All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 956: The calculation of the abyss demon

Chapter 956: The Calculation of the Abyss Demon

This black wind is really not very lethal to Legendary existence, but if it is aimed at the external avatar, it is completely enough.

Unless it is a shadow clone, otherwise, the external incarnation is essentially a cloud of spiritual energy, as long as it suffers a certain attack, it will directly collapse.

The black wind blew past, but nothing happened.

If it is a normal incarnation, of course it will collapse under the black wind. Those that have not dissipated are the ontology or the incarnation comparable to the ontology.

However, these phantoms are too illusory.

Ordinary avatars still have a certain amount of combat effectiveness, but the phantom that splits out of the Boots of the Night Demon is not at all combat effective.

Even on a certain level, it simply does not exist.

So despite the black wind blowing, these phantoms did not move at all.

Of course, these phantoms don't have any combat power, even if they are expelled with the minimum magic power, they can be dispelled.

"I thought it was a low-level illusion, but I didn't expect to have such an effect."

A look of jealousy bloomed in the eyes of the scrawny demon.

This kind of lowest-level phantom, even as a cover, is somewhat unqualified.

As long as they can see through these phantoms, even ordinary Abyssal Legions can be ignored.

However, it is these lowest-level phantoms that have the characteristics of being inexpellable.

However, when these phantoms were directly ignoring Gang Feng, Han Chen's figure appeared particularly independent once he arrived, and flew in the direction of the dark mage.

"over there!"

These legendary abyssal beings attacked the figure of Han Chen together, and at the same time they attacked, the abyss legion also focused their fire in that direction.

In a blink of an eye, Han Chen's figure disappeared, turning out that this was also an incarnation.

"Unfortunately, we know you too well."

This scrawny demon held up the bone scepter in his hand, stretched his hand towards the void and lightly tapped it, Han Chen's figure suddenly appeared here.

The figure that Han Chen had just appeared in his eyes seemed to be unbelievable.

Unexpectedly, his deity would be found so easily.

"Ha ha......"

A black magic circle wrapped Han Chen and the scrawny demon, and then the devil's triumphant laughter came from the circle.

"Do you think we will focus on that female mage and find a way to interrupt her doomsday natural disaster? It's really naive. We already know the tactics you often use, and you can't Think we will care about the life of the ordinary legion."

When Wu Yuan was preparing for the spellcasting of the Doomsday Scourge, the normal way of thinking was of course to find a way to interrupt the spellcasting of this wizard.

But the abyss is different, they don't care about the lives of their subordinates at all.

For them, the Legion is just a very useful tool. If they can achieve their goals, such a tool can be thrown away at any time.

It is impossible for Han Chen not to know this, and it is impossible not to take this into consideration.

This is their trust in Han Chen's IQ.

Therefore, according to their understanding of Han Chen, the female mage's spellcasting is just a blindfold, a blindfold used to attract their attention.

When their attention was focused on the female mage, Han Chen's preparations for the assassination were completed.

The power of the Doomsday Scourge is indeed great, but this is a mass attack spell. It does not matter to the abyss even if all the legions are dead. As long as Han Chen can be caught, all the sacrifices are worthwhile.

So, as long as there are no dangerous spells against the legendary level, what else do they need to care about?

But, Han Chen would not consider this?

A well-prepared assassination, will it not consider the character of the assassinated object and the choice when facing danger?

Therefore, they knew that Han Chen would have guessed that they would not care about the lives of ordinary legions.

For them, killing Han Chen and Frozen Goddess is the greatest benefit.

"Han Chen, the biggest reason for your failure is that you will be confused by things on the surface."

The shadowless demon who had turned away before suddenly appeared on the edge of the black circle, showing a mad smile, "Choose to assassinate the existence that can see through your traces, and then perform assassinations one by one, his choice There is no problem in itself, but your biggest mistake is to overestimate the deception of your welcome to me."

Han Chen's eyes were full of coldness: "I didn't expect you never left? It was you who saw my trail just now?"

He already understood that this scrawny mage might be able to see something, but the shadowless demon who can really see through the perfect-level shadow domain.

Because in the shadow, he is the most powerful of all the abyss demons.

The Shadowless Demon smiled and said: "When dealing with a top-level assassin, you actually think I will really leave here. This is the biggest mistake you made."

Based on his control of the shadows, he can clearly know that the black magic circle in front of him is Han Chen himself.

Since Han Chen is already under control, what else can he worry about?

The black-robed mage who released the black magic circle urged: "These words can wait until Han Chen is killed and when he persuades the Dianxing Temple to surrender. Just now I have revoked the magic circle against the female mage. Look at that female mage!"

Although this black magic circle has great power, even if it is a title level, it can't escape it, but in addition to preparation time, there is also a weakness that can only maintain one at a time.

Han Chen's body can no longer escape here, so Wu Yuan's direction cannot be maintained.

The Shadowless Demon asked, "How do you know if the body has already been assassinated when I am talking here?"

When he was talking, a figure suddenly appeared in Wu Yuan's shadow, and then raised the black hook and sickle claws in her hand, assassinated towards Wu Yuan's back.

The shadowless demon taunting Han Chen turned out to be just an incarnation.

When he was taunting, he himself had been assassinated.

On the road of assassination, he asked himself the level of assassination, which is absolutely the best.

As long as his hook and sickle claws assassinate forward, Wu Yuan's spellcasting will be interrupted, and when a name-level assassin gets close, her only way to end is death.

However, his figure stopped in this way, because a black dagger was blocking the black hook and sickle claws.

The shadowless demon's pupils shrank: "No, it's impossible..."

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