All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 924: Underground limestone cave

Incarnate shadow, this is one of the abilities of the night demon.

After Han Chen had a certain understanding of space, his ability to incarnate shadows has been more enhanced.

As long as he has not reached the level of the legend, or has realized part of the legend's ability in advance, he cannot see through his shadow.

Han Chen, who turned into a shadow, shuttled underground, no matter whether it was soil or rock, there was no obstacle to Han Chen who turned into a shadow.

With the continuous deepening, the images around Han Chen are constantly changing.

It was more than three kilometers underground, and Han Chen still found nothing.

Five kilometers, ten kilometers, twenty kilometers...

As it continued to deepen, magma and rocks continued to intersect with Han Chen's shadow, making Han Chen's face increasingly gloomy.

He did not find anything, but this in itself was the greatest discovery.

Whether it is Zulongxing or the earth, there is a rich and colorful ecosystem.

Under this ecosystem, no matter where it is, it is full of creatures.

Even if it is the deepest trench on earth, creatures still survive there tenaciously.

These creatures would be very weak, but after the rules of God's Domain are changed, they will produce some mutations that can threaten the lives of ordinary players.

But until now there hasn't been any life, that's a bit weird.

After going deeper than 3000 kilometers, Han Chen stopped.

He found some special traces here, as well as large blank spaces, even some resembling caves.

As the distance from the center of the earth gets closer and closer, the gravitational force in the ground is getting smaller and smaller, and near the center of the earth, the gravitational force is even close to zero.

This basic physical rule did not change much with the price of God's Domain.

Therefore, it is not uncommon for large areas of karst caves to appear under the ground.

What really surprised Han Chen was that the cave here made him feel like someone had developed it.

The dark and closed underground did not cause much trouble to Han Chen, who had the Eye of the Night Demon. He constantly observed the surrounding walls, trying to find some clues.

"Although the wall is not very flat, you can roughly see the appearance of the wall, and if you connect all parts of the cave over 2m2, you can form a main road. This is unlikely to be formed in a natural cave. ."

Han Chen walked between the caves and was looking for clues.

Natural karst caves should be high or short, uneven, and of course there are many places below the height of humans, but the karst caves here are all connected together where they exceed 2 meters.

This gave him the feeling that it was specifically designed to facilitate the passage of humans.

"If you connect all these places higher than 2m2, in addition to forming the main road, there is a special place, that is, the width is all more than 5 meters."

After discovering this, Han Chen was even more sure that this place should have been artificially excavated, of course, it may have been artificially controlled when it was formed.

In any case, it must be for people to pass through.

After reaching this conclusion, Han Chen finally determined that he should have found a clue.

Then, several ghost clones separated from Han Chen's body and flew in different directions.

Anyway, there is no danger underground, and it is not wasteful to separate several non-combat clones.

And his deity is thinking about something during this time.

"Assuming this is the main road, then why is it like a spider web, intricate? Is it because there can't be too much space underground, otherwise it will collapse? Do not rule out this possibility."

"So, where do these roads lead?"

In order to find the answer to this question, several clones of Han Chen shuttled continuously.

The underground environment is intricate and complex, and it is a three-dimensional structure, so sometimes after walking for a certain distance, you suddenly find that a steep **** appears in front of you.

This discovery surprised Han Chen even more, because it meant that all the caves were one, and it also meant that his guess should be close to the truth.

After one of his avatars had walked a certain distance, they suddenly noticed that the road ahead had narrowed.

The height is of course the same, but the width has changed from 5 meters to 4 meters2.

His avatar continued to walk forward and found that the width of the road ahead was all based on the width of 4 meters, and in some places it would exceed 4 meters, but it would not be lower than this number.

This gave him the feeling as if he had entered the branch road from the main road.

"In urban planning, it is of course impossible to make all roads the same width. Of course, the roads with the largest traffic should be wider, and the roads with less traffic should of course be narrower."

"In other words, the caves here have really undergone artificial transformation."

"In that case, I only need to walk in two directions. One direction is toward the narrower and narrower direction of the road, and see where the end point is in the narrower and narrower direction, and the other direction is toward the narrower and narrower direction. The wider the direction, there should also be some discoveries."

"Judging by common sense, the more you walk toward the wider and wider the road, the greater the possibility of encountering danger. Although I am not afraid of danger or the demise of a clone, I finally found a clue. It was interrupted like this."

"So my main exploration direction should be narrower and narrower."

Thinking of this, Han Chen's clone was mainly exploring in the direction where the road became narrow, while in the opposite direction there were only two clones.

Even his deity, um, the avatar of the Night Demon is considered the deity here, and he walked in a narrow direction.

After more than three hours of exploration, Han Chen discovered that the road ahead had become 3 meters wide, which made Han Chen more sure of his guess.

After resting for a while and recovering part of his aura, Han Chen continued on his journey of exploration.

Because more than 5 clones are exploring from different directions, although Han Chen's efficiency is very high, the consumption is also not small.

In order to ensure that he has enough strength to respond in times of danger, Han Chen must always keep his energy in his body higher than 70%.

After another three hours of exploration, Han Chen suddenly discovered that the road ahead was already only three meters wide.

"The rock materials here are all the same, and there should be no consideration of bearing weight. That can only mean that fewer people need to pass here."

"In other words, it should be from the core to the surrounding branches, there are more and more branches here."

"Considering that the height here is 2 meters 2, then the width of three meters should already be the lowest. I should be close to the tip now."

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