All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 923: Below the surface

After reaching this conclusion, Han Chen only felt a chill from the back of his neck.

When his thinking changed in this direction, he suddenly discovered that such military installations were not unique to the eternal dynasty, and the Xingyao Federation also existed.

However, there are not many such military facilities, and it seems that the enemy is not that powerful, and it can be easily dealt with with a few simple responses.

"Now according to their countermeasures, it is inferred that there should also be some threats under the surface. Such threats actually cause them so powerful damage, so they have not been put in their eyes, just for Prevent things underground from coming out and destroying, so they will take some precautions."

"If you want to prevent underground things from coming out and destroying, then landfill should be a very suitable method."

"Eight out of ten things in the underground should not be human. Otherwise, at least they should get a God's Domain watch, so that they won't get lost and enter our blind spot of exploration."

For the people of Zulongxing wearing the Gods domain watch, the earth has killed almost once in the past war, but their number is too large, so the killing speed of the earth cannot keep up with the speed of the other party's resurrection.

In such an environment, if there are some people who are qualified to wear God's Domain watches, it is impossible not to be checked by the earth.

So what they guard against should not be human.

In other words, it should not be a conceptual human.

Moreover, such military installations have gradually been abandoned. They may have given up their defense against the underground, or it may be because they feel that the underground is no longer a threat to them.

After all, having gained the power of God's Domain, Zulongxing should also have some ground-burrowing methods. It shouldn't be a problem to investigate old opponents.

Thinking of this, Han Chen immediately sent a message to Alizee to get some information from her.

"Alizee, in the past wars of Zulong, were there any underground enemies? In their records, or in the usual defenses, were there any threats from the underground? Here are a few coordinates. You should check the guards here. News from the army."

After the message was sent, Han Chen quickly got Alizee's reply.

[Under the surface of Zulong Star, there may be some threats! However, it is not recorded in history. The defenders at the coordinates you provided have also been inspected. They have never received any order to guard against the enemy, but they just want them to be there without any instructions. 】

After receiving Alizee's reply, Han Chen fell into deep thought.

The defenders there did not receive orders to defend and guard? This is the biggest abnormality! Even in the Mainland, at least some rebels must be guarded against!

Don't guard against anything, this is the biggest problem.

"Since there is a military fortress there, they must be defending against some enemy, but the defenders stationed there did not receive any orders, and there is no record in history that any enemy came from underground. Of course, Zulongxing has a history of conscience. The scientist is dead, and it is normal to not record or modify the history."

"But why didn't they receive any orders?"

Han Chen was a little confused, "Could it be that I need to go underground and explore it myself?"

Unexpectedly, Han Chen decided to take a look in person.

Anyway, even if it encounters any danger, the loss is only an incarnation. This clone was originally used for death, and there is nothing to be a pity.

On his way to such a military fortress, he suddenly received news from Li Long.

[When the wild geese fly south, when the wild geese rest at night, there will be a wild goose on guard, some cunning hunters will constantly expose some traces, let this wild geese on guard remind their companions, but in the companion After they are awakened, the hunter will hide again.

After several repetitions, the wild geese, who did not believe in their companions, would start beating their companions and were finally succeeded by hunters. This kind of thing also happened on the battlefield and caused similar troubles to some invaders, so a certain country invented it. Such a way of guarding is to let the sentry guard, but not rely on the guard of the sentry. 】

"Doesn't rely on the sentinel's alert? Do you rely on the instrument?"

Han Chen continued to watch with doubts.

[They let the sentry stand in a conspicuous place and stand in a place that can be observed in the back. If the sentry leaves, they will be punished directly, but if the sentry is just lazy or sleeping, it will be ignored, but if the sentry is killed, It means that the enemy has invaded, and all people will come out. At this time, the biscuits are not used as guards, but as decoys for guards. 】

After seeing this, Han Chen's pupils also shrank.

He asked himself to be a decisive person, but he really couldn't think of such a thing.

It's not because of his lack of IQ, but because of different angles of thinking.

When the sentinel is killed, this is considered a precursor to the enemy's invasion. Such a vigilant thinking is simply inhuman and uses human life as a tool.

Although on the issue of position, we should not distinguish between pure right and wrong and humanity, but this also caused great trouble for Han Chen's substitution thinking.

It was also because Li Long was a member of the military that he could think of this possibility.

[The reason they did this should be for the need for secrecy. They want to bury all those who know the secrets below the surface. If they tell the army guards there that they need to guard the underground things, it is equivalent to Tell people that there is really something underground.

But if they use their lives as bait, after the things under the local surface really come out, they will detect whether the lives of those people have disappeared, and then use some unknown means, or let those who are qualified to know the secret People shot everything and ruined everything. 】


Han Chen took a deep breath, feeling a little depressed.

In fact, this should be good news for him, after all, compared to the clueless before, at least now he has found a reasonable entry point.

However, he still felt a little depressed.

Zulongxing’s secret is finally in front of his own eyes, what are he still worried about? Anyway, it will be clear.

In other words, at least there is a clue.

With certain clues, even if he sends an incarnation again, Sage Yue will probably not refuse.

"Anyway, I have to go down and take a look."

Thinking about this, Han Chen was going to find a place to go deep underground.

"Entrance, entrance, no, if there is an entrance, then there are so many items suitable for landfill, they shouldn't need to worry about anything!"

Thinking of this, Han Chen's Night Demon clone turned into a shadow, then hid in the void and went deep underground.

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