All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 877: Behead, behead!

"The enemy is coming! Ready to fight!"

In the view of the Huaxia Legion, the enemy's legion continued to shrink its range. Suddenly, a legion of more than 300,000 people broke out of the encirclement and began to attack the China Legion.

Of course, this corps was not fighting alone. When this corps left the encirclement circle, there were gaps in other directions of the encirclement circle, and one army after another entered the Huaxia formation.

A total of 7 legions launched a charge. Among these seven legions, three-way legions appeared, and they launched a charge from different directions. Under the cover of the wizard group, the knight professional legion relied on the terrible speed brought by the [Charge] , Directly opened a gap in China's legion.

This is the most common method of combat. When the enemy's formation is torn apart, our army can take advantage of the void and continue to divide the enemy.

When one of the knights was charging, a 35-man team suddenly appeared on their side.

In this kind of hundreds of thousands of battles, a 35-person squad is like a drop in the ocean, and they have not taken it seriously.

This team of knights has a total of 15,000 people, plus the cover of the wizard group, a small team of 35 people, even if it is an epic existence, will be crushed directly for them.

It's just that they appear in a somewhat clever position, on the side of their path.

It is also impossible for them to change direction for the mere 35 people, so they just let them do it.

Could it be that they still want to use the 35 side attack to interfere with us?

As a result, the Knights launched a mighty charge.

Seeing that they were about to rush into Huaxia's camp, the 35-member legion suddenly moved, and a scroll appeared on their left hands at the same time.

It is [Random Teleportation Scroll]!

Teleportation is usually impossible on the battlefield, because both sides will generally arrange some means to prevent space teleportation, but this method of preventing space teleportation can only prevent directional teleportation.

The difference between directional transmission and random transmission is actually very big.

The essence of directional transmission is to construct a stable spatial channel. Of course, the existence of this spatial channel is very short, even to the point where it is negligible. Within the time that this short spatial channel exists, one end can be transmitted. Of people are transmitted to the other end through the channel.

So the directional teleportation and the space gate are actually very similar, except that one can be maintained for a long time, and the other can only exist for a short period of time.

The way to block space is to prevent all space channels from appearing within this blocked area.

However, the nature of random transmission is different.

In the eyes of those who are really good at space, space is not a calm sea, but turbulent waves exist anytime and anywhere.

The essence of random teleportation is to allow yourself to enter this wave, then follow the wave, after a negligible time, and then leave from the wave of space.

Because the changes in space are erratic, so no one can be sure where they will follow the flow of the flow, just because the time is too short, so random transmission will have a distance limit.

However, this cannot be determined and does not include the Void Elf.

Void elves have such a talent, which can affect the tide of space to a certain extent, allowing people to go to a fixed place when they are randomly teleporting.

As a result, this 35-person team appeared in the enemy formation.

"[Random Teleportation Scroll] Are they idiots?"

Seeing the group of people who suddenly appeared in front of them, the leader of the charge was shocked, and then there was a wave of mocking curses.

The leader of the knights is an epic level 62 knight. He is surrounded by knights over level 60. The equipment on his body is also level 60 purple epic equipment. They have enough confidence, no matter what. Such enemies cannot defeat them in a short time.

Although the appearance of the 35 people was only a short moment, they still reacted, and then raised the knight's gun in their hands to prepare for battle.

"Is it so impatient to die?"

The members of the core knights showed a hideous look on their faces, using random teleport scrolls to teleport their people to the enemy's swords and guns. This is simply a way to speed up their death.

Even if this group of people are all epic-level existences, if they don't reach the 70th level of all members, they will only be able to meet in their hands.

Even if it reaches an epic peak like level 70, it will fall here under the siege of the endless knights around.

Regardless of the situation, they will never lose.

At this time, they only saw four wizards among the 35-person team in front of them, raising their staff, and building a group of ice walls around them, surrounding them.

Among the 35-person team, four members of [Frost Snow Set].

"Haha, do you think that this degree of ice wall can stop us?"

The taunting in the eyes of the Knights became more intense.

Ice wall art may be able to block the enemy in battles below level 30, but in battles at their level, it can only make them launch an attack.

In equal battles, such an ice wall technique is certainly not useless. Even if it is defeated by a single blow, it can also create flaws for their companions when they attack, allowing them to take the opportunity to attack the enemy.

But in this kind of legion combat with unequal numbers, this level of obstruction is nothing short of trifling.

As a result, the knights did not stop at all, raising the spear in their hands unabatedly and stab them towards the ice wall in front of them.

Li Guangzheng, who saw this scene through God's Domain Watch, flashed pain in his eyes.

After all, this is not a level of existence at all!

With such a messy tactic, he still believes in Han Chen's decapitation tactics.

Whose decapitation tactics are so messy?

Using 35 people to transmit to the tens of thousands of knights, directly blocking the footsteps of the opposing elite knights, this decapitation tactic is a trifle.

It's just a pity that these people have the suits, the purple epic suits, if used on the frontal battlefield, what a powerful effect it will play!

Even if the overall situation cannot be restored, it can still be effective on the local battlefield.

It's a pity that such an elite is lost here.

"No one's growth is smooth sailing. I hope Han Chen can learn from this lesson and grow even better."

However, as he endured the pain in his heart and watched the changes on the battlefield, his eyes suddenly became round.

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