All Heavens Mobile Games

Chapter 973: New ideas

"Or is my request too high?"

Han Chen smiled bitterly.

He suddenly remembered a sentence, the heights are too cold.

If a person stands too high, he will really feel cold because of loneliness. This is the cold from the heart and also comes from loneliness.

He is relatively lucky, because Wu Yuan is also a genius, able to keep up with him.

But he was also unfortunate, and he couldn't appreciate many of the fun at the bottom.

He couldn't empathize with the ideas of ordinary people and ordinary life.

For a moment, he felt as if he understood those legendary existences in God's Domain. Maybe the god-like status they created for him was just a manifestation of loneliness!

But no matter how considerate, as an enemy, to do everything possible to solve them is to respect the enemy.

The process of Lao Huai's fusion of soul fragments was unexpectedly difficult for Han Chen.

At the beginning, Han Chen was directly inherited from the ancients because of his innate awakening ability. The whole process was like a dream. There was no difficulty and simplicity at all.

But putting it on Lao Huai's body was like shattering the soul inch by inch, and then regrouping, the pain in it was unimaginable.

He even wanted to interrupt this process, but from Lao Huai's soul message, there was a message to continue.

"If it was me, I wouldn't be willing to be surpassed by my companions!" Han Chen sighed inwardly.

For him, Lao Huai is not the status of servants and pets, but his family.

Since you are your own family, you should show respect.

The way to show respect to the people around you is not to say "I am for your own good", and then make decisions for the other party without authorization, and forcibly help the other party decide everything.

The true expression of respect for the other party should be respect for the other's free will.

Because Lao Huai also had his own ideas, Han Chen respected his ideas. If he gave up, then Han Chen would definitely interrupt the process, but since he chose to continue, Han Chen would only watch it silently.

But what made Han Chen feel at ease was that this process continued.

This means that his thinking is not wrong, but there have been some twists and turns on the road to the predetermined result.

"Although the wood spirit tribe and the tree demon come from the same origin, and even many wood spirit tribes themselves are transformed from demons, the two have gone on different paths after all, so they cannot be generalized. In this process, some Conflicts are also normal."

"If you can continue to improve, then as long as you catch an enemy legend, you can help your own people and add another legend."

"No, if the legend is a door, then the hidden law in the skill is the key to open the door, but when the door is opened, the understanding of the law will advance by leaps and bounds, so take it out of this treasure house. Is the thing equivalent to many keys?"

"If this is the case, then as long as the soul of a legend machine is divided into several different pieces, will it be able to help several people open the door of the legend field at the same time?"

"Of course this success rate may decrease, but for those who are already likely to become legends, or those who are only one foot away from legends, even if they are only on this foot, for them Adding a small bargaining chip can also help them break through."

Thinking of this, Han Chen suddenly felt that there was a bright future ahead.

And such a possibility is not non-existent.

This has another advantage, that is, the influence of the previous soul will be smaller.

Just as Han Chen had the memory of the Darkborn, he would feel the same for the demise of Aqua Blue Star. It was as painful as his own hometown was also destroyed, and the despair for the Darkborn was the same, even if it was his own character. Some have changed in the direction of the Darkborn.

Of course, this does not mean that he has really become the second Darkborn, this is a normal change.

Sometimes, even if a person is reading a book or watching a movie, he may become stronger with emotion, or may become depressed after encountering a certain event. Does this mean that this person will become another person?

No, this is just a normal change of emotional resonance.

As long as it does not completely abandon the past, it is a normal change in the growth process.

Han Chen has experienced the life of a dark-born person. Although it is like a dream, the changes to himself are far greater than the changes in reading a few books and watching a few inspirational movies.

"But why is there some anxiety in my heart?"

Although Lao Huai's breakthrough required a certain amount of time and some twists and turns, Lao Huai's soul was in his contract and was under his own control.

However, Han Chen still felt uneasy.

The source of this anxiety is not Lao Huai, but other aspects.

For example, the soul suit that Han Chen has been studying.

"My new version of the soul suit also has the same characteristics, that is, it is based on legendary soul fragments and uses sealed epic souls as energy sources. It should be different from the past soul suits."

"But, why did the once powerful Tiangong tribe perish?"

"What the **** did I overlook?"

Han Chen thought hard, he always felt that he had overlooked a very important factor, and it was a very important factor, and could even determine the direction of future wars.

"what exactly is it?"

While Han Chen was thinking about meditation, the army of the deep sea had already assembled.

During this process, Li Long originally wanted to send the Chinese Legion and the Dragonborn Legion that Wenren had broken, but was stopped by the Lord of Stars.

"I will not interfere in your path, because I am a person who doesn't know what the right path is, but at least I can do one thing. Since I say this is a safe haven, I will never allow anyone. It violates my majesty here."

The meaning of the Lord of the Stars is obvious. If it is outside the sphere of influence of the Dianxing Temple, then he will not interfere too much, and at most it will save you when you ask for help.

But since it was at the door of the Dianxing Temple, it would be impossible for others to show off.

In fact, Li Long would like to ask, why didn't your old people expel them from your sphere of influence last time?

However, considering that the earth still needs the Lord of the Stars, he still did not ask.

The Lord of the Stars seems to have seen his thoughts and explained to the incarnations of Li Long and Han Chen: "I see hope in you, but it does not mean that my hope will be placed on you. Then you My own performance is too bad, then I will not continue to add sunk costs."

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