All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 957: Shadow shuttle

Chapter 957: Shadow Shuttle

When his attack was resisted, Shadowless Demon saw a familiar figure in Wu Yuan's body.

He was wearing black light armor, holding a black dagger in each hand. One of the daggers blocked the hook and sickle claw, and the other pierced the hands of the shadowless demon.

"No, it's impossible—"

The eyes of the Shadowless Demon were filled with incredible shock. Although the outfit of the familiar figure in front of him has changed, there is no doubt that this is Han Chen.

In other words, this is the shadow clone of Han Chen.

What really made him unbelievable was that he had not discovered Han Chen's existence at all.

"Shadow shuttles, how can you shadow shuttles?" The Shadowless Demon roared sternly, "That's a trick that I spent countless years to research out. How could you only see it once and understand all the mysteries? , I don’t believe it, I don’t believe it!"

Perhaps Han Chen's understanding of darkness surpassed him, but it is absolutely impossible to surpass him in the realm of shadows, otherwise he would not survive.

When he was in Han Chen's body, he did not find Han Chen's shadow clone.

However, he was not surprised by this, because according to his understanding of Han Chen, Han Chen should use the shadow clone as a blinding method when actually carrying out a fatal assassination, to withstand the enemy's counterattack, and then the deity launches the strongest attack to ensure A fatal blow.

In fact, his thoughts were correct, because Han Chen did have such plans at the beginning.

He didn't expect it, it was Han Chen's breakthrough and insight.

"In the future, there will be time to explain slowly, but I have no plan to explain the necessity of my methods to all the enemies in this large public."

The black rune style covered the whole body of the shadowless demon. Han Chen's attack just now was not fatal. After all, the sword of the night demon was not placed on the body.

However, it is enough.

Han Chen's dark curse has been able to be achieved, written on all of his equipment and body in advance, and then burst out in an instant when he launches an attack.

In other words, he can release 6 curses on the enemy in an instant.

He chose [Weakness], [Silence], [Erosion], [Petrification], [Withering] and a newly developed curse [Condensation].

[Condensation]: The enemy's body cannot produce any shape changes.

This curse doesn't do any harm, but it can prevent the opponent's body from undergoing changes in form. It looks like a tasteless ability, but it is very useful in many critical situations.

This was originally used to deal with those shapeshifting monsters or some special enemies, but now it is used to deal with shadowless demons that can transform into shadows, and they complement each other.

The eyes of the Shadowless Demon were full of despair, and he felt that the dark curse on his body possessed a particularly high authority, which could seal all the power in his body.

But what made him feel desperate more than the despair that his life was about to die was the trick that Han Chen had just learned, the shadow shuttle.

This is a skill that he has studied for countless years, and finally found out a skill that is not a skill. The reason why he is called the most difficult demon in the abyss is because of this trick.

But he only used it once in front of Han Chen! How could he just learn it like this?

Suddenly, his desperate eyes swept across the void elf on the shoulder of the female mage, and found that the void elf had turned around some time, and looked at him with mocking eyes.

"Could it be that I underestimated this void elf?"

He understands that if it is a Void Elf who really controls the perfect realm, then when the space trap wind traps him, there is already a chance to kill him.

However, what role did such a void elf with no combat experience play in the battle just now? Will you look at him with such a look?

"Wait, will he sacrifice his deity as bait?"

Feeling the pain from the black runes of his body, he gradually recovered a part of his mind from the unbelievable madness, and then realized something that he hadn't thought of just now.

That is, as an assassin, how can you let your deity take risks?

Only an assassin who uses his clone as a bait to fight for his own deity's shots. Where is the assassin who uses his deity as a bait in exchange for his clone to appear on the phone?

Then, he cast a desperate look in the direction of the Dark Mage.


The Shadowless Demon closed his eyes in pain, because he saw a black long sword, Han Chen's iconic weapon, the sword of the night demon, which had pierced the dark wizard's heart from behind.

He knows how powerful the dark wizard's black circle is.

Such a black magic circle can seal most of the legendary existence, even if it has already knocked on the door of the myth domain, it may not be able to escape in the magic circle.

However, there is a demon, and he can't stop it.

That's him, the shadowless demon.

He has mastered the shadow shuttle, and has not announced the power of the shadow shuttle, he can use clever means to escape from this black magic circle. This is also the only shortcoming of the magic circle.

"It turns out that he asked the female mage to prepare for the doomsday natural disaster at the beginning, not just to induce the mage to take action, but to verify whether the shadow shuttle he just learned can pass through the magic circle?"

Although the Shadowless Demon understood something, it was too late.

"No, it's not too late. Although I have no time to deliver this news, as long as the above can resurrect me, then I can publish this piece of information. In this way, we can still catch Han Chen. Opportunity, otherwise..."

The shadowless demon's consciousness gradually dissipated, but he had no doubt about his resurrection.

Because he knows his sneaking methods very well, he understands exactly how deterrent the shadow shuttle is in the realm of legend.

When the Abyss Demon exhausted all means and couldn't capture Han Chen's trace, then they would definitely find a way to resurrect themselves, and only they were the only hope for capturing Han Chen.

So no matter how great the cost of resurrecting yourself in advance, the existence above will definitely pay.

But what he didn't expect was that after his death, his soul did not turn into a spiritual son and disappear, and then looked for an ethereal place for resurrection, but quietly turned into invisible matter, or invisible information, entered In Han Chen's body.

"The soul of the shadowless demon should be of great help to me!"

Feeling the soul lock tower in his body, Han Chen secretly said in his heart.

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