All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 859: The Fall of Blood Desert

Chapter 859 The Fall of Blood Desert

The water in Tianzhuyuan is indeed very deep, because this is the entrance to the new civilization, most of the new civilization will spend the novice zone here, and then begin to merge into the realm of God.

And there are definitely not a few people and forces who are eager for the benefits of the new civilization. Why are there only the top powerhouses who step into the gate of mythology one by one? As long as you think deeply, you can see some clues.

Han Chen sneered: "So, do you think these still have anything to do with you?"

The head of the blood desert was cold.

If Han Chen said that he was not afraid of the depth of the water here, or pretended that he did not know how deep the water was here, he would definitely not believe it.

Because Han Chen has shown extraordinary strength and IQ in his past deeds, how can such a witty existence be unable to see these things? At most, it's just the difference between seeing and seeing through.

Han Chen continued: "What kind of path I will follow in the future is uncertain, but no matter how miserable my future end, at least now your life is in my hands, invading the gods of the earth. The biological souls have been wiped out by me. Do you think I can't wipe out your soul?

The person in charge of the blood desert felt a little dry. The price paid by such a method is often higher than the benefit of killing a legendary existence, so few people use it, but what about Han Chen? Will he have any fear in this regard? No, he is a lunatic!

When the earth just entered Tianzhuyuan, he provoke the whole Tianzhuyuan with his own power.

Even in the face of so many strong presences, he has never compromised.

Not only is he uncompromising, but even if he is betting on the fate of his hometown and bearing the consequences of the destruction of the earth on his own, he is not willing to compromise.

Obviously the future of the earth is in jeopardy, so he dared to take the initiative.

The idea of ​​such a lunatic is beyond the reach of normal people.

So no matter what kind of threat it is facing, Han Chen may not care.

Amidst the hesitation of several people, Han Chen ordered: "Who among you is under the command of the Lord of the Yellow Sands? Identify them."

Then, the eyes of several people changed rapidly, and the expressions of the two legendary existences were panicked. Before they had time to say anything, Han Chen's Night Demon Sword had already descended on them.

After taking away the lives of the two legendary existences, Han Chen said to the principal of Xuemo: "Actually, this matter can be done slowly. Although you can't accept it now, you will soon understand that I have offered the conditions. How kind it is."

The principal of Blood Desert was full of wry smiles, and Han Chen was a lunatic.

A madman who broke the unspoken rules.

In Tianzhuyuan, everything has some rules, and everyone's struggle will be limited to a system and will not be easily exceeded.

But Han Chen is a bit special, because such rules and regulations were originally made for the strong. For him, if he accepts such rules and regulations, it would be tantamount to sending the earth on a path of destruction.

Han Chen said: "Next, hand over your equipment first! Those soldiers who have not violated the Star Palace and the Earth, as long as they hand over their equipment, I can spare them."

The principal of Xuemo nodded painfully, and then began to order.

Although they are unwilling, they understand that they have lost this war. God's Domain was originally a world where winners can kill. All the spoils of losers belong to the winners, including the experience they provide after death. same.

So such conditions are indeed benevolent.

Soon, a large amount of equipment was confiscated by Han Chen.

After confiscating the equipment, Han Chen said: "Next, you should order your blood desert army to come back."

The face of the principal of the blood desert changed drastically: "My lord, please give us a way out of the blood desert.

Look at Han Chen's posture, this is a posture to drain the blood desert!

If they really did this, how could the blood desert recover?

Han Chen did not let go of his meaning: "Our earth is still accepting the threat of extinction, so we need all means to arm ourselves. Now it is not I persecuting you, but the entire Tianzhuyuan is persecuting us. The earth has driven our civilization to a dead end."

The person in charge of the blood desert was pale.

He understood that what Han Chen said... are all facts.

For the forces of Tianzhuyuan, the earth is just a piece of fat. Who cares about the idea and future of Chinese food?

Therefore, they did not leave a way for the earth at all, nor did they think of leaving a way for the earth.

Even if the earth has won several battles, partial victory does not mean that it can affect the overall situation. If the territory where the Star Temple is located is completely collapsed, then the earth people will lose the soil for their souls.

On this day, earthlings who cannot progress will face the problem of a large area of ​​soul exhaustion, no matter how strong Han Chen is, he will not be able to recover.

Han Chen continued: "Don't blame me. You have driven me to death. If I don't do this, the demise of the earth is only a matter of time. There is no room for compromise in the war between civilizations. If I retreat. , That is joking about the future of the earth.

So, if you don't do what I said, I can do everything. "

After a while, the principal of the blood desert nodded painfully, and then said: "I, do it."

In Han Chen's tone, there was no threatening tone, as if he was just stating a trivial matter.

But it was this tone that made him even more aware of Han Chen's determination.

So he had to take out the communicator and prepare to call.

However, his movements suddenly froze.

Han Chen's eyes were cold: "My patience is limited. I have given you enough time. Do you want to play any tricks?"

The principal of the blood desert took a deep breath and said, "Blood desert has fallen."

Han Chen was startled: "What did you say?"

His attack on the blood desert has just begun! Why did the blood desert fall?

The principal of the blood desert showed the contents of the communicator to Han Chen, saying: "When we were in the war, I blocked all irrelevant communications, but at the same time we started the war, a large number of vampires began to attack. Most of our legions have been sent to attack the territory of Dianxing Temple in the 13 important areas of our blood desert. All the elites are here. The blood desert has now fallen except for the sacred mountain of the blood desert."

Hearing the news of the fall of the blood desert, people on the earth, including Han Chen, were a little caught off guard.

The vampire family? They thought that the vampires would make oriole in the back! Unexpectedly, they would give up attacking the earth. Instead, taking advantage of the emptiness in the blood desert, they began to attack the blood desert.

Wu Yuan disdainfully said: "Deserve it!"

In her opinion, all of this is due to blood indifference, and it is all because of greed.

And Han Chen cares, it's another thing: "So, you guys are useless!"

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