All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 972: Innately awakened promotion

Is it really eternal after detachment?

When this thought arose in Han Chen's mind, a little anxiety emerged.

This kind of uneasy feeling is not too much, because he knows from the memory of the dark descendants that those detached beings are able to open up a pure land in the realm of God, which is why some desperate people will pin their hopes on The same applies to the new civilization.

If the people they had hoped for escaped successfully, then they would also have their share in the pure land that they opened up.

Even some powerful detachments can create a holy place.

The Night Demon Holy Land was created by a strong man.

However, sometimes what you see is not necessarily the truth, or even if you see the truth, it is only a small part of the truth.

"God's Domain, cultivating powerful people, does not rely on technological weapons. There are also some beings in the universe that are beyond our imagination. That's why God's Domain has already told us all the answers."

Thinking of this, a wry smile appeared in Han Chen's heart involuntarily.

In fact, the answers to all questions were told to every player as early as when they entered God's Domain.

What is the role of the strong? Isn't it used to fight?

So what is the purpose of cultivating the strong in God's Domain? Of course it is also used to fight!

This is why there is a novice area at the beginning, from novice village to novice city, from novice city to dynasty, dynasty, step by step, into the realm of God.

But integrating into God's Domain is not the end.

When you detach from the vast expanse of the realm of God, from this place full of wars and killings, become the existence of detached from the realm of God, and after you have achieved the true meaning of eternity, you are still facing battle.

Seeing the confused and complicated look in Han Chen's eyes, Alizee didn't bother.

She felt that Han Chen must have thought of something very important, or had a deep understanding, anyway, there is nothing urgent now, it is better not to disturb her.


Han Chen let out a foul breath, then smiled at Lao Huai, who had been expecting him, but was afraid to say it, "Okay, let's start."

With that said, his thoughts moved Lao Huai into the Soul Locking Tower.

The core of the soul-locking tower is only accessible to souls, and the player's pet is also bound to the player in the form of soul information, so that the player can be continuously resurrected.

Therefore, it is also possible to bring pets into the Soul Lock Tower.

After arriving at the Soul Locking Tower, the first thing Lao Huai saw was 36 blue lights.

"What is this?" Lao Huai felt the powerful aura from those blue lights, which made it shudder from the soul.

Han Chen explained: "This is the soul of legendary beings."

36 legendary existences...

Although Lao Huai was a tree demon, he still felt that he had a tingling scalp. He turned out to be 36 legendary souls. What did his master do during this time!

Before you know it, are there so many legendary existences that have died in the hands of the master?

Han Chen said with regret: "It's a pity that this soul-locking tower can hold 36 souls. If you want to install more, you must improve the soul-locking tower itself."

He killed the legendary existence the most in reality. After his first debut after three years of silence, he directly killed 9 legendary existences.

After that, none of the legendary existences that invaded the earth can go back alive.

Originally, they were able to save their soul information in God's Domain, but since they had been caught by Han Chen, they could only be installed in the Soul Lock Tower.

Even if he was not killed by his own hands, as long as he was there, he would have a certain chance to put the opponent's soul into the soul lock tower.

Among these blue lights, the most powerful souls are the Lord of the Snow Field and the Lord of Blue Sky, as well as the seven abyssal demons who were killed by him.

This is the existence of the 9 title level, their souls are simply priceless.

Han Chen took off one of the blue lights and said to Lao Huai: "This is the soul of a sage of the Wood Spirit Clan. The Wood Spirit Clan is a variant of the Dryad, and it is the most suitable for you. It understands the laws of nature. Very profound, as long as you can digest it successfully, you can become a legend."

Lao Huai said excitedly, "Thank you, Master."

When it first opened its spiritual wisdom, it yearned for the outside world, but after walking around the outside world, it suddenly discovered that the outside world was really bad.

Although it signed a contract with Han Chen, it could be resurrected after it died, but death always tasted bad.

More importantly, when wandering on the edge of life and death every day, where is there time to enjoy the beauty of life?

Therefore, its yearning for the outside world quickly faded.

The day of fighting is not what it expected.

However, it also has concerns about the owner in its heart. If it has been so useless, will the owner replace it?

At first, it was able to take on the task of detection, but later, after Han Chen's teammates increased, its detection function gradually faded.

Later, it can only guard the home.

However, after the establishment of the Sky City, it suddenly discovered that even if it was a guardian, its role was not so great, it was simply dispensable.

This discovery makes it very frustrating.

The Dryad itself is a slow-growing creature, and its growth rate is actually not too slow. After all, it has grown into an epic second-stage existence within a few years. Even with the help of Han Chen, in the Dryad China can be regarded as a talented existence.

However, how much help Han Chen can be to Han Chen with a mere epic level?

And now, it finally has a chance to become a legendary existence.

Even if the breakthrough fails, you can accumulate test items and experience for the master's experiment, and accumulate enough experience for the master's next success.

The soul of the sage of the Wood Spirit Race gradually dissipated, turning into soul fragments and entering Lao Huai's body.

Inside the Soul Locking Tower, the essence of the soul is at a glance.

However, if it wasn't for Han Chen's own talent or congenital awakening, it would be impossible to do such a thing.

"In fact, there is another drawback to this approach, that is, those who have inherited it may conflict with the previous soul and cause waste. There is also a greater drawback, that is, they will be stigmatized."

Han Chen exhorted, "So, if you can really become a legend, then it's enough, don't be greedy, otherwise, it will only backfire."

Lao Huai has now fallen into a painful soul transformation. Hearing Han Chen's words, he couldn't help but said: "Master, I am thankful that I can become a legend. There is no room for choice!"

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