All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 967: You say yes, so be it...

When Han Chen came to the Dianxing Hall, the Son of Deep Sea also came to Han Chen and Dianxing Hall as the messenger of the deep sea.

"Now is a critical moment for the invasion of the abyss, please click on the Star Palace to release those innocent souls."

Standing in the sky above the Dianxing Temple, the Son of the Deep Sea shouted, "Abyss Demon is the common enemy of intelligent life. Please also Dianxing Hall not to fight in the same room."

Because it is related to the position of intelligent life, even in the deep sea, there must be a justifiable excuse.

Fortunately, they found it.

Those strong men who fell in the presence of Han Chen, their souls have disappeared, and they cannot be resurrected. Obviously, this is a seal.

Under normal circumstances, sealing a legendary existence often costs more than killing a legendary existence, so the price is not high.

Moreover, the existence of the legendary soul is difficult to truly destroy, and it will eventually return.

But at this critical time, as long as it is sealed for decades, it will cause a devastating blow to the forces behind them.

So the Son of the Deep used this name to ask Dianxing Temple to surrender the sealed souls of those people, which logically occupied the righteous status.

As for whether those people will really deal with the abyss with their hearts after they are resurrected, or if they will deal with the earth and the Dianxing Temple in reverse, it may be.

Han Chen was about to go out, but was stopped by the Lord of Stars: "You should do your own thing now. Just leave it to me. If I can kill the Lord of the Deep once, I can kill him a second time."

There is no self-confidence in the tone of the star lord, because he does not need to use the emphasis of the tone to increase his self-confidence.

For him, this is something that could have been done.

Is it necessary to strengthen the tone for something that does not need to be doubted at all?

Han Chen nodded, and then returned to reality.

The command here can be handed over to Li Long. Since the Lord of the Stars said that he does not need to take action, then he really has no need to take action. He only needs to leave an incarnation to watch the battle.

When he reached his current realm, he was able to make his own meaning exist in reality and God's realm at the same time.

Of course, there is only one body that can act at the same time.

After all, it is the incarnation of transcending the world. It would be nice to be able to do this.

Now for Han Chen, the most important thing is to find a passage between the two worlds. If the connection between the two worlds can be found in advance, then the earth can take the initiative.

In contrast, the deep-sea behavior is disgusting, but it is just disgusting.

Seeing Han Chen's soul return to reality, Li Long said to Alizee:

"Go back and help him too! According to the Western world's understanding of Zulong, your conceptual distance should be closer than ours."

Alizee nodded, and then left God's Domain.

The two worlds may be far apart on the spatial level, but in a certain concept, there should be far and near in another sense.

The Western world is the place where the Holy See of Guangming is manifested, so it is closer to the Zulong star, or the glorious Holy See of Zulong star.

After the two left, the Lord of Stars came into the air.

"Even if only one clone came, it seems to know that the deity came and was destined to die here."

The Lord of the Stars calmly said to the Son of the Deep Sea.

Of course he could see that the Son of the Deep Sea came here only as a clone.

This is similar to Han Chen's shadow clone, but a lower-end clone.

The Son of the Deep didn't get the slightest anger, but sneered: "After all, the Dianxing Temple actually accepts such a maddening civilization. We are really not sure what crazy things Dianxing Temple will do in the future. It is good to be careful.

Anyway, he was only an incarnation, how could he lose the battle?

The Lord of the Stars said: "You are here to let us release those souls?"

The Son of the Deep Sea said: "That's right."

"Then you can go."

The Lord of the Stars is concise and concise.

Seeing the attitude of the road to the stars, the son of the deep sea didn't get out of anger, and at any rate he brought some of the deep sea to him, and he was so ignored!

"Lord of the stars, are you trying to conspire with the abyss?"

The son of the deep sea immediately buckled the big hat to the lord of stars.

When the abyss invades, imprisoning the souls of comrades-in-arms is a manifestation of betrayal.

Under normal circumstances, this is indeed the case.

However, the star lord showed a mocking smile on his face.

"Hehe, conspiracy with the abyss? You say yes, then so be it!"

Hearing the Lord of the Stars "admitted" frankly, the Son of the Deep Sea panicked.

The Lord of Stars dared to admit it frankly, but he dared not continue to put this hat on the head of the Lord of Stars because he was not qualified.

And not dare.

Today's Dianxing Temple, the Ice and Snow Goddess, and Han Chen and others are the key to dealing with the abyss. Although the deep sea is powerful, it is only based on the righteous name, which makes Dianxing Temple cast a rat stopper.

If the Lord of the Stars was charged with a crime indiscriminately, and the Lord of the Stars really didn’t care about fame and really conspired with the Abyss, then the Lord of the Stars would certainly bear the infamy, but the Son of the Deep Sea who forced the Lord of the Stars against him , Will also be targeted at the pillar of shame.

Surrendering to the enemy and pushing one's own people into enemies are of the same nature.

At least the deep sea will not protect him.

A mere son of the deep sea is not the lord of the deep sea. Even if his soul is completely wiped out, the deep sea can choose the next heir.

But if the deep sea really forced the master of the stars from the position of dealing with the abyss to the position of dealing with the gods together with the abyss, then the deep sea would be gone.

So, compared with an heir, which one is more important?

As if seeing the panic of the Son of the Deep Sea, the Lord of Stars continued to mock:

"What? Why are your deep-sea army still here? Is it because you want to eliminate the rebellion of our intelligent life camp?"

The Son of the Deep only felt that his heart felt more bitter.

What is this called!

I originally thought that the deep sea army was stationed at the periphery of Dianxing Hall to put pressure on Dianxing Hall. As long as he exerts a little pressure, it will be able to sustain the war until the end of the war. However, what I did not expect is that the Lord of the Stars will give things away in a few words. Turned upside down, it was the deep sea that felt the pressure.

However, I can't just hold back!

The Son of the Deep gritted his teeth, and then said loudly: "We came here only to request the release of the souls of our comrades in arms. If Dianxing Temple disagrees, then don't blame us for facing each other."

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