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Chapter 908: coincidence

Chapter 908 Coincidence

Han Chen's summary made everyone relieved.

Although it looks nonsense, it is actually completely different.

Since this was an accident, it means that Ziyue's body is currently no problem. Even if the other party uses any special methods, it will be a matter for the future.

It's impossible to stop going to the battlefield just because you might be killed by the opponent!

The legendary existence of Dianxing Temple stopped talking and finally had no choice but to leave.

The Lord of the Stars has already spoken, and since they are not the ones who can find all the answers, they put their trust in those who have such a possibility.

Han Chen thought for a while, and then said to the legendary existence of the Dianxing Temple: "I know you have a lot of concerns, but if the other party's methods are really unpredictable that we can't even check it out, then both parties The difference between the strengths of the players is too big, and the possibility of us winning is even smaller. In this case, it is better to choose the possibility of believing that we may win.

He is not like the protagonist of Long Aotian style in the novel. Once the arrogance is on, he can convince everyone with just one sentence.

Although this possibility is not small.

What he considers is that, in fact, the earth has not done anything for the Dianxing Temple at all, but people are willing to accompany you to fight side by side, and even use their lives and souls as a bet.

People are already so sincere, don't you need to explain things to them?

If it's about a very important strategy, it's fine, but if you don't even want to explain this little thing, then you lose the most basic respect for people.

The legendary existence of Dianxing Palace nodded gently, and left without saying anything.

Although he felt that some of Han Chen's ideas were too risky, he also understood that today's crisis cannot be easily solved without taking any risks.

After they dispersed, Ziyue said to Han Chen: "You really didn't see anything?"

Han Chen said: "It's not that I didn't see anything. I just think this incident is a bit too coincidental, but we need someone who knows a lot about the devil's methods to improve our winning rate in war. So even if there are some risks, we It must also be borne."

Ziyue's fighting power is second, and she knows more about the abyssal demons than everyone present.

After all, Ziyue Devil spent most of his time fighting in the abyss, and most of the methods he developed were of course also used to deal with demons.

Therefore, even if Ziyue's power runs out of control, he must bear it.

As for what he saw...

It was not that he hadn't noticed anything, but even he himself couldn't believe it was true.

Whether on the earth or in the realm of the gods, countless coincidences happen every moment.

After all, the probability of occurrence is less than 1‰. Such an event can be called a coincidence. Looking around the world, the number of things that happen every second is more than the number of people on Earth.

But after seeing such an amazing "coincidence", he still felt incredible. Even if he really didn't see any clues, it would be hard to believe that it was an amazing coincidence.

The only way to increase the level is the aura of killing monsters.

The other party’s summoning ceremony Han Chen has fully understood. It is a teleportation formation of a summoning legion. A teleportation formation that even void elves, um, ordinary void elves may not be able to block the space, has the effect of removing an abyss legion from a certain Call to reality everywhere.

This ritual consumes hundreds of thousands of demon lives. At such a heavy price, the army the demon wants to summon is absolutely extraordinary.

Even if it is about the outcome of a local war, the cost is a bit small.

Han Chen didn't know where the ritual was connected, but the aura he obtained from Ziyue could give feedback on the strength of the army she destroyed.

You must know that in God's Domain, it is not that killing monsters of any level can improve yourself. When you reach level 30 for professional stereotypes, you kill monsters three levels below your level, and you will not get any promotion. Up.

On the contrary, if you are killed by someone who is more than three levels higher than yourself, your aura will not be lost, and even the equipment that has been bound to you will not drop.

After all, in the later stages, with such a high level difference, what is the need for fighting?

There is no gain in bullying the weak.

However, God's Domain encourages low-level existence to kill high-level existence, so the low-level existence kills the high-level existence, and the reward is of course very rich.

When others raise the level on a weekly basis, Han Chen’s promotion is calculated in days for this reason.

After reaching the legendary level, this limit will become even greater. When the life level reaches the legendary existence, you must kill the king-level existence higher than the 10th level, or the epic-level existence of the 5th level, to increase it. Level, of course, it is also possible to kill legendary existences of the same level.

This is why it is so difficult to raise a level later.

The aura required to level up is just a number. After reaching the area beyond 80, if you want to level up, you have to kill the same level.

And the time when the ritual is destroyed is really too appropriate. It just happens that when the teleported legion is at the node of the teleportation, after being destroyed by the purple moon, not only the experience of the demon who performed the ritual being killed is calculated in the purple On Yue's body, even those demons stuck in the space node were counted on Ziyue's head.

"How many demons did she kill? Only increased by level 11?"

Even Han Chen can only estimate a minimum number. The ideal situation is that each level of demon kills more than a thousand. After all, without a high level of demon, Ziyue's strength cannot be improved by that much.

This also involves another problem.

That is such a corps. If it really comes here, it will be possible to reverse the situation on the entire battlefield, and it can also fight in depth, playing the role of a surprise.

However, why do they arrange ceremonies on the battlefield?

This is Han Chen's biggest doubt.

Paying a huge price in this way, the ritual of breaking through the blockade of the void elves and summoning the legion should have been used in a more important place, rather than a local battlefield, so that it can exert a greater effect.

After all, the timing of Ziyue's destruction ceremony was too coincidental, which caused this scene.

If the timing of the destruction is not so coincidental, then the result will also be a failure of the ceremony, but Ziyue's strength has not increased so much.

Just when Han Chen was about to give up thinking, suddenly a flash of light flashed.

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