All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 907: accident?

Chapter 907: Accident?

There is no free lunch in the world, Ziyue's strength has improved so much at once, of course it will not be due to the gift of the abyss, and the abyss cannot do good things in vain.

The biggest possibility behind this is that they want to use Ziyue to do something.

It doesn't matter what they want to do. After a while, the Earth has no means to detect it, so Ziyue should be "isolated" by isolation.

This is the best approach for now.

At least on the surface...

Han Chen thought for a while, and then said: "My Eye of the Night Demon can't see any problems. I think there are several reasons why I can't see the problems. The first one may be that the abyss's means are too high. So high that we can’t understand the second possibility, the second possibility is a complete accident. If it is the second possibility, I will let Wen Rendian confirm it.”

Wenren can definitely see the past. If it is confirmed by him that it was an accident, then the second possibility can be concluded in all likelihood.

This possibility is not completely absent. After all, so many demons were sacrificed on the battlefield to form a certain ceremony.

Maybe there is something wrong with this, that will make Ziyue improve so much.

A legendary existence from Dianxing Temple came to Han Chen and persuaded him: “You don’t understand the methods of the Abyss Demon. If you are lucky, then if she erupts at a critical moment, the consequences will be very great. It could be catastrophic."

At the end, he seemed to have thought of something, adding: "In fact, you solved her bloodline problem so smoothly, this matter was full of doubts. If it was just after the invasion of the abyss, of course you did it. There is no problem, because if one of the maintainers behind the space channel is the Purple Moon Demon, then the opponent will probably no longer have the power to project against you.

However, since the failure of the Abyss Invasion does not affect their invasion again, then the things behind this are intriguing. The Purple Moon Devil cannot let go of such a coordinate in vain. Even if it pays a certain price, it must be returned. It's pedigree or procrastination. "

His analysis is very reasonable and well-founded.

Even Han Chen couldn't think of any rebuttal opinions.

Because from the perspective of the Devil of the Abyss, this possibility is completely reasonable and very consistent with the devil's cunning character.

Moreover, those present are not hypocritical people, and if their own existence may pose a threat to others, they will not clamor for moral coercion with emotions.

This is a war, and collective interests are greater than all wars.

And he didn't really distrust the earth or something when he said this, he was not so hypocritical.

Dianxing Temple has decided to coexist and die with the earth. At this time, as a legendary existence, it is difficult to be a human being willing to fight side by side with a precarious civilization, so she also generously put forward her own opinions, anyway There is a clear conscience.

Even Ziyue feels very reasonable: "I think it is better to isolate me directly for the sake of safety. Even if you really check out something, it may not be true."

Silence, long silence.

Wu Yuan said, "Let's wait until Wenren rushes to talk! The Dragonborn Legion can't do without his command. Maybe this is really just an accident at all?"

The Legendary Existence from Dianxing Temple shook his head: "When facing the abyss demon, you'd better not hold such a fluke. Any negligence may become the basis for the other party to take advantage of the loopholes."

Han Chen said to the legendary existence: "It's not that we want to hold the fluke mentality, but that this war was originally a very difficult war, and it was originally a war in which it is difficult to see the hope of victory. Instead of using the tactics of taking risks, it must be in line with the enemy's expectations."

The legendary existence of Dianxing Palace sighed and stopped talking.

It is a very difficult thing to make a big gain from a small scale, so any decision to reduce one's combat effectiveness is tantamount to chronic suicide.

There is the Lord of Stars in the Dianxing Palace, and they are invincible in ordinary warfare, so he will consider this way.

Now that there is no need to worry about defense issues, why not focus on offense?

So they do not have to take risks.

But this war is different.

From the very beginning, they opened up a glimmer of hope in a war where the odds of winning were zero, in the front of no light, and they might be directly obliterated at any time.

If you rashly reduce your combat effectiveness just because of a guess, then as long as the other party continues to make small plans, the consequences will be disastrous.

Thinking of this, Li Long tentatively said: "Can you say whether it is a temptation of the Abyss Demon. Will we be careful when testing, or will we take dangerous moves? It is a price to raise a person in an instant, although it is very expensive. Great, but if we analyze our behavior style by this, then the price is not unbearable."

If you analyze it from a strategic point of view, this possibility is not completely absent.

And even if the other party’s goal was not the same at the beginning, he might add such a goal by the way to observe the behavior style of the people on earth.

Especially in the face of such uncertain things.

Han Chen said in a deep voice: "It's too early to guess too much. Everything has to wait until Wenren arrives, and then make a decision!"

Everyone has no choice but to do so.

However, this incident did cause a certain degree of depression to their psychology.

If they have great power, why do they need to be careful?

Even if they isolate one person, they still have the confidence to continue to challenge each other.

But now that they knew that Ziyue was likely to be used as a time bomb, they still couldn't make a decision at will.

Because any decision may determine the future victory or defeat.

After more than 5 hours, Wen Renduan, who had solved the enemy that the Dragonborn Legion had to face, finally arrived, and then used his own eyes to observe what had just happened.

After receiving the visual sharing of Wen Ren Duan, Han Chen made a judgment: "This incident was completely an accident, and there was nothing special left. Don’t worry, but it does not rule out that Ziyue’s body was buried by the enemy. The possibility of a seed, after all, her body is contaminated with too much power of the abyss, even if it was an accident, it might be the other party taking the opportunity to arrange something."

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