All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 898: respect

The final decision of the Star Lord was not to make decisions for Han Chen, he just didn't want to waste time.

Since he said to let Han Chen represent Dianxingdian, he would not regret it.

However, since the result has been set, why waste this time?

The battle requires logistics, and the territory of Dianxing Palace will not be recovered. Even if they go to the front line to participate in the war, they will only die. They do not understand this truth, but they want to use this to intimidate Dianxing Palace and offer a better price.

Otherwise, it would be too bad for them to spit out the meat that they had eaten in their mouths.

When the Lord of the Stars announced the end of the meeting, Lord Huang Ge's face changed: "Do you really want to separate yourself from the Tianzhuyuan at the Star Palace? If this is the case, you... "

He originally wanted to say that this approach was to make Dianxing Temple the public enemy of the entire Tianzhuyuan, but thinking about them already becoming everyone's enemies, naturally the following words would not be said.

It's just that this is a matter of the wisdom life camp, he originally thought that the lord of the stars should compromise.

Unexpectedly, he directly announced the end of the meeting.

Han Chen said: "It's very strange, where are you guys emboldened for us to die? Even if we are to stand on the first front of the abyss of resistance, we can't do this, after all, the total number of killings in the Star Palace last time At most, it is too much to ask us to die on the front line without letting us die."

The Lord of Huang Ge took a deep breath and said: "Actually..."

"No need for it."

Han Chen interrupted him directly, "Since you don't want to spit out what you have already gotten, it is also very simple. We can defend our respective turf."

Each defends its own territory...

There was a twitch on everyone's face.

The site of Dianxing Palace is now the smallest, but their strength has not been compromised too much, and the defensive pressure is of course the smallest.

Just when they were about to say something more, the images of most people were cut off.

This is the Lord of Stars directly interrupting this boring wrangling.

He doesn't like to waste time, since Han Chen has made a decision, he doesn't have to continue to wrestle with them.

His eyes turned to Yue Sage, the number one powerhouse in Tianzhuyuan.

Her attitude is very important. Although she rejected the Lord of Wild Ge before, it does not mean that she will stand on the side of Dianxing Palace.

Because she has enough qualifications to remain neutral.

Yue Sage gave Han Chen a meaningful look, and then the incarnation disappeared without saying anything.

The Lord of the Stars said: "Sage Yue has always disliked messy political struggles. When facing foreign enemies, she will never stab you in the back, but she will not help you during internal fighting. "

The neutrality of the weak is called the wall grass, and the neutrality of the strong is called Gaojie.

Yue sage is the strong, she has enough confidence to ensure her independence.

Han Chen nodded: "Enough."

As he said, his gaze cast his gaze on the only remaining phantom: "The words of the Tianzhuyuan Chamber of Commerce, my lord, don't know where your chamber of commerce will tilt its limited resources?"

Business Humanitarianism: "We only seek a stable environment. If someone wants to break the stability of Tianzhuyuan, we will definitely not support him."

With that, his avatar disappeared.

Han Chen also expected this.

The Chamber of Commerce was originally a neutral force, and only in a dynamically balanced Tianzhuyuan could it guarantee its neutral status.

Once the Chamber of Commerce starts to favor, that is the beginning of destruction.

After all, the Chamber of Commerce where Tianzhu was destroyed was not one or two.

Now Han Chen is a person who wants to break the original pattern of Tianzhu, so the Chamber of Commerce will not help Han Chen, and will only stand with the defenders of the old pattern.

Han Chen understood their choice and despised their choice.

The Lord of the Stars said to Han Chen: "Do you have any ideas?"

Han Chen said: "It may be a little bit of trouble for the Star Palace."

The Lord of the Stars said indifferently: "In this world, if you want to do anything, you have to pay a price. If you want to achieve any goal, you have to take risks. I want too much and I want to do It’s too difficult, and the risks to be taken are of course very large."

Helping the planet is also an investment for him.

Because the "return" he wants is too great, it is inevitable that he will continue to increase his risk.

For him, as long as he can see a glimmer of hope, it is worth his bet on the entire Dianxing Palace.

Han Chen said: "Now, the first step should be to announce everything here, so that the entire earth and the entire Dianxing Temple will know about this matter."

The Lord of Stars is a little strange: "Why do you want to do this? Does it make any sense to let ordinary people know our decisions?"

This is the consistent thinking of the strong in God's Domain. The weak only need to obey the strong, without knowing the reason for obedience.

After all, whether you know it or not, you cannot change the final result.

Han Chen thought for a while, and then said: "This should be called respect! When we were marching in ancient China, the most taboo thing was to be an unknown teacher. Now that people can see the true face of the enemy, it can also arouse everyone's will to fight against the enemy. Right! Let them fight for us and I'm sorry for them. It would be cruel if they didn't let them know why they were fighting."

As the so-called mercy is not in charge, Han Chen will not end the war because he does not want Huaxia to have casualties. What he can do is to let them understand why he is fighting.

He will tell them that you are fighting for the future of China and the future of the earth.

The Lord of the Stars was silent for several seconds before slowly spit out a word: "Okay!"

His idea is also very simple. If he can't find the way he wants, then don't interfere with others' choices.

The content of this meeting quickly spread throughout the entire earth, and spread throughout the entire Dianxing Temple.

After learning the content of the meeting, countless people were angry.

"This is too much."

"It's too much to want us to fight on a united front with them, but not willing to return to what belongs to us."

"It's a robber, after being a robber, I want to be a slave owner again!"

When most people expressed anger at me, some discordant voices also appeared.

"But, isn't this something that our smart life camp wants to do in a unified way?"

"Yes! In the face of a common enemy, we should work together to deal with the enemy."

"Your opinion is very good, then please go to the front line! We will not ignorant people who want to go to the front line."

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