All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 922: New ideas

"I understand."

Yue Sage’s face seemed to have a Ruoyouruwu smile, "Although it feels a little messy, but this seems to be impossible, isn't it?"

She seemed to be asking, but it seemed to be an excuse for herself.

Just let me be self-willed!

Yue Sage said quietly in his heart.

Han Chen only felt that his heart was beating, and he didn't know what Yuexian was going to do.

After all, his answer just now was really a bit messy, if she angered the sage Yue because of this, she was really uncertain about what she could do.

A person who can make a promise to give Han Chen half of the three neutral forces, the energy she possesses and the impact she can have is immeasurable.

"I will use my influence as much as possible to give you many things, but in exchange, after the expiration of March, that is, two months later, you will set out with me immediately to destroy Tianzhu. Mountain, of course, if I don’t give you enough, you can also refuse, as long as you can be worthy of your own heart."

Moon Sage wrote lightly.

Han Chen said: "Then thank Yue Sage in advance."

The March Covenant, that was his agreement to search for the abyss channel of Zulongxing.

There are still two months before the end of the deadline.

If his method doesn't work, he can only trade with Moon Sage.

Yue Sage turned around, entered a door of space, and left here. When she left, the smile on the corners of her mouth seemed to bloom even more.

"Because you don't like God's Domain, you have to violate all the rules here. Even if you are betting on the survival of civilization, you have to change God's Domain. What a mess!"

Moon Sage murmured to himself.

Although Han Chen didn't say everything, but she was aware of Han Chen's inner thoughts.

It is not that she understands Han Chen, but because Han Chen actually let go of her defenses at that time, it is not to blame her for using mind reading and the means of perceiving the soul.

Well, it must be Han Chen's carelessness, not her business.

Then, she said to herself: "But, I am really envious!"

As she said, there was a look of recollection in her eyes.

She always felt that she also seemed to have some good years.

"Where is it?"

Han Chen, who is investigating Zulongxing, still has some distress.

He instinctively told him that Zulong Xing absolutely had a big secret, even if it had nothing to do with the Abyss Demon, the importance would be beyond his imagination.

It is precisely because of this intuition that he has been reluctant to give up the exploration here.

However, after the Eternal God Dynasty has basically eliminated the suspicion, he now has nothing to do except confirm the information that has been investigated.

"We know the most about the Xingyao Federation and the least about the Glorious Vatican. Even if a large number of blasphemer organizations have recently appeared in the Glorious Vatican, we have found nothing about it."

Han Chen was a little bit distressed. He knew that there might be a big secret here, but he couldn't find the clue.

Three months are long and short.

If key evidence is found, then the extension is not impossible, but if it can't be found, then he can only go to destroy Tianzhu Mountain.

In this case, he will fall into passivity.

At this time, his God Domain watch received a message: [Mist Marsh] encountered a massive attack by the abyss demon, requesting support.

"Misty Swamp, James should be responsible for it!"

Han Chen did not click on the detailed information.

Although the earth has not truly completed the unification, but now everyone is on the same front, he will not do anything to save him.

However, this is a group message from the legendary existences of the earth.

James is a low-level legend. The situation he can't support does not necessarily require Han Chen to take action. According to the gradient of support, it should be Li Long and Wu Yuan who have a higher priority to support. If they can't get away , Or can't cope with it, so he will ask for help alone.

Since the request for assistance is still being sent in groups, it shows that the situation has not reached the point where it is out of control.

"Misty Swamp, speaking of it, my Dark God inheritance token is also from the underground of Misty Swamp, eh? Underground?"

Han Chen suddenly felt that he had missed something.

"In God's Domain, there is no underground. Of course the underground world exists, but it is just a copy of the world. From the perspective of Legendary existence, there is no secret in the underground."

"So, of course the Abyssal Demon cannot hide underground, or it is impossible to hide underground on a large scale, but what if it is on Zulong Star?"

The more Han Chen thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong.

And it's that kind of creepy thing.

The space of God's Domain is intricate and complicated. This is the kind of complexity that can rub the theory of dimensional space on the ground, so the status of the underground and sky of God's Domain is actually the same.

It may be possible to hide some unimportant things.

However, if you want to hide the space channel, it is too difficult to be human.

But what if it is the earth? What if it is Zulong?

The changes on the earth could not hide from him, let alone the cuteness of the void elves, so he had nothing to worry about, but Zulongxing was different.

Han Chen took a deep breath, and then took out a map.

This is the result of the members of the earthly team over the past few years.

There are not only the topography and landforms of Zulongxing on the map, but also the general distribution of troops.

His gaze fell on several fortresses, and he had also visited these places in the past month to investigate. It was just some places where troops were stationed. It is not surprising that it is now almost abandoned.

"No, there is only one enemy of the Eternal God Dynasty, and that is the Glory Vatican, but these places where troops have accumulated are in the interior, and they are old facilities, indicating that this was built before the arrival of the gods and used to deal with The enemy’s military fortress."

"The equipment inside is very complete. Obviously, it is not only used for trooping, but even has some defensive measures built, but the level and level are not high."

"Eternal Gods do not lack water resources, but even so, they still have to control even bathing, maybe not just to save water, but to save time, so they will never build and maintain such a basic Unused military facilities."

"Even if it is to prevent the Holy See from invading the mainland, they don't have to worry, because if they use their energy for defense and support, they can play a greater role."

"From the perspective of the level of these military facilities, even if they are temporarily built, they will not be worse. Then why do they waste energy to maintain their existence here, is it to guard against an enemy?"

"Wait a minute, the military fortresses here are all built in places with lots of soil and forest, and they are the easiest to landfill."

"So, the enemy they guard against."


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