All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 858: How can you take my stuff...

The Lord of the Snowfields has not seen many dragon maidens, but he has heard of many examples of being easily killed by the dragon clan after becoming a dragon maiden.

He asked himself that his strength could surpass most of the dragons, so he didn't care much about the dragon maidens who could be killed by the dragons.

However, when the two sides fought, he suddenly realized one thing.

Perhaps most of the dragon maidens are not very powerful, but the reason why the dragon clan is so afraid of the dragon maidens is probably because they are afraid of such an appearance.

However, the other party is still too young after all.

Although he didn't know what kind of method the other party used to obtain such power, he understood one thing, that is, no power can be easily obtained.

Although he tried his best to resist [Sacred Dragon's Punishment], such a big move should consume him a lot! Using such a peerless blow should have consumed most of his power.

But just when he was satisfied, his eyes were dull.

"[Holy Dragon's Huangyan]!"

The flames carrying a large amount of sacred aura flooded the whole world, and within the scope covered by this golden protective cover, all were filled with such sacred flames.

"Why, why does he still have such power? Impossible, it is impossible for him not to consume it, but why can he still use such power?"

The heart of the master of the snowfield is full of unwillingness and fan anger, "Why can a new civilization like an ant be able to give birth to such two peerless powerhouses, and still have the luck to obtain the void elves? Why, why did I work so hard? After so many years of battle, I have obtained such an achievement, but the opponent has only spent a few years."

Now only despair and indignation remained in his heart.

He didn't have lost all his resistance, but he knew that his resistance was useless, and continued resistance was just a dying struggle.

This made him even more desperate.

He knew that there was no such thing as fairness in God's Domain.

In other words, the concept of fairness is somewhat different. If you are strong now, you can use your own power to collect resources and make yourself stronger.

Your talent is very good, so your luck will also become very good, even if you often encounter danger, but the chance after the danger will definitely be greater.

No way, God's Domain was originally a place to train strong people.

If you have to talk about fairness, you can only say that what you get is proportional to your cultivation value. This is the greatest fairness for God's Domain.

The lord of the snowfield was dead, and was bombarded to death by successive dragon whispers magic.

Maybe he still has some methods, but in front of Dragon Whisper Magic, most of his methods are useless and can only be used for dying struggles.

After the death of the Lord of the Snowfield, Han Chen quietly used the Soul Locking Tower to seal off the soul of the Lord of the Snowfield and put it in the Soul Locking Tower.

He has said that anyone who kills one person on the earth is a capital crime.

Anyone who kills a person on the earth will inevitably and cannot reunite his soul for 100,000 years. This oath, he does what he says.

After solving the lord of the snowfield, the lord of yellow sand was full of sorrow.

He was supposed to be a hero, but unfortunately, bad luck, or that he chose such a path of death.

At this time, the Yellow Sand Army suddenly broke through the blockade and came to the vicinity of the Lord of Yellow Sand.

"There is hope!"

The eyes of the Lord of Yellow Sands showed hope. Now that the Yellow Sand Legion has arrived, then he should have a chance to escape.

In any case, he must also live.

"Your Excellency, Lord of the Yellow Sands, please stay."

Just when the Lord of Huangsha was about to escape, Han Chen suddenly stopped him, "Aren't you here to kill me? Why did you leave?"

The Lord of Yellow Sand pretended not to hear Han Chen's words, and under the cover of the Yellow Sand Shield, he flew desperately in the direction of the Yellow Sand Legion.

Han Chen did not pursue, but let him leave.

He knew the characteristics of the Yellow Sand Shield. Before he opened the door of mythology, he could not break the defense of the Yellow Sand Shield. Even the power of the Dark Curse would be blocked by the Yellow Sand Shield, so he could only let it go. He ran away.

But it was enough for him. The price of the Lord of Yellow Sands' escape was that the remaining Legendary beings were treated as victims.

"[The End of the World]!"

Under Han Chen's instructions, Wu Yuan cut off the escape routes of the remaining Legendary beings.

The Lord of the Yellow Sands only cares for his own escape, and the Yellow Sand Legion is desperately covering his escape. Under the pursuit of the Dragonborn Legion, thousands of people die every second, and he can no longer care about that much now.

Han Chen looked at the remaining Legendary beings: "Give you a chance to beg for mercy, but there is only one chance."

A legendary assassin smiled bitterly: "I am the principal of the blood desert, and I can concede defeat to the adults on behalf of the blood desert."

He saw that even if the Lord of Blood Desert was resurrected, it was not necessarily the opponent of these people in front of him. In that case, it might as well admit defeat.

Han Chen raised his eyebrows: "Oh? Is it just a verbal surrender?"

The assassin in the blood desert said: "We are willing to apologize and give half of the treasures in the mountain of the blood desert to the adults. I only ask the adults not to use the sword against the blood desert."

Han Chen's eyes were cold: "I gave you a chance to beg for mercy, but you don't intend to cherish it, depending on your appearance."

The principal of the blood desert said anxiously: "My lord, we are willing to give half of the income from the blood desert to the adults. All the resources in the blood desert will be packaged and given to the adults."

Han Chen said coldly: "How can you give me my things as a condition for begging for mercy?"

The principal of the blood desert was speechless. He didn't expect Han Chen to think so. In his eyes, everything in the blood desert was already in his pocket.

So, he bowed his head and said: "Blood Desert is defeated, you can leave it to the adults."

Han Chen said: "Anyone who sends troops to my earth will be handed over to me to be executed, and all troops participating in the war against Dianxing Palace will be handed over to Dianxing Palace for disposal."

The complexion of the principals of the blood desert changed drastically. This is where they want them to apologize, it is basically breaking their backbone.

They can imagine what the consequences would be if they did so.

The blood desert can be defeated, it can apologize, or even kneel down to beg for mercy, but if the army that fought for them is handed over, then the blood desert will no longer exist.

"My lord, please don't be joking." The leader of Xuemo said angrily.

Han Chen raised his eyebrows: "Do you think you are still qualified to negotiate terms with me?"

The principal of the blood desert said: "My lord, the divine realm is very large. Tianzhu was originally the entrance to a new civilization, and the water in it was deeper than adults thought."

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