All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 870: Concerns of the Star Lord

Hearing the question from the Lord of the Stars, Han Chen's palm also squeezed sweat.

What does the Lord of the Stars mean?

Doesn't he want to break this pattern?

No, it is impossible. The Lord of the Stars is also standing on the opposite side of everyone. Since he has broken the rules, even without the existence of the earth, he and those forces are the result of endless death.

Therefore, even if the Lord of the Stars does not like his approach, the only way he is left should be to fight against this old pattern!

Even if he was wary of the Lord of the Stars, he would not question the IQ of the Lord of the Stars.

"I don't understand what the Lord of the Stars means?" Han Chen said directly, "Does Lord Lord of the Stars think that this is not a good opportunity to break the pattern?"

The Star Lord’s right hand was holding his forehead, and it seemed to be a little weak: "Forget it, do what you want to do! Although the sphere of influence of the Star Palace has shrunk, there is still no problem in opening up a safe zone, you The void elves of my lover are not ordinary existences, so don’t worry about the future."

Han Chen was even more confused now.

The behavior of the Lord of the Stars puzzled him.

The Lord of the Stars asked him to keep his hands as much as possible when fulfilling his oath last time, don't let things go completely, and don't push those enemies too hard.

This request made him a little strange. It is clear that both sides have reached the point of endless death. Why are they still staying at this time?

The kindness to the enemy is the cruelty to oneself, and the Lord of the Stars cannot fail to understand this truth.

People who are indecisive and do not understand this truth cannot become the overlord of one party.

Now it's like this again. It is clear that both sides have reached the point of endless death, but the Lord of the Stars is a bit hesitant at this time, and even some obviously show that he does not want him to break the old pattern so quickly, which makes He was puzzled.

You know, when the Lord of the Stars and the entire Tianzhu originally challenged, the earth hadn't grown up yet!

However, since the Lord of the Stars refused to say, he was not good to continue asking.

Just as he left the Temple of Stars, the voice of the Lord of the Stars appeared in his ear again: "Every decision you make can no longer be solely for yourself. It can be triggered by your expression. The butterfly effect like a tsunami, but no matter what decision you make, whether the consequences of this decision are what you want or not, you will ultimately be responsible for it."

Han Chen's heart shuddered. He is an enemy of Tianzhuyuan's forces. Does he need to bear the consequences?

But for him, what other consequences are more serious than the destruction of the earth?

He is already standing on the edge of the cliff, what else can he care about?

However, the words of the Lord of the Stars still had some influence on him, and asked him to think more when he made a decision, but he still had no clue.

In just a moment, he made up his mind.

"Perhaps the Lord of the Stars is standing higher than me, and the future he can see is longer than I can see, so he has his scruples, but for the earth, for China, for For me, the path I took was originally a dead end."

"The destruction of countless civilizations is where we can see. If we don't want to follow the same path as them, this is our only choice."

Thinking of this, Han Chen continued to put his mind on the battlefield.

He is only a thin line away from domain consummation. Although I don't know how long it will take to break the final barrier, things can't be done only with a 100% certainty.

On the contrary, he originally opened up hope in infinite despair. Where can he wait for a more certain time?

The war is still going on.

The Lord of the Stars sticks to the Star Palace, and no enemy dares to come and invade any area covered by his might, it is like opening up a safe zone.

Some people on Earth who don't want to fight or specialize in logistics work have moved their territory and their foundations to this safe zone.

There are now more than 200 epic-level existences on the earth. Most of these epic-level existences have opened up a territory, allowing those who died on earth to keep their souls in the realm of God, but because of the souls that can be accommodated Limited, most of the people who died on the earth really died.

However, because of the existence of those legendary ranks, the regular troops who died in the previous war retained their souls in God's Domain.

However, they can only meet with their family members in the video.

As the war progressed, these territories began to shrink toward the safe zone. Some bold people even left Tianzhuyuan and went to unknown areas.

Some people think they are deserters, and some people think they should keep the fire.

However, as these territories continued to shrink, a special territory like the Lost City was exposed to the sight of all enemies.

When the earth began to merge with God's Domain, those dynasties and dynasties had disappeared, and only some places that had been completely occupied by the earth remained.

The Lost City is such a place. When the territories of the earth are shrinking in a large scale, a dynasty is radiated around the Lost City, and there are still many Chinese people here.

This approach certainly attracted the attention of the major forces. After a brief discussion, the major forces sent a coalition army to surround the place.

The Lord of the Blue Sky originally pursued a policy of avoiding the world, but because of the provocative behavior of the earth and the benefits of the continuous promises of the major forces, he finally invited him and became the coalition force in this joint war.

"This is already within the range that the Lord of the Stars cannot influence, the last piece of legendary territory that exists. As long as we conquer this place, then the entire Dianxing Temple and the earth will all be shrunk in a turtle shell."

The lord of the blue sky looked at the legendary beings from the major forces under his seat, slowly speaking about the importance of this place, "The population that each territory can support is limited. If they are blocked by us in such a small territory, more than 10 In years, it will inevitably end up fighting due to insufficient resources.

Another legendary existence added: "If they don't want to fight with themselves, they have to leave that area and fight with us."

At this point, everyone's faces showed a relaxed look.

As long as they avoid the battle between the strong and use the army to consume them honestly, then they have no reason to lose in this war.

This is the difference between occupying the general trend and violating the general trend. No matter how many failures they have experienced in a local area, the balance of victory will tilt towards them.

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