All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 906: Purple Moon

The 960th chapter of the purple moon

"Now you can go back."

Han Chen said calmly, "You can help me tell them that if the price of cooperating with them is the destruction of the earth, then I would rather the entire Tianzhuyuan be eroded by the abyss and become a wilderness. I will not live and die. I care, I only care about myself."

After not knowing how long, the Lord of Huang Ge turned around and left without saying a word.

What Han Chen said just now caused a huge shock in his heart, making him a little hard to accept.

And what Han Chen said is beyond reproach, is it self-righteous? Selfishness has become a matter of course in God's Domain, and those who are selfless will be regarded as stupid talents.

They can sacrifice everything for their own benefit.

Of course, even if Han Chen's thoughts are for the earth as a whole, they are also selfish in their eyes. Why didn't Han Chen think about them?

After the Lord of Wild Ge left, Han Chen cast his gaze on the battlefield below.

Countless abyssal demons launched a charge towards the territory occupied by the earth, and the warriors of the earth united and rose up to resist.

Because he has been fighting with the abyssal demon for several years, there is no panic on the earth side, and the battle is also orderly.

The main force of this abyssal invasion is not in Dianxing Temple, but on those forces that have suffered heavy losses. Therefore, the earth has not encountered too strong enemies. The role of these abyssal demons is only to delay the time of the earth and Dianxing Temple. That's it.

Seeing that there was nothing wrong with the battle, Han Chen went to the nearby area to inspect again and left.

He came here only to check for accidents, and had no intention of taking action.

If the earth cannot do everything without him, I am afraid he will be ashamed!

At this moment, Han Chen's God Domain watch suddenly received an emergency alert.

"Could there be a crash in the battlefield somewhere?"

Han Chen was a little surprised, and then hurried to the location of the alarm.

Originally thought that the main force of the abyssal demon invasion should not be the earth, and he often patrols the battlefields everywhere, only out of caution.

Unexpectedly, there was an emergency on the battlefield.

After arriving in the warning zone, Han Chen found that Li Long, Wu Yuan, Alizee and others had already arrived.

Li Guangzheng is not there, he organizes the battle on the front line.

"What happened?"

Han Chen asked Li Long.

If it was not an emergency, Wu Yuan would be the first person to ask questions, but since it was an emergency military situation, Li Long, who was very professional, could explain the whole story in the shortest time, and directly hit the point of the matter.

Li Long said: "The bloodline of Ziyue has changed, and her strength has suddenly improved a lot, but I can't find out the reason. We are worried that this matter will have a great impact, so we call you over. After all, your means It's the most, maybe there is a way."

Han Chen's heart sank, and said in doubt: "We should have checked last time, there shouldn't be any problems!"

When the incarnation of Ziyue Demon descended last time, the bloodline problem of Ziyue had been solved.

Because he was worried about the devil's deception, he later checked Ziyue's soul repeatedly, but he didn't find anything.

Wu Yuan said: "I should believe in Ziyue, but after all, she is of demon blood, and she has changed on the battlefield. It is always doubtful. Now even the Dianxing Palace has some doubts about her."

There is a limit to any trust, just like Han Chen didn't tell Wu Yuan about his congenital awakening at first.

It is not that she does not believe that she will keep secrets, but that she also has people she trusts.

So this villain should be done by Han Chen from the beginning.

Ziyue is also facing the same situation. It is not that the few of them don't trust Ziyue, but that they can't take risks because of their trust in such matters.

The Dianxing Temple is even more so, they have no obligation to accompany them crazy.

Han Chen said, "Take me to see."

With that said, he followed Wu Yuan and others to Ziyue's side.

Ziyue is now in a wilderness, sitting cross-legged in a magic circle. There is no life in her within a hundred miles. This is an incredible thing in the gods' realm of monsters everywhere.

Han Chen opened the eyes of the night demon and saw that there was a magic circle around a hundred li, this was the power of the purple moon demon, and the source of this power was the purple moon herself.

Li Long simply explained: "We have encountered some very strange demons on the battlefield. They are in a very large number and are forming a magic circle. It seems that we are going to use our own flesh and blood to directly establish a communication ritual to make a certain A powerful presence came, so Ziyue directly took action and interfered with the ceremony."

Ziyue is of a demon bloodline, and has gained part of the power of the Ziyue Demon. Using her means to deal with the abyss is also a very suitable behavior.

Although I don't know what ritual the other party uses, since many demons can work together to perform it, it is always right to destroy it.

Ziyue said: "After I broke the ritual, the power in my body continued to emerge, and I could only vent it through killing, but all I killed were enemies, and everyone on our side was already early. I was evacuated, Han Chen, if you can't find anything unusual in my body, then seal me up again!"

She would rather die than burden the people around her, so although she didn't know what happened to her body, she couldn't accept that she would cause harm to people around her.

Although her harm has not been manifested now, what about the future?

No one knows what will happen next.

However, none of the people in high positions in China are hypocritical and twitchy.

Han Chen nodded and said, "Okay, I'll check it!"

With that said, he opened the eyes of the Night Demon and observed Ziyue's situation.

"You actually improved to level 11?"

Han Chen was a little surprised. Ziyue was only level 61 before. He was selected into the squad because of his special means, but now her level has reached level 72, which is only in the first battle!

How many enemies did she kill in this battle?

Ziyue explained: "The enemies I killed didn't provide me with a lot of aura. The reason why my level increased rapidly was because I broke a ritual. After breaking the ritual, my strength increased rapidly. Until this point, this is also the reason why I don't worry about others approaching me."

Level promotion in God's Domain does not happen overnight, it must have a gradual process.

And there is no free lunch in the world, who knows that such ascension has hidden life dangers?

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