All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 879: miracle!

The 35-person team unexpectedly created a vacuum in the enemy’s camp, annihilated all the core of the Knights at the cost of zero casualties, and launched a massacre of 10,000 people.

This is almost a miracle-like record, it is almost a dream-like result.

"Miracle, this is a miracle!"

The officers who commanded in the rear only felt tears in their eyes.

They had no hope for this war. Their greatest expectation was to be able to play the prestige of China in this battle. Regardless of whether the war was won or lost, they must cause the most painful harm to their enemies.

However, what they didn't expect was that a squad of 35 people would have caused such a miraculous result!

However, the excitement in their hearts did not affect their sanity.


When this miraculous squad bloomed among the enemy lines, Huaxia's officers immediately issued an order to charge, and the suit army that had originally made a defensive posture immediately began to attack.

The opponent's epic existence has all been beheaded to death, and because the group of dragons has no leader, it has now become a mess.

Without the protection of the masters and the command of the high-level, the enemy's invincible troops bloom among them, constantly harvesting their lives. At this time, they are facing the attack of the Chinese suit army. The current situation is simply for them. It seems to be worse.

Huaxia's suit army is constantly harvesting the lives of the enemy. Now the battle is no longer a battle, it is like a lawn mower.

Rush, encircle, kill...

The enemy legions fell apart under their offensive and were harvested one by one.

However, there is not only one such scene.

When this squad was fighting, the scene of their battle had been broadcast live on all the members of the squad.

"It turns out that our equipment is so powerful?"

"What kind of equipment is this?"

"Is it a legendary suit?"

"Impossible, God's Domain watch can't go wrong. This is definitely epic equipment, and it is impossible for us to have so many precious materials to forge legendary equipment."

"But what does it matter?"

"Haha, I say they are legends, they are legends!"

They don't know the origin of the suits they wear, but since they wear the equipment on their bodies, they can exert the same combat power as the legendary existence, so they can simply regard these equipment as legendary equipment.

Anyway, no matter what level of equipment is, what can kill is good equipment.

Under such excitement, Han Chen's next orders continued to be issued.

"Using the same tactics, teams 2 and 3 will behead the enemy at two o'clock ahead."

"Four teams and five teams screen, and six teams behead the enemy at 11 o'clock."

"Team 11, attack the enemy line in front of you!"


Orders were issued to 300 squads centered on Han Chen. The 300 squads were like 300 sharp swords, attacking the enemy's most elite army.

Wherever the purple suit army passes by, all enemies can't stop them, no matter what kind of enemy it is, they can't cause substantial damage to them.

These teams are like miracles, performing miracles in the battlefield.

Behind these miraculous teams, Huaxia's legion continued to harvest lives.


"It's never been so cool to kill."

"Hahaha, let's fight! Let's kill!"

"Let these **** see the power of our China!"

When the balance of the war began to tilt, China’s counterattack kicked off.

"There are 18 million legions, but the number of epic ranks is less than one in a thousand. There are only 15,000 people. It is enough for each member of the suit legion to kill one person."

Han Chen still used the Eye of Quicksand to search for traces of epic existence in the enemy camp.

This is his brand-new decapitation tactic. Since it is unrealistic to behead the existence of the legendary level, then behead the leaders of the epic level legion.

God's Domain was originally a world where the strong and the class were distinguished. Every epic existence in the legion played the same role as a leader. It was hoped that those king-level life-level fighters would lead more than a thousand people. Legion is basically impossible.

Without absolute strength, how can you convince the crowd?

Such a structure should be no problem. The strong are like arrows. The direction pointed by the strong is the direction of the regiment's attack. This is the best way for a regiment to exert the most direct combat effectiveness.

Before these miraculous purple suit army appeared, no one was able to use such tactics.

Because wanting to beheaded in the Ten Thousand Arms, that is really something that only legendary existence can do.

"There are only less than a thousand people left. Then, you can fight freely with a small team as a unit, but be careful not to get too far away from the large army, otherwise, it is easy to be set on fire by other people’s wizards. Even I can't save you."

Because when Han Chen first arranged 300 teams of 35 people, they were originally arranged according to the direction of the enemy’s epic existence. Once the beheading plan started, each team was moved like thunder, with lightning speed. The momentum of the ear killed the epic existence in front of him to death.

Under such circumstances, it is reasonable for the enemy's epic existence to be killed by a face-to-face with fewer than 1,000 people.

"It turns out that there is really blood on the top."

Han Chen shook his head and took back the equipment of a squad that had been fired and killed by the suit mage group-in each suit, he left the [teleport] technique, which could allow him to teleport to the side of the squad. The equipment was returned to his side.

This is also a way to prevent the enemy from learning your own secrets.

After all, such a method will become his hole card for a long time and can be kept secret. Of course, he does not want to be known by the enemy.

Such an elite suit legion is certainly not without flaws. After all, even if it is a true Legendary existence, if it is set on fire by the wizard group, it is still dangerous, but a true Legendary existence will not easily put yourself in such a dangerous situation. That's it.

They were too excited, so one or two teams accidentally rushed over their heads.

Some teams were designed by the enemy and accidentally fell into the siege of the wizard group, and even the random teleport scroll was too late to use, or after using it, they still could not escape the range of the wizard group's fire.

But these are already non-war crimes.

Just as the victory of a local war cannot have a decisive impact on the general situation, the wizard group is also unable to recover when it is completely defeated.

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