All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 878: Legend, legend!



The members of the Knight Order held up the knight's spear and pierced it towards the ice wall in front of them. However, they were shocked that the knight's spear in their hands only formed some spider web-like cracks on these ice and snow walls.

And the formation of these cracks was not the result of a single shot, but a joint attack launched by more than 70 people in the front row. Even under such an attack, the ice wall still showed no signs of breaking.

The knights in the front row were caught off guard and hit the wall directly. The knights in the back row had no time to slow down and also collided with the knights in the front row.

All of a sudden, the members of the Knights leaned back.

After seeing this scene, Li Guangzheng, who was watching the game backstage, his eyes widened, and the members of these knights also looked dazed.

Not only them, but even the 35-person team themselves, looked at a loss.

They were just following orders. They had thought that such an order would simply cause them to die, but their instinct to obey the order made them firmly implement the order.

But what I didn't expect was that they actually blocked the enemy's charge.

The four Frost Han mages looked at the staff in their hands, and their hands trembled.

Just when they were performing the Ice Wall technique, they felt that the equipment in their hands seemed to be gushing out with powerful power. With such a powerful force, even the owner of the equipment could not help but feel trembling.

The trembling from the soul.

At this time, the order from Han Chen was communicated to them through their God Domain watch.

"[Knight Set] Charge, [Eternal Night Set] Assassin, [Undead Set] Reap life, [Flame Set] uses [Flame Burning City] to carry out carpet bombing of surrounding enemies, [Patron God Set] protects the mage, [Forest Set] Pay attention to protection, use summoned objects to replace the death of teammates, do not attrition, [Ice and Snow Set] continue to use ice wall art to block the enemy, after [Blazing City], cast [Blizzard]."

These commands are not a series of commands, but commands issued simultaneously.

These words were all set up by Han Chen a long time ago, and he waited for the right time to send [one-click to send], so they almost received the order at the same time.

As a result, the 35 members started to divide the work according to different suits.

Countless flames fell from the sky and landed among the surrounding Knights.

The members of those knights were still taunting, but in a flash, they became panicked.

"Using group attack spells, ah! What is this, this is impossible!"

"If it's a thousand-person level, no, it's impossible, save me!"

The city of flames is a mass attack type spell, which can carry out carpet bombing within a radius of kilometers. It looks terrifying, but the unit damage is only 30, but they are the most elite knights. Injury them can be supported by the powerful blood volume.

After all, there is also a mage group in their team to cover, it is easy to extinguish and calm the flames of this degree.

Therefore, even if it has the Flowing Fire suit and its own spell power bonus, the city of flames can cause continuous damage for one second, plus the weakening of the enemy's armor, and the spell damage increased to 90 points. 18 points of damage is the limit.

If it were the [Flame Burning City] of the Thousand-Men Mage Group, they would definitely turn around and run, because even a spell with the lowest unit damage would be a terrifying number after being 1000 times.

But there are only 4 people, how could they take it seriously.

However, they soon discovered something was wrong.

With the addition of the flowing fire suit and the bonus of runes, the flame burning city actually achieved 115 damage. What is more terrifying is that such damage...

It's real damage!

The 115-point group attack real damage means that within a kilometer radius, everyone will suffer 115-point spell damage and cannot be immune to equipment and their own blood.

What made them even more desperate was that there were 4 people with such a spell.

"No, it's impossible."


"This, this is a legend!"

"Legend! This is a legend!"

"They are all legendary equipment!"

They are all the elite of the elite, and they belong to the sharp knife troops among the elite legions, and of course they are also qualified to contact the legendary level.

But it is because they have learned some inside stories that it feels even more incredible.

The members of these knights are going crazy. Such absolute real damage is a terrifying penetration effect that only Legendary equipment can achieve.

These 4 flame mages are all legendary equipment in their hands?

Just a legendary staff is not enough, it must be superimposed on the whole set.

However, this is even more incredible.

If it is only a legendary weapon, it is possible to own even the top epic level, but the battle armor and boots are only qualified for the true legendary level.

When it comes to jewelry, even the true legendary existence does not necessarily have it.

A full set of legendary equipment, only lunatics would think they would be equipped like this.

Only lunatics will give these people a full set of legendary equipment.

[Flame Burning City] The effect is still continuing, 115 points of damage per second, even level 60 knights can't bear, and it only takes ten seconds for them to be seriously injured and dying.

At this time, among the 35-person team, three more members wearing [knight suit] walked out.

The task they received was to charge forward. With the invincible power of their companions as the confidence, their hearts were filled with infinite confidence.

The knight's spear swept across, and wherever the three of them passed, all enemies were shot through.

Behind the three knights, the fighters in the [immortal suit] and the assassins in the [Eternal Night Suit] are constantly reaping their lives. All enemies are not their one-to-one enemies, and all the damage from the enemies is caused by their suits. To resist, the long-distance damage of the mage was also blocked by the holder of the [Guardian Set].

Even if there are still some mistakes, the holders of the [Forest Set] will also summon spell-summoned beasts one by one to block fatal damage for them.

Some minor injuries don’t need to be taken care of by them, because there are members of the [Glory Set] in the team, which can drive them out of all negative states. Anything that cannot cause more than 30% damage to their lives will be powerful by these sacrifices. The bonus is directly restored.

Under such an invincible force, all the elite troops above level 60 of the Knights, and the 155 members of the epic level of life, were all beheaded in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, the 35-man team bloomed among the enemy lines.

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