All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 909: Han Chen's guess

Chapter 909 Han Chen's Conjecture

"Actually, I don't need to care if this is a coincidence."

Han Chen found that he had fallen into a misunderstanding of thinking, that is, paying too much attention to a small matter.

It is not that Ziyue's matter is a trivial matter, but that relative to the overall situation, whether this matter is a coincidence does not occupy a large proportion.

After all, even if everything was really just a coincidence, the opponent could not let off an enemy with the Purple Moon Demon.

So, why do you think too much? It's okay to see the trick.

What really made him care about was the matter of Wenrenjuan, which was the Abyss Evil Eye incident.

The Evil Eye of the Abyss is a very special creature in the abyss. If it is guarded, it will not pose any decent threat to the existence of the epic level, but without guarding, even the existence of the legendary level may be slapped. Without his own words, Wenrenjuan is very likely to die.

This incident was placed on an abyssal invasion, it can only be regarded as an accidental event.

After all, although the effect of the evil eyes of the abyss attacking the old legends is not great, maybe it can have a miraculous effect? There is nothing to fight.

What if you win?

However, if you connect the last abyssal invasion with this abyssal invasion, then the things behind this are worthy of people's thinking.

"Every time the abyss invasion channel is opened, the price that the abyss side needs to pay is very heavy. This heavy price is unbearable even by a myth-level demon, and can only be borne by a large number of abyss forces."

"This is why Tianzhuyuan never considered that the abyss will invade continuously. After one failure, the next invasion will be started immediately. After all, the price of this invasion is put on the previous one. Maybe the entire Tianzhuyuan has been Has it been defeated? The cost of opening one more invasion is much greater than the loss caused by surprise, right?"

"If this is really a plot of the abyss, then at the end of the last invasion, the other party had already begun some plots secretly. Although they don't know what they are thinking about, they can definitely not question the abyss devil. IQ, they won’t lose money."

"Therefore, Evil Eye of the Abyss is just a chess piece in the layout. Looking at the entire Tianzhuyuan, such temptations and chess pieces are simply countless. Wait, although the price of the invasion of God's Domain is very high, if the abyss side sets up coordinates in Tianzhuyuan in advance , Then the cost will be reduced a lot. The setup of the first abyss intrusion channel is the most difficult, but the cost of opening the second and third abyss channels is much simpler."

"So when the abyss invades, a large part of the cost is actually on the first channel. If the opened channel is too small, it will be destroyed directly at the beginning of the opening. Then the opponent only needs to look around. Traces of scattered demons are fine."

"The channel opened at once is enough to directly kill the Lord of the Yellow Sands before Tianzhuyuan has not reacted. The price behind this is simply unimaginable. Even if it is a piece of mythical equipment, it serves as a stable The foundation of the space channel is light."

"But, it's a different matter if the Abyss was preparing for this last time."

"It is possible for the transmitted troops to directly slay the Lord of the Yellow Sands. Such a Tianzhu original defense force is the strongest existence. The price for such a channel is indeed very high, but if this is not the first channel, Didn't the abyssal demon who killed the Lord of Yellow Sand come from this passage?"

Thinking of this, even Han Chen felt a bit cold and sweaty.

In fact, all his conjectures are unfounded, even based on imagination.

But when he came up with these contents, his soul felt a trembling feeling.

The intuition of the strong is very keen, and any whim may be capturing a certain kind of aura that is difficult to exist.

Therefore, when his soul is trembling, it means that he has probably guessed the truth of the matter, or is very close to the truth.

"Wait, the Purple Moon Destruction Ritual has increased so many levels, then where did the enemies she killed come from? Did they really come from the abyss?"

"If it really came from the abyss, then the actions of the abyss demon would be too stupid. Why do so many demons appear in the teleport node at the same time? Let alone teleport in batches, even if it is teleported in a line, It won't be annihilated all at once!"

"Could it be that the abyss demon wants to transmit a lot of troops? Even if they are in line, there are so many enemies that enter the space node in an instant? In this way, they will live up to the devil's cunning reputation, but they Why is it necessary to teleport on the battlefield? Is it possible that this teleportation has a time limit. When the time is up, the teleported troops will disappear?"

"Why is it impossible? Even these old antiques, don't they often fail to predict my methods? Then we don't expect the methods of the Abyss Demon to be strange?"

"Although this kind of thinking is a bit ridiculous, the possibility is not non-existent."

"The strength of the teleportation force depends on the sacrifice of the ritual. Although there are many sacrifices for hundreds of thousands of demons, the legions that can be teleported are also limited. If the opponent can really teleport a lot of legions, then the abyss demon is likely to have mastered it. Some way to reduce the cost of transmission."

"Such methods are usually not allowed by God's Domain. After all, the cost of teleportation itself is a restriction on the invasion of the abyss demon."

"However, God's Domain is simply convulsed this time, and it is impossible to predict whether God's Domain is really willing to maintain such restrictions."

Thinking of this, Han Chen was also upset.

There are so many weird things revealed behind these things, and he doesn't know how to sort out amidst all the clutter.

But now he doesn't have the ability to directly use his strength to break the game. No matter how complicated this matter is, he must sort out a thought.

"If you want to know more about the Devil of the Abyss, you can only find those ancient existences or forces. The Lord of the Stars will not reject me. The Moon Sage can also try. The major forces of the original are also extremely disappointed. Although there are suspicions of using them, they can't care about so much."

"There is also Remilia. Now my clone cannot be teleported, and it will take a while before I can return. In this process, you can ask Remilia for some knowledge about the abyss. She also has a clone to stay here. People of the clan, if you can’t answer the questions, you can directly ask the Holy Lord."

"Wait, the Tianzhu Mountain formation, blockade, what exactly is Tianzhu Mountain, is it really just a natural scene? Or to say..."

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