All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 968: They never fail

The Son of the Deep Sea has made up his mind, anyway, he has come to force the Lord of the Stars to release his "comrade-in-arms", this is righteous.

No matter what the Lord of the Stars said, that is not true.

As long as he insists on this firmly, he doesn't have to worry about it.

As long as the name goes well, there is nothing to be afraid of.

If the Lord of the Stars does not agree, then the Lord of the Stars is a hypocritical villain. Even if the Deep Sea imposes some sanctions on the Dianxing Temple, it is reasonable.

However, what he didn't expect was that the Lord of the Stars heard these words and just spoke lightly:

"Weapon is facing each other? Okay, let's go to war! I will give you five hours to transmit troops. After five hours, all enemies within the sphere of influence of my Point Star Palace will be swept away."

Is this going to war?

The Son of the Deep felt a little dumbfounded.

He is only responsible for threatening the Lord of the Stars and letting them release those souls! Why did it become a real war?

Just when he wanted to continue to say something, he suddenly felt that his clone began to disintegrate, turning into aura and dissipating between the world.

Before his clone dissipated, the last voice he heard was:

"Feng Yu Ge has never failed, they just haven't succeeded yet."

Wind and Rain Pavilion?

The body of the Son of the Deep opened his eyes, with doubts in his eyes.

"Feng Yu Ge has never failed, what do they want to do?"

Hearing the words of the Son of the Deep Sea, the pupil of the Lord of the Deep Sea who originally wanted to ask questions shrank.

"What were you talking about? What Fengyu Pavilion has never failed?"

The Son of the Deep looked at the Lord of the Deep, who was full of fear, and recounted all the negotiation process with some doubts, and asked doubtfully:

"The Fengyu Pavilion's detachment has failed, and their failure is only because of their incompetence, which has let down the high hopes of the Lord of the Stars. Why would the Lord of the Stars say that they have never failed?"

The Lord of the Deep Sea was silent for ten seconds before slowly saying: "You should know about Fengyuexing back then!"

The Son of the Deep nodded: "Of course I remember, after all, such a naive civilization is rare in God's Domain, and we have also absorbed a lot of nutrients from the corpse of this civilization."

Wind and Rain Pavilion is a force created by Fengyuexing civilization. When this civilization develops, it has received strong support from the Lord of the Stars and has also become an overlord.

Later, the abyss invasion happened suddenly.

At that time, Fengyuexing, that is, Fengyuge naively regarded the Intelligent Life Alliance as one thing, so he stood at the forefront of resisting the invasion of the abyss, and paid a huge price to repel the invasion of the abyss, and was the camp of intelligent life. Made great contributions.

But shortly afterwards, Fengyuexing ushered in the disaster of extinction.

Because of the loss of a large amount of troops in the process of resisting the abyss, many masters of Fengyuexing had not had time to resurrect, and they were attacked by the major forces of Tianzhuyuan and ushered in the disaster of extinction.

This kind of thing is commonplace for Tianzhuyuan, after all the enemies have been wiped out, then the alliance of intelligent life can be disintegrated.

It is common for them to betray their allies.

What's more, in their concept, the betrayal after the war is over is a new round of war.

So no one accuses them, because in the concept of God's Domain, it is taken for granted.

One can only blame Fengyuge for being so stupid, that even the power to protect itself has not been left behind. Even if such a stupid civilization has some development potential, it cannot escape the fate of destruction.

In the long history of God's Domain, there are countless civilizations that have been eliminated in this way, and even if one Fengyuexing is added, it will be nothing, and there will be no waves at all.

As for the Dianxing Palace, they were also in a period of weakness and could not save Fengyuge and Fengyuexing.

Thinking of this, the Son of Deep Sea sneered: "The Wind and Rain Pavilion has been eroded and disintegrated. After such a long period of time, they should no longer have the appearance of their hometown in their memory. Unexpectedly, the Lord of the Stars still remembers it. Do you still want to fight for Fengyu Pavilion a chance of detachment?"

"No, you are wrong."

The face of the Lord of the Deep Sea was a little solemn, "What Fengyuexing wants to do is not just detachment. What those lunatics really want to do is to change the rules of God's Domain."

The Son of the Deep said with a smile: "Don't the rules of God's Domain also change frequently? Is it possible that they still want to let the huge God's Domain follow their will to change?"

The rules of God's Domain are not set in stone, and will be modified as the times change.

But no matter how the rules are changed, the ultimate goal is to cultivate the strong.

In this process, it is not that there are some lunatics who feel that God's Domain has some problems with the mode of cultivating the strong, and then they arrogantly want to replace the model of God's Domain with their own model of cultivating the strong.

But such lunatics were eventually eliminated by God's Domain.

Yes, it is elimination, not punishment and destruction.

God's Domain will never reject new models and new paths. If you feel that your own model of cultivating the strong can surpass the existing model of God's Domain, then you can try it yourself. If your civilization can survive in God's Domain, then The rules you create may be integrated into the realm of God.

But if you fail, God's Domain will not punish you.

Because of the consequences of failure, that is to be eliminated.

This is a natural selection process as well as an artificial selection process.

Survival of the fittest is nothing more than that.

Fengyuexing is such a naive and ignorant civilization. You feel that your own method of cultivating strong people can replace God's Domain, but in the end it can only prove your failure.

Maybe the reason is that they are too naive, but God Realm only looks at the result.

The Lord of the Deep said: "You are not yet a title-level existence, so in that battle, you are not qualified to participate in the real battlefield. Fengyuexing is far more powerful than what you see. If the position exists, Fengyuexing is likely to become the second Tiangong clan."

The second Tiangong tribe?

The Son of the Deep opened his eyes wide, his eyes filled with unbelievable expressions.

He is also slightly aware of the strength of the Tiangong clan.

That was the terrible existence that nearly unified the realm of Gods. Seven gods were born in a clan. What a terrible power is this?

Unfortunately, they met the first elf king.

No one knows how the first elf king did it. He was able to go deep into the hinterland of the Tiangong clan with his own power, behead the seven gods in the enemy's territory, and then bathe the blood of the seven gods and set foot on the myth.

Could it be that Fengyuexing almost turned into such a terrifying civilization?

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