All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 897: Fair words

Chapter 897: Fair Words

When the Lord of the Stars said this again, it was not just the children of the deep sea, most of the legendary beings present were like falling ice caves.

The attitude of the Lord of Stars shocked them greatly.

Unexpectedly, Han Chen went crazy to such an extent, the Lord of the Stars was still willing to support him.

Could this be the meaning of the Lord of the Stars itself?

The thought of such a possibility made everyone's heart colder.

The Lord of the Stars knocked on the existence of the gate of the mythical realm. If such an existence also does crazy things, what kind of consequences will it cause?

Han Chen mocked: "No need to try, your temptation is meaningless, and the worst result for us is nothing but destruction, but if we don't even worry about this, what else can you threaten us?"

The Lord of the Wild Ge said: "The invasion of the abyssal creatures not only threatens our lives, but also erodes our minds, making us a part of the abyssal creatures. Compared with the trivial matter of death, loss of reason is more threatening to us. Big."

Han Chen said: "If Huaxia is not there, will I lose my mind and what is the difference?"

Seeing Han Chen's firm attitude, everyone was a headache.

His attitude is basically breaking the jar, directly threatening everyone to submit by lifting the table.

If they really accepted all the conditions put forward by Han Chen, it would be equivalent to being directly threatened.

This is something they cannot accept.

The Lord of the Wild Ge said to the Yue Sage who had been silent: "Your Excellency Yue Sage, in this situation, please say something fair."

Everyone looked at Yue Sage with expectant eyes.

Sage Yue is the number one powerhouse in Tianzhuyuan, and her words have some decisive weight.

They also hope that such existence can have some influence on the Lord of Stars.

"Just be fair?"

Yue Sage said to the Lord of Huang Ge in a mocking tone, "Or we would join hands and kill the Lord of the Stars together, then kill Han Chen, and finally kill the Goddess of Ice and Snow, then there will be no road for the Alliance. Hindered."

After hearing what Yue Sage said, everyone was speechless.

Moon Sage is strong, but only a cloud city is the backing.

It's hard to kill even a master of stars, let alone kill so many people.

Even if she really has the ability to kill so many people, how can they unite to fight the invasion of the creatures of God's Domain?

The Lord of Huang Ge was also choked for a while, and could only smile bitterly: "Sage Yue is not kidding."

"You made the joke first."

Yue Sage said coldly, "Let me be fair? You have invaded the territory of Dianxing Temple, killed countless members of Dianxing Temple, and plundered countless resources from them. Now you still want Dianxing Temple to help you. In the war, the Lord will selflessly fight with you side by side against foreign enemies? Don’t you find it ridiculous?”

The faces of everyone were a little embarrassed.

The so-called fans of the authorities, because they themselves are on the predatory side, of course there is no feeling.

But this way, being pointed out directly and frankly by the sage Yue made them feel a little embarrassed.

Yue sage said: "If you want me to be fair, it is better to change positions, hand over half of all the resources in your territory, and then hand over half of the troops to me for command. I believe that as long as we gather everyone together No matter what kind of enemy it is, it is not enough to fear."

Everyone's expressions became even more embarrassing.

Is this possible?

How could they give their lives to others?

Give the resources to the Moon Sage for distribution, and hand over the military strength to the Moon Sage’s command. Even if the Moon Sage has been a fair existence in the past, they dare not use so many things to gamble on the character of the Moon Sage. !

If the sages are too unselfish in January, they will ruin all their troops in order to win, then what is the reason for them to fight so hard?

Sage Yue glanced at the Lord of Huang Ge with indifferent eyes: "Since what you want is not fair at the beginning, then don't ask me to be fair."

The Lord of Huang Ge lowered his head, his eyes filled with shame.

Do they really want justice?

No, they just want to solve the threat.

One is the threat of the abyss invasion, the other is the threat of Dianxing Temple and the earth.

If the two threats can be resolved together, that would be the best.

But things are not so perfect.

Han Chen's hard-line attitude made them feel very headache, it was like a look of oil and salt, which made them very distressed.

Now they have to face a problem. If they can only focus on one threat, which one do they want to solve?

Han Chen said to the Lord of Huang Ge: "Actually, you have no choice. There are only two attitudes between you and us. The first is to become friends, to erase all past grudges, but want to erase. Gratitude and grievance itself also has a price. The second type is to become enemies with us."

The Son of the Deep said angrily: "Do you think we are really afraid of you? A new civilization that has just entered God's Domain for a few years, dares to be so arrogant, do you really think we can't help you?"

Han Chen said: "Then it's the fight, why do you talk so much nonsense?"


The Son of the Deep is anxious, but he doesn't have the full power to fight.

Especially in such a situation, if he unilaterally goes to war with the earth and the Dianxing Palace, then the most unlucky one is definitely not Dianxing Palace and the earth.

Han Chen scanned the crowd for a week and slowly said: "We will definitely face the invasion of the abyssal creatures, but this is only one of our enemies. The enemies of the enemy are not necessarily all friends. We will take back all our losses. Before, anyone who hindered us was our enemy."

The Lord of Huang Ge said: "If you don't have a big picture like this, you will easily suffer in the future."

Han Chen said: "I just want my civilization to exist."

The Lord of Huang Ge said: "Whether it is a civilization or an individual, if you want to live longer, you must make some necessary compromises. Those who don't understand fear and compromise have already died out in history."

Han Chen said coldly: "The loser is not qualified to teach me. Maybe my path is wrong, but after all, there is the possibility of success. A loser wants to teach me with his own experience? Does he want to teach me? Add a wrong option to the elimination method?"

The Lord of Wild Ge was filled with shame and anger.

Loser, he actually said he was a loser!

Can he succeed?

What kind of thing is he, when he sees the sinisterness of God's Domain, and when he faces the terrifying abyss, see if he has the confidence to say such a thing!

"I believe that you are not willing to give up what you have already harvested. This matter will end here. Let's fight separately! I hope the conflict between each other will not be too great."

The Lord of the Stars summarized the meeting, and then weakly said, "Let's end the meeting!"

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