All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 948: Patience of the Abyss

Chapter 948 The Patience of the Abyss

The patience and endurance of the Abyss Demon far exceeded Han Chen's imagination, and Han Chen deliberately slowed down his speed by picking up equipment, which took a full half an hour.

But for such a long time, they didn't even move.

Of course, not all demons are motionless-some turn their heads silently, pretending not to see this happening.

Seeing that the Abyss Legion was so bullying, Han Chen had the urge to call the Chinese Legion and start cutting melons and vegetables.

Of course, he finally pressed on.

Not only because this behavior is too provocative, but also because it doesn't make much sense.

His time is valuable, every minute and every second, even if it is used for leisure and entertainment, it also has the value of relaxing one's mood.

If he wastes time on this kind of thing, or calls Huaxia's legion over and causes China's legion to suffer unnecessary disaster, it will be a great waste of his time and energy.

Seeing Han Chen's provocative behavior, the ice and snow goddess chuckled.

Although her noble and elegant image has long since collapsed, such a smile still makes people sway, but it's a pity that no one appreciates it.

And the Lord of the Stars and the Sage Moon, who were observing all this through the God Domain watch, had a twitching expression.

The Lord of the Stars said: "Although verbal provocations often do not play a big role in God's Domain, if such behavioral provocations are not useful, then the Abyss Legion must have a plan, and of course they will not be ruled out. There is no possibility of getting out of it now."

Because he suspected that there was a trap here, Han Chen had long notified Huaxia to turn on the synchronous recording and transmission function of the Gods Domain watch, and broadcast all the images here to Dianxing Temple.

The Lord of the Stars and the Moon Sage were also observing under concern.

After all, Han Chen and the Goddess of Ice and Snow are both very important combat powers, and they cannot easily suffer losses. If they encounter an irresistible danger, they must also be rescued.

Yue Sage nodded: "Abyss Demon is definitely not something without wisdom, otherwise it is impossible to bring us such a big disaster, and I don't think the Abyss Demon will be unable to get out of it."

The Star Lord asked: "Why?"

Yue Sage said: "For the abyss, the existence of the title level is definitely not a combat power that can not be easily discarded. If the abyss can easily abandon the title level existence, then in this crisis we only need to make no too stupid mistakes. , There is no reason for not blocking it, or the abyss demon is so powerful that it can easily abandon the title level, so we also have no sense of working hard."

If the gap between the two parties is too great, then no matter what strategy they make, it is meaningless.

This is not to give up fighting, but to unwilling to focus limited energy on things that are impossible.

When they formulate strategies, of course they must consider the possibility of their own victory.

If this foundation is lost, will their efforts still make sense?

Therefore, the Moon Sage would not consider the possibility that the Abyss Demon would easily abandon the existence of the title level. This possibility is not unavailable, but there is no need to consider it.

The Star Lord thoughtfully: "You mean, since the abyss will allow a title-level existence to guard Tianzhu Mountain instead of hiding his whereabouts, he will definitely not choose when he can't get away? "

This is a very simple logic, but even smart people often have blind spots in thinking.

Why would the abyss demon let a title-level existence guard Tianzhu Mountain? They will not idle their troops and powers, nor will they easily sacrifice the title level. It is only possible that there is a deep meaning behind them that they cannot understand.

However, even Han Chen's provocative action, they can endure, what is the plot behind this?

"If we can't guess the next plot, Han Chen will be in danger next."

The Star Lord said with a headache, "These two lunatics actually want to continue to assassinate the title-level demon, even if they are not afraid of death, don't they take their equipment seriously? Night demon suit and Bingxue The artifacts on the goddess are all indispensable powers!"

If Han Chen and the Goddess of Ice and Snow had an accident, there was a high probability that the side of the abyss would directly use special methods, and there would be no way to resurrect them.

For example, Han Chen's withering, there are also dark curses among the abyssal demons, and maybe some of them will wither.

Even if it is not withered, it is normal for Legendary to have various means of existence.

If Han Chen and the Frozen Goddess were to fall, even if they were resurrected, their combat effectiveness would be greatly reduced after losing their equipment.

Yue sage smiled and said: "Maybe it is because they are so reckless, on the contrary, they might do things that we can't predict and do!"

The Star Lord nodded: "Yes! The Ice Goddess seems to have recovered her youthful appearance."

Young and frivolous are not always derogatory terms.

Young people let go of all their worries and do reckless things with enthusiasm. Maybe many times they will fall to the ground, but it is this behavior, it is this behavior that does not go through the brain that makes young people People have more possibilities to create miracles.

Han Chen was a young man in their eyes, and when he first entered God's Domain, he challenged all the Tianzhu in a meeting of various forces.

Such behavior, of course, has nothing to do with reason.

Maybe I can find some excuses afterwards to explain this approach, but at that time Han Chen really did this kind of thing based on his own preferences.

"Next, are they going to Tianzhu Mountain No. 7? The title-level demon there is called the shadowless demon. It is said that only the myth-level existence can find its deity. If you can’t find the shadowless for a long time If the devil’s true body is true, even Han Chen and the Frozen Goddess will fall into a bitter battle."

Seeing the changing scenes around Han Chen and the Frozen Goddess, Yue Sage thought about where he could help them, and suddenly her face changed.

"Wait a minute, those abyss demons are stationed next to Tianzhu Mountain. There may be insufficient bait, so there is a possibility that they will not take the net. Then what is the bait they are looking forward to?"

Yue Sage’s expression has changed a bit, "If the forces of Tianzhuyuan cannot break the large space formation, they can only choose the most stupid way to destroy all Tianzhu Mountain, and want to destroy Tianzhu Mountain. It is necessary for me to take action, plus the support of a large number of legions. Could it be that the trap they set is in Tianzhu Mountain itself?"

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