All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 886: Resource crisis

Chapter 886 Resource Crisis

"Are there not enough resources?"

Just when Han Chen wanted to continue the war, he was told that the resources were insufficient.

Li Guangzheng said: "The earth has accumulated a lot of wealth, but in order to accumulate experience, most of it has been consumed in the battle of the abyssal invasion. Otherwise, our earth’s legion would not be able to compete with these top forces so quickly. In the past few months of war, we have almost exhausted our accumulation of combat power, and now we can fight for up to half a month."

After hearing this question, the upper echelons of the earth also had a headache.

War needs to be consumed, even if the depreciation of equipment is not considered, but the potion to restore mana, potion to restore physical strength, resurrection of the dead, and action consumption all require resources.

The so-called war is actually a war of resources.

Obtain more places where resources can be produced through war, then use time to accumulate resources, and finally use these resources to continue wars.

This is the simplest model of God's Domain War.

Han Chen said: "You shouldn't worry about resource issues. I have also used a lot of legendary existences during this period. They have harvested some legendary equipment, and the equipment on the enemies we killed is also a wealth. There are also some materials on the dragon, which should be enough to continue to fight."

He doesn't like war, but knows that this war must continue.

Now is the time for the earth to work together to deal with foreign enemies. China has just won an unprecedented victory. If it stops at this time, then China's spirit will be at least half lost.

Li Long also said indifferently: "How many resources are needed, just say a number!"

In the past few years since he disappeared, he has also obtained a lot of adventures, and he still has certain confidence in wealth.

The dragon is originally the race that likes to collect wealth. He has the memory of the sacred dragon, and of course he will not let go of this opportunity to enter the dragon's nest.

Li Guangzheng smiled bitterly: "This is not a problem of wealth, but simply cannot buy resources. People in the Chamber of Commerce have begun to refuse to sell us medicines, and there are almost no places where we can produce medicines. Without medicines , We can only be in a passive defensive position with equipment alone."

Ziyue frowned: "In other words, if we fight another war at most, do we have to enter the stage of recuperating and accumulating wealth?"

Li Guangzheng said: "Exactly."

This is a helpless fact. Why are some small countries able to win some local wars but still fail to shake the status of a big country?

This is the inside story of a great power.

The alliance of the major forces of the Tianzhu original has been defeated in the past few months since the war with the earth. A large number of saints were lost when they invaded the earth, and now they have lost a large number of elite legions, but they are still in Absolutely dominant position.

The earth's threat to them is in the future, but now the earth really cannot fight a war.

Han Chen tapped his fingers on the table: "You mean, the Chamber of Commerce refuses to sell us things?"

Even if he wanted to use those legendary equipment and some legendary precious materials in exchange for war resources, no one was willing to change it.

The entire Tianzhu was originally his enemy, who would sell him?

Now even the Chamber of Commerce has rejected the earth's transaction, and the earth is even more isolated and helpless.

Li Guangzheng said: "This is also a very normal thing. It can guarantee that the Chamber of Commerce will always exist. It can only be a balanced and stable Tianzhuyuan. If the old structure of Tianzhuyuan is broken, then the Chamber of Commerce will also lose its original structure. Aloof status."

The strength of the Chamber of Commerce is weaker than that of Rune. It is a trade union, and most of the members of the Chamber of Commerce are mainly auxiliary professions, and they are not willing to fight at all.

Therefore, if you want to keep them from the flames of war, they can only find their own foothold in the balance of the top forces.

Li Long also had a headache: "If this is the case, then can we not continue the war?"

Li Guangzheng said: "I am afraid that is the case. Our best choice now is to regain the lost ground first, then rest and regenerate for a period of time, and then continue to launch war. Of course, if we forcefully recruit war resources from a global scale, we are not wrong. We can continue to launch a long war."

The lack of resources in the military does not mean that China lacks resources, nor does it mean that the earth lacks resources.

Huaxia's philosophy is to hide wealth from the people. If all the resources of the people are forcibly recruited, it is not impossible to continue to wage war.

Moreover, Huaxia is now in the stage of the same hatred, even if it is no problem to recruit resources from the entire earth.

It's just that you can never do too much of this kind of thing.

Han Chen shook his head: "No, the accumulation of private wealth and the growth of strength depend on the encounters in the wild. If we cannot directly conquer the opponent, then the result of forcibly conscripting resources is to allow the mass players to level up and collect in the wild. We are in a disadvantaged position when we have resources, so we are the people who are bled."

What determines the victory of a local war is which side has the bigger fist.

But there are many factors that determine the victory of the overall war.

Since the end of the Abyssal Invasion War, China has been fighting for 11 months in a row. The reason why it has so many resources is not just China's past accumulation, but also the war bonus.

The so-called war dividend is to collect resources from various civil organizations, and then promise to use the equipment and other benefits obtained in the war to return to the major civil forces.

But being able to use such means to provide conditions for war is that China's civilian forces can always be in an advantageous position in the wild, rather than making ends meet.

If the earthlings are training in the wild, but often encounter enemy ambushes, the earth itself will suffer heavy losses for a long time.

Therefore, the power of the people cannot be weakened.

Li Guangzheng said helplessly: "China is not afraid of any life-or-death war, but if you want to take the initiative to launch a large-scale counterattack, it must require resources. This is a problem that cannot be avoided."

Li Long also said helplessly: "Recover the lost land first! After recovering the lost land, I will find a way to see if this problem can be solved. It is really impossible. We can use our mercenary union to buy directly from them with our loot. Although the speed and efficiency of war resources are very low, this method can only be used."

The Chamber of Commerce will not sell things to Huaxia on the surface, but there are definitely not too few people who can make transactions secretly.

Especially the mercenary guild, there are definitely not too few idle mercenaries who dare to take risks.

It's just that such a transaction is absolutely impossible to conduct large-scale transactions, which is destined to be a long process.

At this time, Han Chen's God Domain watch received Cui Yu Liunian's request to meet.

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