrent spewed out from his mouth.

"[Yanlong's breath]!"

A torrent of magma spit out from Li Long’s mouth, as if to burn all the world and the land, and the lord of the snowy field is inevitable. This was originally a trick of a group attack, no matter whether it is blocking or dodge Possible things.

"He is able to breathe out, isn't he a Dragon Maiden who has changed his strength?"

The master of the snowfield was full of shock. The dragon vein mage master also had many routes. He originally thought that Li Long should be a dragon vein mage specializing in strength, but he did not expect that the other party’s breath had reached such a point. What kind of monster is he?

What kind of monster did he provoke?

"Ice and Snow Field!"

Regardless of the risk of confrontation with Han Chen, he forcibly opened the ice and snow domain again, because he knew that if he didn't do anything, he would probably fall here.

It is absolutely impossible for him to be killed by an ant in his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, his eyes were filled with shock again.

Li Long opened his arms, then brought them together, shouting: "[Long Yan sings]!"

A golden torrent appeared between his hands, forming a golden monster that looked like a giant python, with a tongue of fire in his mouth, biting towards the lord of the snowy field.

"How is it possible, how much dragon language magic does he control? How long has he studied?"

The heart of the lord of the snowfield is full of regret. What kind of monster is this, and what kind of monster has he provoked?

If he knew that his enemy would be such a terrifying existence, he would never choose to become an enemy with the earth.

"[Guardian of the Snow Goddess]!"

White snowflakes began to fall from the whole body of the lord of the snowfield, and profound ice began to gradually condense around him, protecting his body.

The golden torrent swallowed his whole body and melted the profound ice beside him, but after the golden torrent, he still barely survived this trick.

However, before he had time to breathe, he suddenly found a purple formation under his feet.

His eyes glanced at Ziyue who hadn't shot.

"I thought you would fight on your own!"

The lord of the snowfield laughed.

If it's for those strong-skinned old-brand powerhouses, the aggressive strategy is of no use, but for such a young and energetic person, it may still be useful.

Li Long folded his hands together, and then slowly separated, a white and holy power appeared between his hands: "I think you have misunderstood one thing. I let her do it, not because I can't beat you, but because of another thing. thing."

The lord of the snowfield asked instinctively: "What's the matter?"

Li Long’s eyes were full of coldness: "I just gave you a chance to escape like a lost dog. Since you don’t want to cherish it, then, even if you want to be a bereavement dog, kneel down and beg me for mercy. I won't spare your dog's life."

As he said, a golden protective shield appeared around the two of them, and strong golden wind roared around them, preventing them from leaving.

Then, white clouds appeared in the sky at some point, and a huge spear composed of holy light with a diameter of more than ten meters appeared among the clouds, and fell towards the direction of the master of the snowfield.

"[Holy Dragon's Punishment]!"

The spear of the holy light fell down, as if going through everything.

The Snow Lord’s face turned pale, Li Long did not lie, and he asked his companion to take action, not because he did not have the confidence to kill him, but to prevent him from escaping.

Although he also has some hole cards, he can break the double **** continuously in an instant and escape the danger here, but he is not sure that while breaking the bondage, he has to face this dangerous human being.


A ruthless look appeared in the eyes of the Lord of the Snowfield, and he knew in his heart that his only way to deal with it was to confront the power of the Holy Dragon's punishment.

Although it is not a wise approach to directly resist magic as a warrior, fortunately, he lived long enough and mastered enough ways to destroy magic.

"[Devil Slash]!"

The lord of the snowfield put away the short knife in his left hand, and then both hands held the long knife in his right hand at the same time, with the hilt facing up and the tip of the knife facing down, as if in a posture of drawing a knife.

A blade gas shining like ice and snow erupted from his long knife, and his whole body was also wrapped in the brilliance of ice and snow gleaming under the sun. open.

This is not an illusion, but something he can really do.

The place where the snow-white sword gas passed by turned into an icicle, as if even the air could be frozen directly, and the blow of the lord of the snowfield directly pierced the sky, and rushed towards the holy dragon's punishment certificate.

The white and flawless holy light spear collided with the snow-white icy knife gas, and did not produce much aftermath, but continued to melt and dissolve the strength of both sides.

Finally, Xue Bai's sword aura disappeared, and the lord of the snowfield was hit by the punishment power of the holy dragon and directly blasted onto the "ground" composed of the purple formation.

The lord of the snowfield stood up weakly, but still kept a cruel smile on the corner of his mouth: "After all, I won, the trick you just did..."

Then, his eyes were dull.

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