All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 896: madman

Chapter 896: Crazy

Han Chen's words shocked the entire meeting.

They didn't expect that Han Chen had any reason not to agree to such a favorable condition.

He has already given him such a step down, what else does he want?

As a result, Han Chen's image in their hearts became more greedy.

A spokesperson for the Tianzhu forces sneered and said: "Your Excellency Han Chen, I know that you are a peerless genius, and you may enter the realm of mythology in the future. This does not mean that you can do whatever you want in the past civilization. It’s not that a myth has never been born, but even if it is a myth, there is no way to provoke the entire Tianzhuyuan."

For his words, Han Chen believed very much.

Tianzhuyuan didn't have a myth, but it didn't mean they didn't have the ability to deal with myths.

A very simple means can be done-call the parents!

Why was Han Chen reminded when he destroyed the blood desert and the snowy field that the water in Tianzhuyuan was deeper than everything you saw?

Because this is the entrance to the new civilization, it is the first place to come into contact with the new civilization when it merges into the realm of God.

Of course, such a place cannot be occupied by a single force, so the disputes here are limited to a certain range.

But if there is an existence that wants to break the balance here, someone will naturally come out to obliterate this unstable factor.

But does Han Chen care about these things?

"Do you know what you are talking about?"

Han Chen's icy gaze swept at the crowd, "Do you know what you were doing in the past? You want to turn our earth civilization into history. All those who want to live can only exist in God's Domain in the form of souls. , While losing the potential to move forward, will you become your wage earners? Become your servants!"

When he was speaking, his body was also moving forward, and he passed by a legendary existence, as if to remember everyone's faces in his eyes.

"A group of bandits who want to destroy our earth's civilization, a group of things that want to make our earth's civilization your slaves, now feel that as long as they don't swing the looted butcher knife at us, they are good for us? Do we have to be grateful? ?"

Isn't that the case?

This is their subconscious mind.

It's just that you can't say it openly.

"I tell you!"

Han Chen's voice suddenly amplified, "In the eyes of our earth civilization, whether it is a demon from the abyss or a compatriot from the wisdom life camp, whoever wants to destroy our earth civilization is ours. enemy."

The Son of the Deep said: "You are setting up an enemy for the earth! Will you be the culprit for destroying the civilization of your hometown?"

"What does that matter?"

Han Chen approached the Son of the Deep Sea, "Who else is in your hometown here? Who else still has unerasable memories in his heart? What else is worth protecting with your life?"

Hearing Han Chen's questioning, everyone's hearts trembled.

What are these things?

"I tell you bluntly."

Han Chen said loudly, "We will definitely take back the things that belong to our earth. Even if you don’t need your charity, we will use our swords to **** them back. We want to survive in this realm of God, but we survive. What we rely on is not your charity, but our hard work."

"Do you think your conditions seem to be very benevolent? Then I will tell you straight! If Tianzhuyuan is destroyed and destroyed in the war of God's Domain invasion, let it be destroyed. If it is a land without an earth Civilization, without the Tianzhuyuan of Chinese civilization, does it matter whether it exists or is destroyed?"

After hearing Han Chen's words, everyone's expressions changed.

Unexpectedly, Han Chen actually said such words, which made them feel unacceptable.

Is the wisdom life camp to fight the abyss together, is it no longer something that all intelligent life must do?

Han Chen is so presumptuous, wouldn't he put the whole Tianzhuyuan in his eyes?

The Lord of Huang Ge said to the Lord of the Stars: "Your Majesty, the Lord of the Stars, don't know what your Majesty means? Does your Majesty even agree with such nonsense?"

The Lord of the Stars said: "Han Chen's meaning is to point the Star Palace."

After hearing the words of the Lord of the Stars, everyone's complexion changed again.

Even such a messy argument, the Lord of the Stars must support it.

Is he going crazy?

The Lord of Huang Ge said to Han Chen: "What do you want?"

"What the **** am I going to do? I should ask you this, right!"

Han Chen sneered, "Do you really care about the invasion of the abyss? All you care about is how much loss you have suffered. I can tell you plainly, our earth, at least what we want to achieve. The thing is to allow our civilization to truly continue in the realm of God, instead of becoming a group of poor people who have lost their homeland, even the memory of their homeland."

Hearing Han Chen's words, Lord Huang Ge's body trembled slightly.

Lost your home, the memory of losing your home?

Is this talking about him?

Not long ago, he also had a hometown, but after the destruction of his hometown, with the passage of time, he has forgotten everything.

After losing the body, the soul is no longer complete.

Even if the soul can continue in God's Domain, it will inevitably be exhausted after all.

In the process, he will lose a lot of important things, such as the boring comfort of hometown memories.

Han Chen said: "I don't need you to remind me of how difficult this road is. I just want to tell you one thing. Since we are on this road, there is absolutely no possibility of turning back. If someone wants to stop On our way forward, we will certainly remove all obstacles to the way forward at all costs."

The Son of the Deep yelled at the Lord of the Stars: "Han Chen is a madman, and the Lord of the Stars are you also a madman? Do you want to see your foundation destroyed with such a madman, and see the entire Tianzhu Is the reason for being caught in the flames of war for the behavior of such a lunatic?

The Lord of Stars glanced at him lightly.

When this glance came, the son of the deep sea was like an ice cave.

The prestige of the Lord of the Stars is too high, and his prestige comes entirely from his own powerful strength, just a look in his eyes makes him feel the crisis of life and death.

He even suspected that even if his deity was not here, the other party could be separated by thousands of mountains and rivers, directly threatening his deity's life.

The Lord of Stars slowly said: "Han Chen's meaning is my will, the will of the Star Palace. How many times do you need me to repeat it before you understand?"

The whole meeting was silent.

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