All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 947: Han Chen's anxiety

Chapter 947: Han Chen's Uneasiness

For the time being, he couldn't figure out the real use of Night Demon's Boots, so Han Chen didn't even think about it.

It's been a few years since I got the Night Demon suit, but I still haven't exerted its full power.

It would be too naive to expect to exert all its power and explore all functions in just a few days.

He opened the eyes of the night demon and watched the surroundings.

However, nothing happened.

A minute later, the ice goddess returned to Han Chen's side.

"It's all resolved, I have killed some epic existences smoothly."

Without the restraint of the title-level domain, the ice goddess easily solved the remaining legendary-level existence, and by the way eliminated some legions.

She herself was not afraid of group attacks. After losing the cover of the legendary existences, those legions were not her opponents at all.

If it wasn't for her to dislike killing the weak Abyssal Legion one by one, it was too wasteful of time, she could even kill the Abyssal Legion by herself.

Seeing that the ice and snow goddess solved the problem so easily, Han Chen felt a little uneasy: "Why haven't the reinforcements of the Abyss Legion come here until now? Do they have more important things?"

When the Ice Goddess first appeared, the Abyss Legion should have intercepted a lot, but those who came to snipe the Ice Goddess were all the Legions of Abyss Sword Demon.

Although the abyss is not very united, but they are attacking God's Domain and Tianzhuyuan after all. It would be too much to sit and watch their companions be killed like this!

This is not a question of morality, but of wisdom and strategy.

Losing a title-level existence is also a huge loss to the abyss. After all, even the 24 Tianzhu forces, not everyone has a title-level existence.

The Goddess of Ice and Snow thought for a while, and guessed: "I think it may be that our appearance was too sudden, causing them to not prepare in advance. They may indeed have set up some traps against us, but these traps are not 100% correct. Being sure can keep us behind, so I don’t need it at all."

She did not raise the possibility that the other party has no traps, because no one believes this possibility.

However, her appearance was indeed very sudden.

After all, she hadn't done anything to deal with the abyss ten hours ago.

Now she suddenly appeared on the side of the abyss and teamed up with Han Chen to assassinate the title-level demon. Such a move really exceeded the expectations of the abyss.

Of course, there is another possibility, that is, the abyss demon wants to use the trap set by himself to capture more powerful prey, and the ice goddess and Han Chen are not qualified enough.

But she is not a self-defeating person, nor does she think that the abyss will not act because the prey is too small.

She and Han Chen are both indispensable fighting powers. Compared with the Lord of the Stars and the Moon Sage, the strength of her and Han Chen is more unexpected than the abyss.

If the bait is given up because the prey is too small, it would be a shame to lose the bait.

"Without absolute certainty, just don't use it."

Han Chen nodded and agreed with this speculation, "Our strength really exceeded their expectations. Faced with the brand new strength we just showed, it is reasonable for them not to have absolute certainty, but if this is true, That means they will be more confident the next time they do it."

Whether it was the 1000 times ice-sealing technique of the Goddess of Ice and Snow, or the fit between the ice world and the snow field, it far exceeded the opponent's expectations.

Even Han Chen, as a comrade-in-arms, did not anticipate her hand.

The same is true for Han Chen's strength, his ability to hide his breath, even he didn't think of it.

Because he was not sure whether the Night Demon's cloak could be beyond the perfect domain before, this was the first time he used the Night Demon's cloak to do such a dangerous thing.

So when he started, the fall of the Abyssal Sword Demon was a foregone conclusion.

If it is for a living bait, it is possible to close the net in advance. After all, the existence of a title level cannot be sacrificed for no reason.

But if the fall of this title-level existence has become a foregone conclusion, then it is reasonable for the abyss to sacrifice a person who was destined to die.

Thinking of this, the ice goddess asked: "Then do you want to continue assassination?"

She is also a lunatic, and she has obviously done something to clean up the snake, so that the other party has a deeper vigilance, and the next time she does it is likely to be when she falls.

But even though she was unwilling to stop at this time, she still wanted to continue.

It's not that she doesn't weigh the pros and cons, but she doesn't want to think about it anymore.

In the past tens of thousands of years, she has been forbearing, but in the end, she found that her patience and waiting did not have much effect at all.

Even if the earth is detached, or detachment fails, it is good.

Whether it’s civilization destruction or eternal existence, in fact she is just a speculator, and she doesn’t have the ability to decide such major events.

But you can't change the trend at all, so why not let yourself live a little more casually?

Han Chen didn't understand the idea of ​​the goddess of ice and snow, but liked her approach very much.

"The unknown is the most terrifying. I will see what traps they will prepare for us."

Han Chen's eyes showed strong self-confidence, "If they are unwilling to set enough traps for us, then we will kill until the Abyss Demon deals with us with all his strength."

The ice goddess clapped her hands and said, "Okay, let's go!"


Han Chen suddenly stopped the Ice and Snow Goddess, "We can't leave so quickly."

The Ice and Snow Goddess questioned: "Don't we leave as soon as possible, and have to endure the siege and suppression of these miscellaneous troops? There are also restrictions on my methods of dealing with group attacks."

Han Chen shook his head: "Since there is no legendary existence here, what are we worried about?"

With that said, he flew to the abyss legion that was frozen by the ice goddess and turned into dust, and collected all the equipment and materials that fell after the battle.

Of course, it is equipment, but it is actually part of the abyss demon, such as the arm of the sword demon.

Seeing Han Chen not only not leaving here immediately after killing their leader, but also leisurely picking up equipment and materials here, the Abyss Legion was furious.

Then, protest with his eyes.

No way, the legendary existences have all been killed, can they still leave a legendary existence?

If the existence of this legend stands still, it is not impossible for them to kill the legend.

But why did you leave the saying that only legends can deal with legends? It is because no matter how many of them there are, as long as none of them can catch up with Han Chen, it is absolutely impossible to leave Han Chen's life.

If Han Chen wanted to escape, he only had to run past the fastest person.

As a legendary existence, Han Chen did this easily.

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