All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 911: Threat of Zulong

Zulong is a civilization that is a great threat to the earth.

If Han Chen did not cause too many accidents, then as early as the stage of the new civilization, the earth might be directly captured by Zulongxing.

After all, the Son of Light possesses a part of the means of the gods. If such an existence is not well controlled, half of the earth may be gone.

Even if it was solved in the first time, it still caused huge losses to the earth.

But as the two civilizations merged into the "big family" of God's Domain, Zulong Xing became inconspicuous. After all, they were too xenophobic and refused to form an alliance with any forces.

This certainly has certain benefits, but it also means that their development can only rely on their own.

Maybe they will pose some threats in the future, but they will definitely not be now.

Moreover, the earthly team has not been idle in the past few years, they have also been to the site of Zulongxing when they are experiencing themselves, and they have discovered some secrets and important information.

In addition to Alizee's exploration, it can be said that everything about the Zulongxing is under their surveillance.

Han Chen looked at the weak land occupied by Zulongxing in God’s Domain. Because they refused to accept help, the places they occupied were also remote places that no one wanted. The restriction of resources plus the blockade of technology. Further limits their development.

"Although such a civilization is a bit deformed, it does not deny that the danger to people from such a civilization is too great, but the threat is in the future."

"The rapid development of the earth can easily leave them behind."

"So, I originally planned to wait until the time for the earth to truly rest before solving such a disaster, but the earth has been in crisis."

"However, since the three great forces that never die can put aside their prejudices in front of foreign enemies and put away their soldiers, their IQ is definitely not low, why do they refuse to be wooed by the major forces, and are unwilling to gain some benefits from them, speed How about your own development?"

"Unless, they have their own unique path."

Thinking of this, Han Chen felt more haze in his heart.

So he found Alizee and asked her to tell him everything he saw and heard.

"Alizee, you can tell me everything you have seen and heard, unless it is a repetitive thing, including the method of detailed investigation."

Han Chen said seriously, "I know this request is a bit too much, but Zulong Xing is probably not as simple as we thought, and we underestimate them."

Alizee did not refuse, but rather readily agreed: "Our planet originally had some spiritual connections with Zulong. Some people who had a very high spiritual realm in the old age can pass through their spiritual realm. Perceiving some vagueness of the other party, it's just like a mirage."

"But as the successor of luck in the Western world, you and China’s Mr. Tianxia have the same means to directly obtain the perspective of certain people in Zulong Xing. What they see is what I see. What I hear is what I hear."

Having said that, she passed some pictures to Han Chen through the means of illusion.

For the existence of the legendary level, most of the skills only need to be learned, and you can easily reach the point of proficiency. Of course, some illusion skills are not a problem.

Checking the pictures from Alizee, Han Chen did not find anything wrong.

Some key information cannot be obtained, but from the perspective of most people, it is possible to outline a complete picture of a civilization.

Moreover, such a civilization does not require much in-depth investigation.

Alizee was already very cautious to investigate for three years.

But no problem is the biggest problem.

Doesn't such a terrifying opponent who nearly destroyed the earth's civilization have some powerful cards? Or is there something very unique?

Some hidden cards are fine. The true core of a civilization should lie in the spirit of a civilization and some very unique things.

It's like a person's name, it's your own sign.

Even if many people’s names are repeated. Can't change this fact,

"Alizee, just think about whether there is such a possibility."

Han Chen spoke very slowly and seriously said, "Would you say that these people you chose are all in the other's expectations? What you see and hear is all that the other person wants you to see To or hear."

"how is this possible!"

Alizee's eyes widened. "The objects I choose are all randomly selected, but there is no way to get in touch with the other big people. After all, they are too powerful to see what they want to see. , So even if there are some omissions, there should be no mistakes."

Three years as a day of investigation, this is a manifestation of extreme patience.

She asked herself that there might be omissions, but she couldn't make mistakes.

As long as it is what she sees, it should be right.

Han Chen said: "I don't want to believe in this possibility, but what we can't deny is the existence of this possibility, and we can sense Zulong Xing, Zulong Xing should also know us, they will never sit back and watch such a thing. The growth of the opponent will not fail to make progress and do not want to surpass us."

Alizee woke up now, she knew what she saw and what she lacked.

What is lacking is the possibility of transcending the earth.

It is impossible for the Zulongxing to think about how to surpass the earth, even if they make some stupid decisions that cause the Zulongxing to fall into disaster, it is absolutely impossible for them to give up such hope.

After all, this is the meaning of a civilization.

Han Chen is willing to make dangerous moves in the last battle, why can't Zulongxing?

However, what she saw made her completely relieved.

This in itself is the biggest contradiction.

Han Chen said: "Zulongxing is an arrogant civilization and an exclusive civilization, but in different camps, their degree of xenophobia is also different.

The glorious Holy See has gods as its backing. They have enough confidence to be xenophobic and have enough capital. The eternal gods are second. When they first entered the gods, they also had a process of discomfort. At that time, they also tried to compromise. The stage of getting knowledge and help from the NPC only turned back.

The Xingyao Federation did not really overthrow the NPC's rule until the earth and the Zulong Xing went to war, but when they overthrown the NPC, they exposed some of the previous layout, which did not arouse our suspicion.

Now think about it, why are they unwilling to accept the help of the forces of God's Domain? "

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