All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 959: Ice goddess

[Doomsday Scourge] broke out.

Storms, tsunamis, ground fissures, and volcanoes erupted frantically, affecting the elemental forces between the whole world, and a scene of destruction.

Under this ruining scene, countless Abyssal Legions wailed in pain.

And the Doomsday Scourge brought more than just harm.

When the legendary existence uses the Doomsday Scourge, it will “ignite” all the elements in the entire space, causing a turbulent flow of magical elements between the whole world.

So when the elements become chaotic, even if you want to rely on magic defense to resist, you can't do things, you can only rely on yourself.

This caused the entire Abyssal Legion to become useless until the time limit of the doomsday natural disaster passed.

Only legendary existents can fight on the scene.

Only by becoming a legend can you mobilize what you need in this chaotic element.

"It's really interesting!"

The ice goddess licked her lips, showing a look of interest.

She originally wanted to shoot, but when she saw Han Chen's behavior, she felt a little weird, so she paused her plan and started to delay instead.

Even if the attacks of the Abyss Legion are all on her, they will be weakened by the special force field around her and become weak. Even if it is a legendary existence, there are not many powers that can be weakened, but it is also Can't cause any decent harm to her.

Therefore, the reason why Han Chen was able to complete the assassination safely was due to the Ice and Snow Goddess.

Otherwise, facing the siege of more than 20 legendary existences at the same time, even if Han Chen mastered a method similar to the shadowless demon, he could only protect himself.

Seeing Han Chen's successful assassination now, the ice goddess' interest in Han Chen has become more intense, and at the same time, she has also started her own hands.

The Doomsday Scourge made the elements between the whole world and the earth chaotic, but the duration is only 10 seconds. After 10 seconds, the world elements will gradually begin to recover. After 20 seconds, some powerful legions can begin to take action. It's wasted.

Therefore, the ice goddess must hurry up.

"[Frost Ray]!"

A powerful object shot out in a straight line, directly freezing the Starbreaker Demon, turning his huge body that was 30 meters high into an ice sculpture.

The Ice and Snow Goddess knew that this trick could not kill the Star-Smashing Demon. After all, the Star-Smashing Demon was originally a war beast.

But her goal has been achieved.

"[Frost Day Coming]!"

Snow flickering with crystal clear and beautiful luster fell from the sky and filled the entire battlefield, adding another disaster to the scene of the doomsday natural disaster.

The crystal clear and beautiful snowflakes contain a strong murderous intent.

Wherever snowflakes fall, all life is turned into ice.

A demon with double horns on his head, fangs and sharp claws, and a purple cloak on his body waved, and the powerful air current blows away all the snowflakes above him.

He is a title-level demon, called the Extreme Night Demon. The reason why he took this title is because he is confident that he can use his power to bring eternal night to this world.

Of course he also has this confidence, because he himself is a demon clan.

There are many races of abyss creatures. Among them, the life that can give birth to the wisdom of the abyss can be called demon, such as sword demon, sword demon, shadow demon, and bone demon, but above these demon races, there is another commander in charge. The race of the demons is called the demons.

Those ordinary demons, after reaching the legendary level of existence, can all be dubbed the title of demons, but the only ones who can be recognized as demons are the demons.

Just after the polar night demon blew away the snowflakes in the sky, a large number of snowflakes suddenly scattered around him, filling the space around him.

"not good!"

The rich combat experience gave the Demon of the Night a vigilant mind, and the purple brilliance bloomed in his body, extending outward to become a protective shield.

But at this moment, those floating snowflakes suddenly formed a goddess statue 100 meters high.

This statue of the goddess of ice and snow is more than 90% similar to the appearance of the goddess of ice and snow, but the charm seems to be different.

After the statue came out, the Demon of the Extreme Night showed a shocked look in his eyes. He screamed to the ice goddess frantically: "Impossible, you have reached this step? Why have you clearly reached this step? When walking around outside, don’t you fear that your realm will fall down?"

As the royal family among the abyss demons, and the best among the royal family, he certainly has enough knowledge.

He knew that of course the Ice Goddess could not make an ice sculpture casually, so this ice sculpture could only be a sign that the Ice Goddess reached that point.

This mad woman couldn't break through the boundaries of the title level by relying on equipment at all. After knocking on the door of the myth, she walked an unattainable distance on this road.


The ice goddess laughed wildly, "I have lost too much to maintain this realm, but my forbearance is for hope. If I learn from the tortoise, then even if I give me a realm of myth level, why should I? Go for it?"

While she was laughing wildly, the statue of the ice and snow goddess had already opened her eyes, and then folded her hands, holding the polar night demon in her palm.

The legendary demons madly attacked the statue of the goddess, but their attacks did not play any role. Whether it was a physical attack or a spell attack, they would dissipate invisible or change after approaching the statue of the goddess by a distance of one meter. I feel weak.

The goddess of ice and snow opened her hands, and the polar night demon with a look of fear on her face had turned into an ice sculpture, and then turned into icy debris in the sky.

A royal family among the abyss demon, the title of a demon family existed, and it was easily obliterated here.

Looking at the statue of the goddess of ice and snow, the legendary demons had a look of fear in their hearts.

They are not a demon royal family, so they don't understand the origin of this statue, but it is definitely not simple to make the polar night demons show fear.

Fear is contagious, and the fear before the death of the Demon of the Extreme Night has spread to their hearts, making them almost lose the thought of resistance.

Just when they didn’t know whether to continue fighting or flee, the statue of the ice goddess suddenly turned into icy debris, but these icy debris did not casually float, but flew toward the demons who had just attacked the statue. .

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