All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 895: Proposal of the Lord of Wild Ge

Chapter 895: Proposal of the Lord of Wild Ge

The words of the Lord of Wild Ge were very pertinent, and it was also impossible to refuse.

However, Han Chen could not agree.

"It's not that I don't want to fight with you, but that you don't agree with me."

Han Chen shook his head, "After all, I don't want the earth to be a cake for you to share, let you down."

The Lord of Huang Ge said: "I believe that you are all sensible people. In the face of big things, you will definitely distinguish between priorities."

Han Chen said: "Then, first of all give us back the things taken from Dianxing Hall!"

This time, many legendary existences began to shout.

"What are you talking about? Are you trying to take advantage of the fire?"

"How is it possible for us to spit out what we get?"

"Impossible, what is your sincerity?"

Not that they are stupid, but that their values ​​are like this.

In this place where the weak and the strong eat, the things you grab are your own, and there is no reason to vomit the meat in your stomach.

And there is another worry in their hearts, that is, if this abyssal invasion will continue for a long time, will the earth take advantage of this opportunity to grow up?

The war of the abyss invasion is temporary. If the earth grows to become their greatest threat, the threat to them will be long-lasting.

Han Chen looked at the lord of Huang Ge with helpless eyes: "It is impossible for a corps to use its strength to fight without strong logistics support. Now they have to cut off our logistics, we too There is no way, after all, we can't let us go to war hungry."

Any war is a competition of comprehensive strength. The so-called one-strength reduction of 10 meetings, or the use of absolute strength to crush everything, is not an example of teaching.

Now, most of the territory of Dianxing Temple has been taken away, and the logistics has weakened a bit.

The Lord of Huang Ge said: "I believe there must be a solution to this matter."

Upon hearing such remarks, Han Chen looked at Lord Huangge with contempt in his eyes without concealment.

He didn't stand up to eliminate disputes at all. After all, if he was also to eliminate disputes, then he would not say such a thing.

The conditions he just put forward were not excessive, he just wanted to reclaim the lost ground.

But even if it was such a condition, the other party would not be satisfied, because they would not give the earth a chance to grow and develop.

The Lord of Huang Ge looked like he wanted to adjust the contradiction, but with such a tactful rhetoric, he obviously wanted to make Dianxing Palace take a step back.

Sure enough, the Lord of Huang Ge resisted Han Chen's contemptuous eyes, and said calmly: "Actually, they are not unwilling to return the things that originally belonged to the Dianxing Temple, even if they give the earth a foothold. It’s not impossible."

Hearing this, many legendary existences showed anxious expressions on their faces.

Who said they would do it?

They just don't want to.

Even if their forces have shrunk a lot due to the invasion of the abyss, they still have enough certainty to save their lives.

But if they are allowed to ride a head for a new force, they will not be able to tolerate it.

They can tolerate their own weakness, but they cannot tolerate others being stronger than themselves.

Then, the Lord of Huang Ge continued: "Everyone is worried that Dianxing Palace will threaten everyone’s status in the future. As long as Dianxing Palace’s Star Lord and Your Excellency Han Chen jointly make a commitment to sign a binding force that is strong enough. The contract. It promises that even if Dianxing Palace and the earth grow up in the future, it will not become a threat to Tianzhuyuan. I believe that everyone will not only be willing to return everything that Dianxing Palace has, but also provide some support to you."

After hearing this, everyone's eyes lit up.

They really regarded the earth as a fat sheep at the beginning.

But today's earth is no longer something they can easily move.

If they still look at the earth with old thinking, they will suffer.

If it cannot cause a devastating blow to the earth, then after a period of time, it is very likely that it is not the earth but them that are worried about life and death.

They shudder at the thought of their life and death being in the hands of a new civilization.

If this civilization cannot be resolved, then forcing them to sign a contract that will never threaten them is not unacceptable.

A spokesperson for a top power immediately stated: "I agree, we are not unwilling to return everything you have, we are just worried about the threat you posed, as long as you are willing to sign a contract with sufficient binding force, we will definitely be willing to provide you with Certain support."

"So are we."

"We are the same."

The spokespersons of the major forces looked at each other a few times, and they all felt that this kind of opinion seemed very good, and it was a good thing for them to be able to solve the two crises at once.

The only thing that made them feel uncomfortable was that it made them completely give up the idea of ​​looting the earth.

Even if the earth promised not to infringe on their status and sovereignty in the future, it would be hard for them to think that such a new civilization would do so.

But how can everything in the world be perfect? It is acceptable for them to be able to achieve this level.


"Are you kidding me?"

Han Chen's eyes became increasingly cold.

The Son of the Deep sneered and said: "What? We have all made this kind of concession. Do you still want to put forward more conditions? If you continue to be so greedy, I think everyone will not tolerate such a thing. Civilization becomes our ally."

The words of the Son of the Deep were recognized by everyone.

"Yes, we are the same."

"We have all backed down to this level, what do you want?"

Asking them to bow their heads and retreat is something that makes them feel aggrieved.

If it weren't because Han Chen is too strong today, they wouldn't have suffered such humiliation.

However, if this is not the case, their losses are likely to be even greater.

Under such conditions, Han Chen actually wanted to keep making progress, which aroused their anger.

"Ha ha ha ha ha······"

Han Chen is already disappointed with the powerhouses who are used to being aloof. "Do you think this is enough? Do you think that such conditions are simply kind to me?"

Is not it?

This thought came to everyone's mind, but they didn't say it.

If you really say it, then it might arouse Han Chen's anger.

Han Chen said: "If you think this is the biggest concession you can make, then I'm sorry, we don't accept this kind of charity."

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