All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 958: Extension of the field


The dark mage looked at the black point of the sword protruding from his chest, his dry eyes suddenly rounded, full of incredible expression.

He has just confirmed that Han Chen should have been blocked by him.

But why did Han Chen appear behind him?

He suddenly recalled what happened before Han Chen's deity was blocked. Before Han Chen's deity was captured, all the phantoms were flying towards them, and then came to them.

In order to ensure that Han Chen's deity was captured, they ignored those phantoms.

Of course, in order to cover people's eyes and ears, they still pretended to use Gangfeng.

Their strategy was of course very successful, successfully capturing Han Chen.

However, when they captured Han Chen's body, those phantoms had already flooded all of them and surrounded them.

For these phantoms without combat effectiveness, of course they chose to ignore them.

After all, the greatest value of these phantoms is to conceal Han Chen's incarnation, but they even found Han Chen's body. Can these phantoms have any effect on them?

"No, he is a legendary existence, and he has reached the pinnacle of existence in the legendary level. How can he learn and delve into a skill that is useless and use it so tasteless. Skills?"

The pupils of the Dark Mage continued to expand, and then thought about the weirdness of Han Chen's actions, and then thought of the blow from behind.

When he was hit by Han Chen's back stab, a phantom came behind him.

"These phantoms are of no use to us, he can't be ignorant, but he still insisted on using phantoms for a part of his mind. If it is assumed that these phantoms are the key to his victory, then these phantoms should have special uses. For example, used as coordinates."

He suddenly thought of the Shadowless Demon, the only existence that could escape from his magic circle, and what he was best at was shadow.

Combining all this information, an incredible guess appeared in his mind.

"Is it a phantom? He can shuttle between phantoms!"

However, he was too late to tell this information.

"Kill Han Chen!"

Those legendary beings saw Han Chen backstab the Dark Mage, and their first reaction was that they couldn't believe it. They couldn't believe that Han Chen had escaped from the dark magic circle so easily.

If even this trick can be easily escaped, what other means can restrict him?

With such an existence, will they still have a chance to catch the trace in the future?

But when they launched the attack, Han Chen and the Dark Mage disappeared at the same time, and then all the phantoms began to return to Wu Yuan's side.

Before this battle began, he had been thinking about the real use of the Night Demon suit.

He used to think that the equipment was based on human beings and used to improve the strength of the users of the equipment, but as a legendary suit, the Night Demon suit had its own pride.

That is, since your strength has not reached a certain level, then obediently build a battle mode based on the suit.

When facing the shadowless demon, he understood that the perfect shadow domain was not the limit.

Perhaps at the level of rules, the shadow area has reached its limit.

If you want to exceed this limit, you can only touch the door of the myth field.

But in terms of use, there are more possibilities.

When Mengmeng was unable to trap the Shadowless Demon using the space cage, Han Chen suddenly thought of a new possibility, that is, when the Shadow Demon acted in the shadow realm, did it really use a spatial level means? ? Or is it that even the physical distance has been jumped over?

Only by surpassing both spatial means and physical actions at the same time can it break through the void cage of the void elves.

If this is the method, then only shadows can do it.

However, the fact that the shadow can pass through the space cage does not mean that the body can pass through.

Then combined with all of this, the true method of the Shadowless Demon is ready to come out.

"He can shuttle directly in the shadows. This breaks the boundary of the essential attributes between the body and the shadows. Otherwise, he can only shuttle in the shadow domain at most, and it is impossible to do it in a place without a domain, or even an enemy Shuttle is also carried out in the field of

It’s nothing to be able to shuttle shadows within the domain, even Han Chen can do it, but the Shadowless Demon obviously has reached a higher level, that is, where there is no domain, or even directly in the shadow domain of the enemy, Perform shadow shuttle.

Although I don't know how the Shadowless Demon did it, Han Chen already had eyebrows.

If you don't go, he originally thought that the body is the body and the shadow is the shadow. Even if the two can exchange positions, the two are quite distinct.

But for the Shadowless Demon, the boundary between the two is not so clear.

Only by breaking the boundaries between the two can we truly incarnate the shadow and realize the shadow shuttle.

Although Han Chen has a deep understanding of the shadows, it is not something that can be done overnight if he wants to reach such a level.

Being able to incarnate the shadow and then into the body is already the limit he can do.

Shadows shuttle, this may be possible in the future, but Han Chen does not have so much time to comprehend.

But just after he understood the methods of the shadowless demon, he had a new idea, that is, he can incarnate the shadow within the shadow domain, but what if the domain can be extended?

So he thought of such a possibility.

"The night demon cloak has a very magical feature, that is, it can hide in the enemy's domain. In addition to not being able to hide its own existence and the enemy's intuition, I want to rely on this skill or the power of the domain to directly gain insight into the night demon. The hiding of the cloak is almost impossible. In other words, the ability of the night demon cloak can be said to exist specifically for restraining the field."

"The sword of the night demon has the ultimate attack power, and can even stack the power of the strongest blow. If I understand this point before I control the perfect domain, I can even rely on the sword of the night demon directly. , Forcibly breaking through the realm."

"If the abilities of these two are related to the domain, do the Boots of the Night Demon also have a certain relationship with the domain?"

"I wear the boots of the night demon and don't wear the boots of the night demon. There is not much difference in other people's domains. At most, I enjoy the bonus of equipment."

"If the Boots of the Night Demon are related to the level of the domain and do not affect other people's domains, will it have a special effect on your own domain?"

When Han Chen's thoughts extended in this direction, he suddenly thought of the skill attached to the Night Demon Boots, the Night Demon Phantom.

This is a very weak, even tasteless ability.

But this ability appeared on the Boots of the Night Demon.

After integrating these contradictions, Han Chen finally understood the true function of the Boots of the Night Demon.

"These phantoms are not phantoms in the traditional sense at all, but are the extension of the shadow domain and the dark domain. Where there are phantoms, they are the places where the darkness and the shadow domain are."

Han Chen who understood this function, although it was only the first attempt, but still exceeded everyone's expectations and completed this impossible assassination.

With Han Chen's delay, Wu Yuan's [Doomsday Scourge] has also been prepared.

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