All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 871: War trivia

Chapter 871: War Trivia

"Boss, can we really win this battle?"

Deng Qing stood beside Chu Feng, feeling a little weak.

Then, with a weak tone, he added: "Also, even if we win, can we achieve a real victory?"

This is not only Deng Qing’s concern, but also the concern of China’s major legions.

It has been more than 8 months since the negative side of the Ice and Snow Temple. During these 8 months, China's legion has always been a successor of Lien Chan.

However, no matter how many victories they have won, there is no joy of victory.

Obviously, they have been winning the battle, but the situation has been deteriorating. The territories have been shrinking. Countless people on Earth can only leave the originally occupied area and shrink into the safe zone.

Li Guangzheng said: "No matter what the outcome of this war will be, our Northern Army will fight to the end. Even if the entire army is annihilated here, they will be severely hurt."

Han Chen said: "What I want is not to hurt them, but to achieve a full victory."

Li Guangzheng said: "Although emotionally speaking, I have full confidence in this war, intellectually speaking, I don't see any hope of victory."

The Southern Army Commander said strangely: "Han Chen, don't you have the ability to let ordinary people have the ability to kill Legendary existence? It seems to be the function of the special equipment you provided, although the strength of those equipment is not better than ordinary ones. How strong the equipment is, but it offsets the gap between them and the legendary level."

Hearing this, the heads of the Chinese Army and the main commanders all looked at Han Chen, and their eyes also showed hope.

The biggest difference between the existence of the Legendary rank and the failure to reach the Legendary rank is the realm of both parties.

Even if it is just an ordinary fireball, a legendary existence can also play this fireball.

With the same power, epic-level existence can generally possess more than 90% spell resistance, and with equipment, it can almost achieve the effect of immunity, while legendary-level existence can penetrate spells to the point of 300%.

This is simply the same ability to open and hang.

Therefore, even a fireball, in the hands of a legendary existence, is hard to resist.

With this gap, the special equipment provided by Han Chen gained a lot of credit.

Obviously it is just a seemingly ordinary equipment, but it can offset this gap and make the priority of both sides reach the same level.

In the case where the two sides can only rely on attributes and skills to fight, even if it is a legendary existence, there is a possibility of being beaten to death by a group.

Li Guangzheng frowned and said: "It is reasonable to say that such a method should cause a lot of commotion, but I always feel that the powers of the gods have not put such a method in their eyes."

Han Chen said: "Of course they didn't take such a method in their eyes, because they want to become a real top power, such a method is necessary for them."

After hearing Han Chen's words, everyone was shocked.

"The necessary means?"

The commander of the Southern Army Corps was shocked, "We have also conducted many investigations on these forces. In the past thousands or even tens of thousands of years, we have never seen such a method. If they have Why not use such a method?"

Li Guangzheng also found it difficult to accept: "Impossible! This, for us, is the same thing as the final card, but is it so sparse and ordinary for them?"

The corners of Deng Qing's mouth also twitched: "This, this is impossible!"

This is not to blame for them being so surprised, but to subvert common sense too much.

Han Chen said: "Reality is often more bizarre than novels. Carp is just a very delicious fish, but because of the emperor's surname in the Tang Dynasty, it became a tribute that only the royal family was eligible to enjoy. The war in ancient Western Europe Don’t the soldiers who pretend to try their best not to kill the nobles of the other party, even if they capture the nobles of the enemy, they have to entertain them with good wine and food, and finally let the other party redeem it?

Those wars are nothing but the means used by the nobles to weaken civilians, maintain their rule, and protect their supremacy.

This kind of special method that allows ordinary people to kill the legendary existence, if a large number of them is circulated, will it be good for maintaining the superiority of the legendary existence? "

After everyone listened, they all felt a little weird, but Han Chen's explanation was so reasonable.

If the war in God's Domain is just a game played by legendary existences in order to maintain their superior position, then it is possible that such a method is not announced.

Li Guangzheng clenched his fists: "The princes and generals are kind to Xiangning. When our ancestors shouted out this sentence, they had already opened a precedent that was not based on descent. If these wars are only legendary games, then Let's take these high-ranking existences and pull down the chessboard!"

He is also a legendary level, but for him, the legendary level is only a level of strength, only representing that he has more powerful power and needs to bear more responsibilities.

He is not opposed to war, but for him, war is just a means to protect himself and his motherland. How can it be such a trifle?

Han Chen raised his head to the sky: "The reason why they treat the war in God's Domain as a trifle and treat all the soldiers engaged in the war as pawns on the chessboard, only because they are also regarded as pawns, so they look for those who are weaker than them. It’s just presence."

Deng Qing said: "These things will be discussed later, but how are we going to win this war?"

Everyone was silent.

Deng Qing went on to say: "If they also have such a method, then even if we have the advantage of the master level, now the advantage does not exist!"

The faces of everyone are even more ugly.

Originally, such hole cards were regarded by them as their greatest deterrence, but what they did not expect was that such so-called hole cards were not only a means for them to deter the enemy, but also a means for the enemy to deter them in turn.

Han Chen shook his head and said indifferently: "Don't worry, this is just a trick. It is enough to deal with ordinary Legendary existences, but it is too tender for the Legendary existences of the domain master."

Li Guangzheng said: "Then what trump cards did you prepare? I think your kid must have a lot of confidence, otherwise he won't be so calm."

Following his words, everyone's eyes focused on Han Chen.

Han Chen is a person who is good at inducing miracles. In his past life, he has created countless miracles and accomplished countless things that others thought he could not do.

Now they see no hope of victory in this war, but if it is Han Chen, can they turn the tide of the war again?

Han Chen smiled slightly: "Of course."

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