All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 910: The true face of Tianzhu Mountain

"The symbol of Tianzhuyuan, Tianzhushan has become a pillar of a huge cage, and it has been used by the abyss devil, but what is the cause of these Tianzhuyuan?"

Han Chen hadn't doubted anything about this in the past, but Tianzhu Mountain was actually used by the Abyss Demon, which was somewhat intriguing.

He didn't know much about Tianzhu Mountain, only that it was a natural scene.

The height of Tianzhu Mountain itself is limited, but you will never be able to climb to the top. If you climb all the way up Tianzhu Mountain, you will eventually return to the original point.

It's like walking in one direction on the earth, and eventually going to the origin.

Tianzhu Mountain is certainly not a sphere, but the space of God's Domain cannot be measured in terms of the space of the real world.

And because Tianzhu Mountain itself does not produce any special materials, even if it is broken, it will be restored under the rules of God's Domain, so it can only become a sign in the end.

"Perhaps, behind Tianzhu Mountain is the reason the Abyss Demon reduces the cost of the passage?"

Thinking of this, Han Chen immediately began to use his clone to inquire about Remilia.

And his deity is to ask the Lord of the Stars.

It was related to such a major event as the invasion of the devil.

Soon, he got the answer from Remilia, or the "Holy Lord" of the Angel Race.

[Tianzhu was originally the center of God’s Domain. This is the entrance to the new civilization and the most critical place of God’s Domain. There was no Tianzhu Mountain in the longest place, but there were only complex terrains. The new civilization started. When I entered God’s Domain, I did not get as much guidance as it is now. Naturally, the functions of God’s Domain watches at that time were not so complete. 】

[A brand-new civilization enters the realm of the gods without effective guidance. It will be very difficult to grow in the early stage. This is a kind of training for the new civilization, but if the level of training is too strong, it will not In line with the meaning of the existence of God's Domain. 】

[The birth of a newborn in God’s Domain is very difficult and requires a great price. Therefore, if you want to expand your power, you must absorb members from the new civilization. 】

[If you want to truly absorb them as your own subordinates, you must first destroy the home of the new civilization, so that they have no retreat. 】

[The actions of the major forces have aroused the anger of the mighty of God's Domain. This approach simply put an end to the possibility of the emergence of new civilizations and detachments. Therefore, the major forces have been warned. 】

[This warning is not meaningless. If anyone dares to ignore the warning, it will be devastated. 】

[So, the major forces conducted a discussion, that is, each force can only send some "representatives" to enter Tianzhu to recruit members. 】

[This is why the 24 Tianzhu forces have to use Tianzhu Mountain as the boundary to divide their territories, but no matter how they compete with each other, they must eventually withdraw their troops from the opponent's territory. They cannot occupy them for a long time. , And the result of the competition is also by means, but it is necessary to leave a line for the other side. 】

[The bottom line is that even if the opponent’s power is wiped out, a renewed fire must be left behind. 】

[Later, some races or forces that were oppressed in other parts of God's Domain also came to Tianzhuyuan, making the situation in Tianzhuyuan more chaotic. 】

[Such a pattern has attracted the attention of powerful people. After a series of adjustments, Tianzhu originally maintained the current pattern. 】

"It turns out that there is still the intervention of God's Domain Mighty!"

Han Chen was also a little surprised after hearing the news.

Originally, he only knew that behind these forces, there was the support of some big forces.

If things are really done, the enemies will be far beyond imagination.

On the contrary, if things are left on the sidelines, then the foreign forces of Tianzhuyuan will not be easy to interfere.

If you insist on intervening, it will be suspected by other forces that they are just borrowing this excuse to directly intervene in the Tianzhuyuan pattern, and they will stop it together.

This is why the principal of the blood desert reminded Han Chen before he died that the water in Tianzhuyuan was much deeper than what you saw.

But Han Chen didn't care about this either.

He is fearless in the face of the life and death of civilization.

The earth has been in a state of lasting battle, so what can I worry about?

He didn't know much about these things in the past, but he knew that there was such a bottom line and rules, but he didn't know the cause of these rules.

"However, since Tianzhu Mountain was originally built by all major forces, at least a few myths should have intervened in the construction of Tianzhu Mountain. Otherwise, it would be impossible to trust each other. Used by the abyss demon?"

"What's even stranger is that the angel race should have also participated in the construction of Tianzhu Mountain, but although their Holy Lord has provided help to me, they are not willing to interfere."

"Obviously it is their own Tianzhu Mountain! How could they allow the Abyss Demon to come like this?"

"Unless... they have their own means to make sure that the Abyss Demon can't take Tianzhu Mountain?"

Thinking of this, Han Chen's mind became active.

Behind this incident is revealed unreasonable everywhere.

Whether it is the enemy's means or the movements of various forces, it is unreasonable.

"More importantly, Tianzhuyuan is their foundation for recruiting new members! Could it be that they just sit and watch Tianzhuyuan being invaded and occupied by the abyssal demons, yet remain indifferent?"

"Isn't this a way to stop yourself?"

"It doesn't matter if the angels don't interfere, but why don't other forces do it?"

"There are also blood races. They have not been in God's Domain for a long time, but are able to build a powerful'emerging' race close to the Holy Land. They have extremely high potential and initiative. Why do they become low-key after encountering a setback on Earth? How could they be so easy? Just be beaten?"

"Abyss Demon, Tianzhuyuan, Tianzhu Mountain, Blood Clan, Lord of Stars, Moon Sage, all kinds of unreasonable things are really a headache..."

As he learned more and more things, he became more and more confused.

More and more answers did not eliminate his doubts, but made him more and more confused.

But he knew that if he really wanted to find a way to break the game, he would definitely not stop thinking. He had to find the most critical point after all these events.

"Is there anything I didn't think of? There must be something that is very important, but is the key information I have overlooked."

Han Chen looked at the virtual map in front of him, constantly scanning every inch of the land, and finally his pupils shrank: "Zulongxing!"

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