All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 869: You are not a title class

Han Chen rolled his eyes, then dissipated the avatar.

Such a topic is simply the beginning of a dead end. If you can't resolve it, it will only add embarrassment to yourself. If it is resolved, hehe, how can Wu Yuan explain it over there.

Of course, Han Chen doesn't think he is the kind of person who is afraid of his wife. He just thinks that as a public figure, he always has to consider his own image and have basic respect for his wife.

Winning the ice goddess is work, and if you talk about this topic, it's looking for trouble.

Seeing Han Chen who had disappeared, the ice goddess chuckled, then she leaned forward and back, smiling, leaving two lines of tears in the corner of her eyes.

"Once, there were also a group of people who could laugh and scold and tease each other with me. Some of them were still in God's Domain, but are they really themselves?"

Han Chen's deity opened his eyes, his eyes a little puzzled.

Even he did not understand why the Ice and Snow Goddess would destroy her Ice and Snow Temple.

If she wanted to talk about sincerity, helping herself to destroy the Mist Temple had already proved her sincerity, and it also made her walk towards the opposite of Tianzhuyuan.

But then she directed such a play.

But he couldn't figure out the woman's mind, so he didn't think much.

It can only be said that this woman has been alive for too long, maybe it is a bit depressing!

The most important thing for him now is to win this war.

Because of the legendary existence of the invasion of the earth, the soul has been sealed in the soul lock tower by him, so the earth is relatively safe now.

They are still sending cannon fodder to the earth to die in an endless stream. This is not because they are doing useless work, but because since they have opened the passage to the earth, God's Domain will not leave them a way out.

This is the ruthless rule of God's Domain.

The only way for them to win now is to use bloodletting tactics in God's Domain to continuously weaken the strength of the earth and kill the people on the earth many times.

Because the time of landing in God's Domain and the time of being on the earth has been balanced, as long as the people on earth are killed enough times, it will cause the exhaustion of their souls, and they will also completely disappear.

If the people on earth want to keep their soul information in the realm of God, their future growth will be greatly weakened, and they will lose their threat.

If this step is successful, they are considered to have won.

Just when Han Chen was ready to respond, the Lord of Stars summoned him again.

Faced with the Lord of Stars who helped him a lot, Han Chen couldn't refuse.

After arriving at Dianxing Palace, the Lord of Stars glanced at Han Chen: "You are not a title level."

Hearing these words, several Legendary existences in Dianxing Palace were all surprised.

Han Chen killed a lot of legendary existences, even defeated the Lord of the Yellow Sands, and when fighting against the Lord of the Yellow Sands, restricted the domain of the Lord of the Snows, giving Li Long a chance to kill the Lord of the Snows.

With this level of power, he is actually not a title level?

A legendary existence even directly expressed the doubts in his mind: "The title level is only an assessment of comprehensive strength. No matter what means Mr. Han Chen uses, as long as he can achieve this level of combat effectiveness, he should be considered title level. Exist now!"

It's not that he insists on refuting the Lord of the Stars, but because this is a customary rule.

It doesn’t matter whether you reach this level by equipment, special magical powers and talents, or even by the pets you collect to reach this level, it doesn’t matter. As long as you really reach this level, then It is the real title level.

Han Chen bowed his head and said, "The Lord of the Stars is like a torch, and I admire him."

The Lord of the Stars waved at several Legendary existences and said, "You all step back! Don't tell anyone what I said just now, he is the title level."

Several legendary existences had no choice but to retreat.

It's just that they still have some doubts in their hearts, what does the Lord of the Stars mean?

After everyone retreated, the Lord of the Stars said: "It is possible to shoot without a trace, so that most people can't see the clues. The void elf does not seem to be an ordinary void elf, but such a method can only be hidden. For a while, it won’t last long for a truly caring person."

This is also the reason why he was somewhat casual when he spoke just now, because sooner or later he was exposed.

That being the case, it is better to remind Han Chen to prepare early.

Han Chen nodded and said, "It's enough to hide it for a while, anyway, I'm not far from breaking through."

Although the existence of the title level is only an assessment of comprehensive strength, there is a means to this calm watershed, that is, the perfect field.

Without perfect control of one's domain, then when facing the perfect domain, one's domain will be disintegrated inch by inch from the defect, and it will be impossible to use it before the perfect domain.

Of course, some top forces also have the means to bridge this gap, but the effect is not significant.

The means to bridge the gap in the field can only make the two sides fight at the same level, but being able to comprehend the existence of the perfect field must be a peerless power in itself, and no one can only feed on the field.

In the previous battle, the battle against the Lord of the Yellow Sands and the Lord of the Snowfields was Han Chen's shadow realm on the surface, but Han Chen's shadow realm had certain flaws.

The one who can really make up for this shortcoming and counter it is actually the cuteness of the Void Elves.

The Star Lord looked very interested: "I didn't expect you to be so confident. Even for some geniuses, it takes hundreds of years to accumulate in order to control the domain perfectly. How can you be so fast?"

Han Chen also didn't conceal the meaning: "Of course it is a very difficult thing to control from scratch, but if you already know how to use the field from the beginning, then the process will be much faster."

The memory of the darkborn, the inheritance of the dark god, plus the soul of the shadow dragon, the bonus of the soul-locking tower, allows him to forcibly display the power of the domain without his own understanding.

Now that you have used all of them, then deriving the process from the results is a natural process.

This is like a complicated math problem. It not only gives you the answer, but also writes the important four-step process completely on your answer sheet. What you have to do is to add this correct answer based on these processes. Understanding the problem-solving ideas is much harder than directly solving the problem.

In Han Chen's view, when all the roads have been paved, he has spent three years failing to comprehend the perfect field. This is a progress that makes him feel dissatisfied.

The Lord of the Stars was silent for ten seconds before slowly saying: "In this case, are you really going to destroy Tianzhuyuan next and break the old pattern?"

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