All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 971: guess

Alizee took a deep breath and said, "Do you know what this means?"

If what Han Chen said is true, it means that people can skip the step of becoming a legend and then go to the sky.

However, Han Chen's words still let her dispel the idea of ​​letting the earth rise to the sky in one step.

"Don't say that this method has not been studied successfully. Even if the study is successful, it will only be a graft or transfer of combat experience and consciousness. If you want to create out of thin air, it still depends on the subjective initiative of everyone. The unique advantage of intelligent life."

Similar means, the inspiration actually came from Han Chen's innate awakening.

Everyone will be gifted a skill when entering the domain of God, and this skill is often the best direction for the player's future development.

And Han Chen's skill is congenital awakening.

This skill allows him to inherit the experience and insight of an ancient strong man, and he is in a terrible position in the early stage.

Someone once said with emotion: "If there were a few more Han Chens on the earth, it would be fine."

The speaker has no intention and the listener has the heart.

After Han Chen heard this, he immediately hit his mind on the innate awakening of his skills.

To say that Han Chen is a selfless person, it is definitely not. Han Chen has always followed the principle of putting others first.

As the saying goes, if you are poor, you will be good at yourself, and if you are good at the world, if Han Chen is to carry forward his kindness, then first let Han Chen develop himself.

Only by taking care of himself and the people around him, Han Chen will carry forward his selfless style.

However, compared to those who did not want the people around him to be equally developed even after they developed, Han Chen appeared a lot more selfless.

So in the early stage, after gaining enough benefits from experience, he also risked exposing his secrets and announced those very important information to the world.

Similarly, on the premise of taking good care of his family, Han Chen has never escaped his responsibilities as a Chinese citizen.

So now that he has gained enough benefits from innate awakening, it is not unacceptable for Han Chen to try to transfer such a method to others.

If the earth can be safe, then does it matter whether the guardian of the earth is himself?

Especially in the past few years of concentrated research in the Soul Locking Tower, Han Chen has not relaxed the research in this area, and has made many attempts.

Such attempts are not without results, but they are also very hopeless.

Combat experience and combat awareness are not vain. At the level of soul, this type of thing is the same as equipment and is a real thing, but forging equipment requires materials, but forging combat experience requires time and soul. .

Therefore, if you pass on the fighting experience of the strong to the weak, instead of letting the weak learn from the strong, then the experience of the strong will disappear.

This is like the strong handing over equipment to the weak. At the soul level, combat experience and combat consciousness are a kind of equipment that can grow.

After reaching this conclusion, Han Chen understood that this tricky road was not desirable.

But it is not entirely undesirable.

It is equivalent to that if you want to cultivate a legendary existence, you have to sacrifice another legendary existence, and the process of this transfer will also cause loss.

After some explanation, Alizee smiled bitterly: "I don't know why, but I feel relieved after listening to you explain this."

Han Chen smiled and said: "This is normal. If people know that they have worked hard or accumulated wealth, others can also obtain it through the same means as copying, it is personally unbalanced. It's easier to accept robbery instead."

Alizee shook her head: "I feel relieved, because if fighting experience can be copied, rather than learning or transfer, then the meaning of people's progress will be locked, compared with those who know how to create wealth compared to those who know how to create wealth. , And the process of creating wealth is something more meaningful."

Han Chen nodded, labor is sacred, this is China's concept.

Although this concept has accepted many challenges, it has never been obliterated.

As the so-called richness is only three generations, whether it is to pass on wealth or status to future generations, it has never been reliable for future generations to master the ability to acquire these things.

Even the entertainment of playing games has to be compared with the tiring study and work.

At this moment, an aura flashed in Han Chen's mind.

"God's Domain is the existence that is the least good at creating, but good at copying. As long as the soul information is there, then whether it is medicinal materials, wild monsters, or various precious materials, they can actually be copied directly, even if it is destroyed. Energy is consumed directly for recovery, and this energy is still conserved."

"In other words, if God's Domain wants a large number of warriors, then only a god-level existence needs to be copied, and then a large number of gods can be born. According to the memory and experience of the Darkborn, God's Domain should be able to do this. Things."

"However, God's Domain did not do this."

"If God's Domain is really like a machine for cultivating strong people without emotion, then God's Domain shouldn't care about the process of the final product."

"There is also technology. God's Domain is very advanced in technology, but it is forbidden to use any technological means to fight, at most it can be used in communication and entertainment, or auxiliary functions such as virtual maps and records. Use it directly in combat in any form."

"While technological weapons are restricted, the use of equipment is allowed and encouraged to be used, so what is the essential difference between equipment and technological weapons? Since God's Domain exists for the purpose of cultivating the strong, and it is strengthened through equipment It is no different from strengthening through technological weapons."

"The biggest difference is that the equipment is man-made. During the production of the equipment, it is given the attribute of labor."

"No, technological weapons are also man-made, but there are some differences in the way of creation, but why must they be banned by God's Domain?"

"But one thing is certain, that is, standing at the highest point of God's Domain, they think that technological weapons are useless."

"This uselessness is not because of insufficient lethality, but that it cannot achieve the effect they want, or that it cannot achieve their goal."

"Then what does God's Domain want to be a strong person? What is the ultimate goal of God's Domain? Transcendence, is it really eternal after escape?"

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