All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 970: Legendary secret

"Master, stop joking."

Lao Huai swayed the branches and leaves, and made a helpless voice, "I haven't even reached the third level of the epic level, let alone the legendary level."

Alizee looked at Han Chen in disbelief: "You said, do you have a way to make people become legends?"

It's no wonder that she was so surprised, since it was from Han Chen's mouth, there was a certain possibility of completion.

But it is too terrible to make people become legendary.

In God's Domain, every method that can improve the possibility of a person becoming a legendary level is regarded as a treasure by the major forces and will not be spread at all.

And it only increases the likelihood of success.

If there is no possibility of becoming a legend, no matter how you improve, the success rate is 0.

She knew that Lao Huai did help Han Chen a lot at the beginning, but its realm was built up with the help of Han Chen.

The Dryad itself grew very slowly, and now he has not even reached the epic peak.

Han Chen said: "The three epic realms are the three levels of descent development for the human race. For the native races, they are also the use of power. Being able to reach the pinnacle of the third realm really represents possession. It is possible to become a legend, but this does not mean that there is an inevitable connection between the two."

Alizee's eyes lit up: "Could that..."

If this method can be popularized, is the earth still afraid of this crisis?

Even if the total number of Tianzhuyuan was added, the number of Legendary grades was only more than one hundred, plus the last catastrophe, plus this fall, only more than 80 survived.

If there can be more than a hundred legendary levels, then even if it is Tianzhuyuan, the earth can go sideways.

Han Chen shook his head: "If it can be popularized, do you think I will not do it?"

Alizee’s eyes dimmed. Han Chen’s mind for the earth will not change. If this method is not limited, then just find some legions, especially those loyal and loyal soldiers of China, and let them break through. , Has long been able to sweep.

Lao Huai's tone was a little excited: "The master can really make me a legend?"

Han Chen raised his brows: "Why, don't you believe me?"

Lao Huai hurriedly said: "Believe, I believe everything the master says."

It is Han Chen's contract pet and knows Han Chen very well.

Han Chen has already created many miracles in the past, why can't he continue to do so?

"This kind of thing is not 100% successful, so before breaking through, I will first popularize some legendary conventional breakthrough methods."

Han Chen sat cross-legged on the ground and began to teach, while Alizee listened silently.

"The biggest gap between the existence of the Legendary and the existence of the Epic is in the field of rules. The Legendary can already use rules and control the rules, and through their own understanding of skills, they can use an ordinary skill to the limit. Even if it is just a small fireball, if the spell penetration reaches 300%, it is very terrifying. This is also the root of the legendary existence."

"However, before the legend, there were too many ways to improve one's strength, whether it was equipment, lineage, skills or potions, there were many strange methods, the core of which was the level of lineage, because increasing lineage can directly improve attributes and skills. Effect, this is the foundation for all strengthening methods to exert their power."

If the attributes are not enough, even if it is a skill that can be increased by ten times as much as twenty times the body, it will not have much effect.

So attributes are the foundation of everything.

There are only two ways to improve attributes. The first is to improve one's level, and the second is to improve one's life level.

However, if you want to improve your level, instead of becoming a stepping stone for others to improve your level, then the level of life is the root of everything.

This is common sense that everyone knows.

"The promotion of life level can be accumulated by external objects. The most common way is to sacrifice. Use a large amount of life as a sacrifice, and directly draw a large amount of life power to concentrate on a person, as long as he can integrate these The strength of life can be absorbed to increase."

"But the limit raised by this method is the epic level. To reach the legendary level, in addition to sufficient vitality for accumulation, it also requires an understanding of the rules."

"The comprehension of the rules is the most difficult part."

"Rules are something invisible and intangible. If you don’t understand the rules, then there is no way to improve even if you want to improve. So the entry to the rules is the most difficult level, but God's Domain directs the most difficult level. Simplified, this simplified method is skill."

At this point, Alizee was thoughtful.

"You mean that skill itself is the embodiment of the rules?"

Han Chen said: "Yes, take the three laws of mechanics in physics as an example. The so-called rules are the basic principles of the three laws, and the so-called skills are actually formulas based on the three laws. If you want to solve problems If you do, you only need to learn the formula, but if you want to go one step further, you must study the essence behind this law."

Most of the skills can be displayed as long as there is a skill book, at most, the effect of the cast is slightly poor, or the attributes are not enough to be displayed.

Therefore, the setting of the skill book is a way for God's Domain to foster.

Of course, this accelerated growth is not necessarily bad, because human life is inherently limited. If you need to study the principles of skills one by one before releasing, then most of the time will be mistaken for learning instead of researching. Up.

Alizee said: "No wonder you have always emphasized the importance of combat awareness, because the higher the combat awareness, it does not mean the more thorough the use and understanding of skills. When the understanding of skills reaches a certain level, it will naturally be able to break through. That's the limit.

Therefore, it is not that the existence of the legendary level can surpass the limitations of the skills themselves and exert their power beyond the limits, but only when they reach this state can they become legends. "

Han Chen said: "Yes, the understanding of the rules, the external performance is the understanding of skills."

Alizee said: "But, after you have said it for so long, I still don't understand what method you are going to use to make people directly become legends. Is it possible that you can directly improve one's perception of tricks? Pass the perception of skills to another person? This kind of thing can only rely on the accumulation of experience."

Han Chen said: "We can't look at things in the old way. Even experience can be passed on. I'm an example."

"You just... wait, could it be said?"

Alizee suddenly thought of Han Chen's past experience. Han Chen was born with excellent fighting consciousness. She originally thought it should be born. After all, she was also born to be good at fighting. It is normal to have someone stronger than herself.

However, Han Chen's fighting consciousness was actually acquired?

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