All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 885: Three neutral forces

Chapter 885: Three Neutral Forces

The Frozen Goddess did not directly answer Han Chen's words, but smiled and pointed to the frozen soldiers around him: "You won't blame me for accidentally killing your people!"

Han Chen shook his head: "If this is all to be held accountable, won't all the commanders who make strategic sacrifices on the battlefield be sent to a military court?"

When the ice goddess attacked the lord of the blue sky, she accidentally injured some Chinese soldiers.

But this is a very common behavior on the battlefield.

Even China's own commander, sometimes for the strategic victory of a certain war, may take the initiative to sacrifice thousands or even tens of thousands of people.

As the saying goes, benevolence is not in control. Han Chen was still a little uncomfortable with this phenomenon at first, but he accepted it after seeing more.

In fact, being able to make one's own death have enough value is acceptable to those Chinese soldiers.

Not to mention death in the realm of God, even in this world, they will be very happy.

The ice goddess smiled and said: "That's good, the Lord of Blue Sky will leave it to you to deal with."

After speaking, she disappeared in place.

Han Chen returned to the Lost City after shutting the soul of the Lord of Blue Sky into the Soul Locking Tower.

The next battle doesn't need him to intervene too much, and it is handed over to Huaxia's soldiers to solve it, so that they can realize their value even more.

This one-sided battle finally came to an end after more than three days of hunting and killing.

The combined attacks of more than a dozen top forces assembled a total of more than 10 million powerful legions, but in front of almost the same number of Chinese legions, almost the entire army was wiped out, and only less than 10% of the legions that were good at speed were able to escape.

This war shocked the entire Tianzhuyuan.

"Impossible, impossible!"

After hearing the news, the Lord of Huangsha almost didn't kill the person who gave the order to Yijian, "What is it? How can people have legendary power?"

His heart was full of shock, and he didn't expect the earth to have such a method.

If such means cannot be resolved, then no matter how many troops besiege the earth, the ultimate result will only be annihilation.

Even if the earth is given enough time to grow, it is not the earth that needs to consider whether oneself will perish, but them.

A legendary existence came to the Lord of the Yellow Sands and respectfully said: "Master of the Yellow Sands, about the power of these suits, maybe those truly ancient forces will be recorded."

The Lord of Huangsha forced himself to remain calm: "Yes, the existence of God’s Domain is too old. Even if there are some wizards that can innovate, it is impossible to innovate to this degree, and Han Chen is good at fighting. It's not that these sidelines, he must have obtained some ancient means."

The legendary existence said: "In our investigation, China has a close relationship with the Rune Masters Guild. Maybe we can get the answer in the Rune Masters Guild."

Hearing the Rune Master’s Union, the Lord of the Yellow Sand fell into silence.

The Rune Masters Union is one of the three neutral forces in Tianzhuyuan.

Of these three neutral forces, the first is the mercenary union. The mercenary union in the novice training area was established on this basis. However, the mercenary union is the least threatening to these large forces because of this. It was originally composed of a disc of loose sand, which may be able to cause some obstacles to these top forces, but without a regular army, the threat is still to be lowered.

The existence of mercenary unions is actually more of a buffer.

After all, the war between the two top powers will not end in endlessly under normal circumstances, but if they do not lay down enough benefits and kill enough enemies, they will not end well.

When no one is willing to suffer a loss, the mercenary union has become a place for them to make merits.

The second is the Chamber of Commerce. There are many refiners who don't like fighting, as well as pharmacists and medicinal planters. The wealth is the top of Tianzhuyuan.

However, wealth needs strength to protect.

If you want to protect much wealth, you must have much strength.

Therefore, if the Chamber of Commerce wants to gain a foothold in Tianzhuyuan, it must hand in various offerings to the major forces and provide them with sufficient equipment and medicine on a regular basis.

More importantly, those top powerhouses can also sign a contract with the Chamber of Commerce, which is to maintain the operation and stability of the Chamber of Commerce at ordinary times, and even provide some protection for the Chamber of Commerce when necessary, in exchange for the Chamber of Commerce to provide sufficient wealth when they are down. Help yourself to make a comeback.

This function is somewhat similar to that of an insurance company.

Of course, unlike insurance companies on the earth, this insurance business is real, and there is no such thing as taking advantage of legal control and liability clauses.

In this sacred realm with the theme of killing and war, no one can guarantee that they will continue to flourish, so the Chamber of Commerce can use this to avoid war.

However, during the invasion of God's Domain, the Chamber of Commerce still provided equipment support for the top forces.

After all, the two sides are in a relationship between the lips and the teeth. The Chamber of Commerce can ignore the demise of one power, but it can't just watch the destruction of the entire Tianzhuyuan.

The third is the Rune Masters Union.

If the first two exist because of the value of the two, then the existence of the Rune Master Guild is completely dependent on its own strength.

It's not that the Runemaster Guild has the strength to deal with any top forces, but because if you want to deal with them, the price you pay is bound to be much greater than the benefit.

The rune equipment produced by the Rune Masters Guild is not rune equipment, but scrolls.

No power does not need scrolls, and no power can leave the teleport scrolls. Therefore, the goods of the Rune Master’s Union have become a mandatory requirement.

Moreover, most of the scrolls cannot be robbed.

After all, the scrolls for battle and the scrolls for healing, if you don't directly kill the owner of these scrolls by sneak attack, then be prepared to be bombarded to death by these scrolls.

As long as you have enough wealth, even if it is an epic existence, it is not without the confidence to challenge the legend.

When Han Chen showed the legendary full power for the first time, he was besieged like this.

Of course, it is not that the gap between the two sides can be crossed so easily, but because those scrolls originally belonged to the level of legend, and the existence of those epic ranks was only used as a fort.

There are many such things in the Rune Master Guild, so no top power dare to provoke them.

The Lord of Huangsha was silent for a moment, and then sighed: "I can only go to those people and ask for clarity. It is related to the stability of the entire Tianzhuyuan. They should not reject us!"

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